June 12, 2022

“Out of difficulties grow miracles.” – Jean De La Bruyere

You may be suffering through a “drought” right now in your life’s garden – in your finances, love, health, creativity or joy.  If that’s the case, please know that things can and WILL improve. Or you may be enjoying an abundant harvest and filled with gratitude.  If things are good now, get prepared for GREAT.

We can’t always control what happens to us, but we have complete power over our response, and that determines what will happen next. It all starts between your ears.

One of my clients has proven this in a spectacular way. When we started coaching, she wanted to triple her income from her new job. She was ready to excel, so she engaged me to teach her how to use the Law of Attraction (“energy attracts like energy”) to rapidly build her client base by creating the right energy for success.

Right out of the gate, she loved all the positive mindset tools I gave her, used them faithfully and told me they made her feel happy and made her expect the best.  Pretty soon, she said she couldn’t imagine getting through a day without them.

Still, not much had improved yet in her outer circumstances.

In fact, things seemed to be going backwards at first. She quickly discovered that her new company hadn’t made the pay structure clear to her.  She thought she would have at least a modest base salary and then be rewarded with commissions when she brought in new business.  But it turned out that her income would come entirely from sales commissions.

There were quick results in gaining great industry contacts, who praised her positive energy and supported her with referrals to potential new clients. But mid-way into our four-month coaching timeframe, she was still a long way from achieving the five-figure monthly income goal she had set as her Big Intention.

Nevertheless, she kept a positive attitude, always did her BEST, and focused on being of service to others in every way she could. Most importantly, she learned to express abundant gratitude daily, not just for all the good things in her life right now, but also in ADVANCE for the outcome she was committed to creating.

Without a doubt, the hardest part about harnessing the power of The Law of Attraction is to let go of trying to control the HOW.

Your human Ego is hard-wired to try to figure out and execute a “logical” step-by-step plan to reach your goals.  Sometimes, your own smart plan will work out fine. But if your own plan doesn’t seem to be working or working fast enough, your Inner Protector can go into fear mode, terrified that you are going to fail in your quest.

And fear is the WORST energy for attracting what you desire. Whatever you focus your attention on is going to gain strength from your concentrated thoughts and emotions and will inevitably be attracted to you.  That’s great when it’s something you want. But it’s also why the very thing you most FEAR sometimes comes to you instead.

And then your Inner Protector says, “See? I told you we were going to fail!”  It doesn’t realize that the fear energy that it created inside of you is exactly what attracted the thing it DIDN’T want. Ironic but true, sadly!

That’s why it’s critical to not worry about HOW it’s going to come to you when you are trying to manifest a Big Goal.  Set your clear, measurable intention and do consistent, daily mindset work to strengthen your belief in success. But leave the HOW up to God/The Universe, who has much better, faster, more efficient ways of connecting you to the people and resources that will carry you to your goal than your Inner Protector could ever imagine.

Whenever my client occasionally got discouraged, I would remind her to keep BELIEVING in her Big Goal and just keep being and doing her BEST. And, of course, also to keep expressing GRATITUDE in advance for being guided to the perfect HOW for her big income goal.

In month three of our coaching, she got a call out of the blue from another company in a different niche within her industry.  They catered to a very different clientele that she happened to be very familiar with and could serve well.

They had a job opening that represented a BIG promotion and her name had been given to them by an acquaintance of her family who happened to be one of their clients.  The referrer had sung her praises, and this new company was already very interested in her. The nice caller asked to set up a lunch to discuss the details of the opportunity.

She was shocked and flattered, but also determined to remain unattached until she could get clarity on whether this really could be the HOW for tripling her current income.  She went to the appointment with a lot of specific questions, an open mind and expecting that the BEST would come out of it, whatever that was.

The meeting went better than she could have imagined.  The company’s mission and culture were perfectly aligned with hers and they offered a very generous benefits package and even an expense account for client development. Although the corporate office is only 30 minutes from her home, she would work remotely most of the time, until they establish a permanent branch office even closer to her home.

In the final step, a week later, she met with a number of the company leaders and instantly felt she belonged. A few days later, she received an offer with a base salary that was double what she thought it would be and she has the opportunity to make much more with her added sales commissions.

Ultimately, well before her June 30 deadline, my client begins her new position this week with a monthly income that promises to be much MORE than the Big Intention she had set. The Divine How came and found her — in a way that she never would have imagined.

If we simply follow my client’s example, any of us can shift from having not enough to more than enough and go from good to GREAT in a short time.  It just takes belief and perseverance on our part, and a willingness to let the Source of ALL the good stuff handle the HOW.


“Where I once felt ‘stuck’ in my life, I feel in control because of the tools Caroll helped me develop. I am forever grateful for the life-changing coaching!” – J.T., Accountant

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*************** Give Yourself the Gift of Dreams Fulfilled******************

To schedule a F*R*E*E*, no-obligation ONE HOUR Breakthrough Session of phone coaching that will help you clarify your Big Goals and get you into ACTION to make them a reality, please email me at caroll@practicalprosperitycoach.com today.  Slots are limited, so please act quickly!