February 11, 2024

“To fall in love with yourself is the first secret to happiness.” – Robert Morley

Happy (Almost) Valentine’s Day! I want to share with you a lightly-edited annual fan-favorite post to remind you that the official “day of love” is the perfect time to rev up your self-love.

However you choose to spend your Valentine’s Day – with your sweetheart, a four-footed pal, a BFF, or just enjoying your own company – I hope you feel LOVED.  The most important person on the planet for you to love is YOU.

If you are not being loved, appreciated, respected or treated right by someone else (a boss, teacher, romantic partner, friend, Team member, co-worker, etc.), remember that The Law of Attraction says, energy attracts like energy.” Therefore, if you recognize that you are attracting people into your life who do not seem to be honoring and valuing you (especially if you notice a pattern among several people), it’s a good idea to honestly assess how you are feeling about and treating yourself.

I have always loved two quotes from psychologist Dr. Phil McGraw and I often share them with clients who complain when someone behaves badly toward them:

“No one will ever value you more than you value yourself.”

“We teach other people how to treat us.”

If you want to love others more, you first need to love YOU, human shortcomings and all.  Remember, God/The Universe could never create anything less than perfect. Therefore, you are a masterpiece.

There are two things I believe all successful people have in common: Self confidence and Self-esteem.  The former is you believing that you are capable.  The latter is you believing that you are lovable.

If you were raised by well-meaning parents to believe that loving yourself displeases your Creator because it is “prideful” or “selfish” or “stuck up,” here is a different spiritual outlook from my favorite positive-thought pastor, Joel Osteen:

 “Love Yourself (By Joel Osteen)

Jesus said that if you don’t love yourself in a healthy way, you will never be able to love others in the way that you should. This is why some people don’t have good relationships. If you don’t get along with yourself, you’ll never get along with others. We all have weaknesses, shortcomings, and things that we wish were different. But if you see yourself as less than, not talented, and not valuable, you will become exactly that. If you feel unattractive on the inside, you will convey feelings of unattractiveness. That’s going to push people away. You carry yourself the way you see yourself.

People see you the way you see yourself. Perhaps if you quit focusing on your flaws and start loving yourself in a healthy way, being proud of who God made you to be, then as you send out these different messages, it’s going to bring new opportunities, new relationships, and new levels of God’s favor.”

Remember, there are only two opinions about you that truly matter: Yours and your Creator’s. If you steer your life by those, not only will you be happy and successful, you also will be able to radiate your healthy self-love out to the rest of the world and make a positive difference in the lives of many others.  And I can promise you that you will feel loved and valued in return.

PLEASE NOTE: The blog is taking next weekend off.  Your next fresh Cup of Caroll will arrive on Sunday February 25. 

Coaching Results

“Coaching with Caroll has been very helpful in manifesting a romantic partner who will be perfect for me. The detailed “Ideal List” she had me create has been such a useful tool for providing clarity.  It made me think of all the specific qualities I really want in a mate. It’s become a huge time-saver when I meet someone new, because I now have a very detailed list of all the traits I am looking for….Thanks to this coaching and my Ideal List, I am now choosing what a want, rather than who wants me.” – J.C., musician and Inspiring Speaker

********** MAKE THIS YOUR TIME TO SHINE ***************

Is it time for you to give yourself the priceless gift a positive mindset tune-up?  I invite you to take advantage of a truly unique opportunity – a F.R.E.E. hour of Success Breakthrough Coaching with no strings attached.  This is my kindness contribution to YOU! I promise to help you gain clarity on your Big Goals for 2024 and exactly what it will take for you to reach them. Slots are very limited, so contact me ASAP to schedule your F.R.E.E., no obligation phone coaching session: caroll@practicalprosperitycoach.com

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