
February 25, 2024

“Success has nothing to do with what you gain in life or accomplish for yourself. It’s what you do for others.” – Charles Lamb

I am deep into tax preparation (as I know many others are), so I decided to share again a lightly-edited post from last year that is one of my personal favorites.  I hope you enjoy it as much as I do!

January 22, 2023

“You can’t sow a seed without reaping a harvest.” – Joel Osteen

As we begin another new year, loaded with positive possibilities, we still must inevitably drag some unwanted baggage into it from the past.

Chronic illness, debt, career disappointments, relationship issues, family issues, emotional issues — we ALL have something that we have struggled with for a while and cannot seem to find a way to resolve on our own.

That’s why I was so inspired recently by a YouTube talk by my favorite positive thinking pastor, Joel Osteen, entitled “The Secret to Solving Problems.”  YES, I thought. What’s the secret? I definitely want to know!

Turns out, it’s what I have been studying for the past 30 years or so.  It’s the Law of Attraction, which says “energy attracts like energy.”  From a spiritual point of view, it goes back thousands of years. You could call it Karma or the Biblical principle “As you sow, so shall you reap.”

As Joel explains it, “We all face challenges.  The secret is to take the focus off yourself and help others. While you are working on their situation, God is working on your situation.” 

Focusing all your attention on trying to solve your own problem just makes the problem grow bigger. That’s the negative side of the Law of Attraction, because your energy vibration (your thoughts plus the emotional energy those thoughts generate) must inevitably attract people and circumstances that are a match for whatever you are focused on. Like a magnet attracts a nail, negative thoughts will only attract negative things to you. In fact, it’s been said that “Worrying is like praying for what you DON’T want.”

So, how DO you solve a problem that you cannot handle with just your own strength and smarts?

Joel suggests, “Look around.  Where is there someone who needs support?  A lonely or sick neighbor, a co-worker who is struggling, a child who needs a mentor, a friend who needs help with their dream.”

Your energy of compassionate helping will attract people and resources to help YOU with whatever you need.

Joel goes on to say, “Get your mind off yourself and go be a blessing.  When it is in your power to do good, don’t put it off.  You set a miracle in motion for yourself when you help someone else. When you show favor, favor will come to you.  When you give, it will come back to you multiplied.  When your dream seems impossible, help someone else’s dream to be born.”

I recently read an inspiring true story written by Beverly L. Jenkins on that is a perfect example of this principle that when you take the focus off yourself to help someone else with their problem, it causes God/The Universe (via the universal Law of Attraction) to help YOU with your problem. I quote the article here verbatim:

“Tom Agnes is the store operations manager at Brooklyn Center Liquor in Minnesota. While he was out to lunch one day, one of his employees spotted a man rummaging through the free cardboard boxes at the front of the store. When she saw him selecting two boxes to use as shoes for his socks-clad feet, she took immediate and decisive action.

“When Tom returned to the store, he found his star employee, Ta Leia Thomas, who goes by Ace, working the cash register in her socks. He asked what happened, and she told him she saw a man with no shoes, so she gave him her own sneakers.

“Tom checked the store’s security footage and, sure enough, there was Ace pulling off her purple retro Jordans and handing them over to the stranger without even a second of hesitation.

“Ace says her reaction was automatic; she saw that he needed shoes, so she gave him hers. Not only that, but the shoes she gave him were her favorite pair and can’t be easily replaced. Still, the decision was simple for her.

’He said nobody would ever give me shoes like that,” Ace recalled of her conversation with the stranger. ‘And I said, well, I’m not everybody.’

“You can say that again.

“Ace later explained that she was raised to help others, because ‘you never know what their problem is or what they are going through.’

“Even though the shoes were special to her, she realized instantly that they can always be replaced.

’If my shoes can make somebody’s world a better place, you can have them,’ she said, adding, ‘Everybody in the world deserves to be loved.’

“Later that day, [Store Manager] Tom bought Ace a new pair of shoes so she didn’t have to work in her socks. He shared the video of her giving away her Jordans on social media, and the story went viral! People everywhere were quick to praise Ace for her kindness, and they raised $450 to replace her shoes.

“Then, Tom heard about Ace’s mom, someone she says is ‘all I have in this world.’ Ace helps care for her and, since they only have one bed, she lets her mom take it while she rests on the floor. That’s when Tom realized the best way to repay this generous employee.

’And I’m like, ah, we don’t need to get Ace a pair of shoes we need to get Ace a bed,’ Tom recalled. ‘So, I gave her cash instead of the shoes to get mom a bed.

“It goes to show that, sometimes, what goes around truly does come back around!” concludes the story’s author, Beverly L. Jenkins.

Here’s my recommendation, from personal experience:  If you want to solve your problem, the next time you are tempted to sit around worrying or having a pity party for yourself, raise your head instead and look around for someone or some cause you can help.  Give of your time, resources and talents and you will plant seeds that will keep on producing good fruit in your own life and many others.  Because as Pastor Joel says, “You can’t do good for others without God being good to you.”

Coaching Results

“Caroll has been a powerful catalyst for positive change in my life, both personal and professional.  She has helped me recognize spiraling negative emotions and behaviors and guided me to a more powerful positive place.  She has shown me the power of positive, grateful thinking that has resonated with and changed me and even the people around me.” – J.T., Accountant

If you would like your own free subscription to receive this blog three Sundays a month, just go to my website at and fill in your name and email at the top.

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I invite you to give yourself (or someone you care about) a truly unique gift that can change their life — ONE HOUR of Success Breakthrough Coaching!  It is absolutely F*R*E*E* of charge, with no obligation! 

To schedule a F*R*E*E* HOUR of phone coaching that will help clarify your Big Goals and get you into ACTION to make this the BEST year yet, please email me at

October 1, 2023

“In order to succeed, we must first believe that we can.” –Nikos Kazantzakis

I usually write about the power of positive thinking and expecting the best outcomes in terms of what it does for your mind and your spirit.  But did you know that a positive mindset also has a significant impact on your physical well-being?

Admittedly, I am a committed couch potato – except for the 2 1/2 hours (total) I spend as a volunteer every weekday morning and afternoon walking five high-energy dogs individually for our beloved local rescue, The Little Red Dog.  This keeps me active enough to maintain a healthy body and certainly contributes to my positive state of mind. Who can feel negative around dogs? They are always excited to see me, delighted to be out, and curious about everything they see, hear and (especially) smell.  I generally come home physically tired but mentally energized and grateful for the experience.

Some of my coaching clients put losing weight and/or getting fitter on their list of Big Goals, and I help them develop a realistic plan that works for them and then ask them to be accountable to stick to it consistently.  Creating the plan is easy. The sticking to it part is the challenge. Can you relate?

When I recently came across two great blogs by Debbie Powers, Assistant Professor Emerita of Wellness at Ball State University, I recognized they would be useful to share with you because she highlights the role that developing a positive mindset plays in motivating you stick to your exercise commitment so you can reach your desired health and fitness goals.

Here is Debbie Powers’ first column, which I quote here verbatim, with full attribution to her:

The Power of Positive Thinking by Debbie Powers

“Humans are evolutionally wired to focus on the negative. A negative brain kept cavemen alive. They prepared for the worst. Thus, negativity is a natural part of being human. However, research has shown that one who focuses on the negative in today’s world of endless possibilities may live a life of mental suffering and physical ill health.  By shifting perspectives from a negative bias to a positive outlook, all aspects of health can be improved. Negativity can lead to destructive habits. Positivity can lead to feelings of calm, appreciation, and well-being.

Positive thinking can significantly influence exercise adherence. It can shape individuals’ attitudes, motivations, and behaviors toward physical activity. Here’s how a positive mindset can impact exercise adherence:

  1. Increased Motivation: Positive thinking can generate a sense of enthusiasm and motivation for exercise. When individuals focus on the potential benefits of working out, they’re more likely to feel excited and committed to their exercise routines.
  2. Improved Attitude: A positive outlook can transform exercise from a chore to a rewarding and enjoyable activity.
  3. Enhanced Consistency: Positive thinking can help individuals overcome mental barriers that often lead to inconsistency in exercise routines. When faced with challenges like fatigue or time constraints, a positive mindset can provide the mental fortitude to stick with the routine.
  4. Stress Reduction: When people view physical activity as a means of relieving stress and improving their overall well-being, they are more likely to engage in exercise to manage stressors effectively.
  5. Goal Achievement: Individuals with an optimistic perspective are more likely to set realistic goals, track their progress, and celebrate their achievements along the way, reinforcing their commitment to exercise.
  6. Social Support: Positive thinking can facilitate better social interactions related to exercise. Individuals who approach group workouts or fitness classes with positivity tend to have stronger social connections and increased accountability.
  7. Long-Term Adherence: Cultivating a positive mindset around exercise fosters a sustainable, long-term commitment to physical activity. Instead of viewing exercise as a short-term fix, individuals with positive thinking integrate it into their lifestyle, recognizing its enduring benefits.

It’s important to note that while positive thinking can have a powerful impact on exercise adherence, it’s not a panacea. As with everything in life, there are always challenges.”

NEXT WEEK: Debbie Powers reveals specific ways to develop positivity toward exercise that will help you maintain your commitment to exercise and enjoy the results it produces.


“Just like a runner trains for a marathon, Leaders need training, as well as an outlet and ability to clear their struggles, work through challenges, create solutions, practice ideas and be reminded what their passion and reason to be leading are. Caroll does all this for me. I call it a ‘recharge in my brain’ to push past what’s stopping me to be the best in supporting others to have it great. Caroll’s coaching is marathon training for the brain.” – Charity A., accounting firm owner

 If you or your friends would like your own free subscription to receive this blog three Sundays a month, just go to and enter your name and email at the top of the page.

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To schedule a F.R.E.E., no-obligation, ONE HOUR Breakthrough Session of phone coaching that will help clarify your Big Goals and get you into ACTION to make them a reality, please email me at Slots are limited so please act quickly!

May 14, 2023

Happy Mother’s Day to all moms, stepmoms, adoptive moms, fur children moms and mother figures everywhere!  I believe the greatest Mother’s Day gift you could give yourself is taking back control of your life.  Stand up to boss bullies, stop putting everyone else first, and you will discover lots more “Me Time” to enjoy what truly matters to YOU. This lightly-edited repost from last year presents some simple but effective strategies for learning to be “selfish” in a GOOD way! (And these all apply to men too, by the way!)

July 23, 2022

“You are always a valuable, worthwhile human being – not because anybody says so, not because you’re successful, not because you make a lot of money – but because you decide to believe it and for no other reason.” – Dr. Wayne Dyer

My mother was one of the kindest, most caring and self-sacrificing people I have ever known.  Everyone loved her for it, but I also recognize that it probably meant that she lived with a lot of unfulfilled desires because she spent every waking moment worrying about and taking care of others. With her intelligence and creativity, I can’t help but wonder what she could have become if she had allowed herself to be just a little bit more “selfish.”

I confess that I am a recovering “people pleaser” myself, and I encounter that trait in many of my female clients who struggle with trying to serve everyone else, leaving them with precious little time and energy to pursue their own goals.  This week, one client admitted that she had not spoken up for herself and put herself at a career disadvantage because she feared being seen as “not nice.” I shared with her that Oprah once said that “being called ‘nice’ is the booby prize of life.”

Recently, I came across a great article by A. Pawlowski, writing for the Today Show, about a new book from Michelle Elman, a London-based life coach, titled The Joy of Being Selfish: Why you need boundaries and how to set them. 

Elman says, “A lot of people are really on board with this idea of self-love, but they don’t realize that to actually create time and energy to do any of those things, you need to be more selfish.”

Here are some specific recommendations from the book about how to put yourself first more often so you can live a life you love (and still be a good person):

Recognize the signs that you need to be more selfish

“When you are burned out and exhausted, or when there are people you can’t trust in your life, either because you fear confrontation or engage in excessive people pleasing, it’s time to prioritize yourself,” says Elman. If you are constantly feeling angry or resentful, those are warning signs that “your boundaries are constantly being crossed and not being reinforced.”

Rethink the definition of ‘selfish’

Instead of a negative, think of it as “asking for what you need and being very clear and honest about your boundaries.  Many people – especially women – feel guilty about being direct or saying NO, but they need to stop thinking they’re hurting others by doing so.

“You actually do people a service in your life when you look after yourself.  To set boundaries or be selfish, you actually need to believe you deserve to.”

Elman reminds us, “Just because you’re invited to something doesn’t mean you’re obligated to attend.” You are allowed to say “No” to anything you don’t want to do without giving a reason.  She recommends saying simply, “Unfortunately, I can’t make it work” or “I thought about it and it’s a ‘no’ for me.”

Banish guilt or the fear of being disliked

Once you see that others’ lives don’t crumble as a result of your “No,” you will begin to feel relief, pride and strength from taking back control of your time and your desires.

As for the fear of being judged or disliked, recognize that not everyone is going to like you anyway, no matter what you do.  Elman asserts, “Boundaries will never make the right people leave your life – they will only make the people who are taking advantage of you leave your life.”

Set boundaries at work

This is a tough one, and it’s one of the things my female clients struggle with the most.  They often have a boss or co-workers who seem to expect them to be available 24/7, constantly checking messages and responding  instantly at all hours.

Elman advises drawing a firm boundary between work and personal time. “Perhaps add an out-of-office reply to emails that says, ‘This weekend, I will have no access to emails and will get back to you on Monday’ or putting your phone on airplane mode at 6:00pm on weekdays.”

Unless you are an on-call First Responder, this should seem entirely reasonable to you.  If it doesn’t, it’s a sign you really do need to begin re-training your boss and co-workers.  Maybe they will even learn to give themselves a break too!

Let others know when they’ve crossed a boundary

Here’s where you really need to let go of that “keep quiet and be nice” B.S.!

Elman says she used to let hurtful comments slide and felt the resentment build up in her afterwards, which is harmful, both physically and emotionally. Here are some techniques she recommends to put a stop to it:

“If someone is being passive aggressive or outright saying hurtful things in a conversation, a simple technique is just to exclaim ‘Wow’ or ‘Ouch’ – it pauses the conversation and lets that person reflect on what they’ve just said without turning it into a big confrontation.

“Silence is another very useful tool: You don’t have to participate in a conversation that makes you feel uncomfortable. People do notice,” Elman says. “If they don’t and insist on engaging you in an uncomfortable topic, you can just say, ‘Can we change the conversation to something more interesting?’”

Expect life to change

In the TODAY article, A. Powlowsi concludes that “Being selfish in a healthy way means people stop taking you for granted.  It also often means ending toxic relationships in your personal and professional life.”

Elman says, “As soon as you start setting boundaries and build that self-esteem, you realize that a lot of people in your life don’t treat you the way you deserve….Any relationship that was lost due to boundaries, these are relationships that should have gone anyway.”

I would add personally that it took many decades, but since I stopped being a “Yes Girl” and began putting myself, my goals and my happiness in a priority position, my life has become much easier, more peaceful and more rewarding.  I have more time to make a real difference for others, and I have nothing but positive and supportive relationships in every area of my life. I can attest that the effort was worth it!

I hope you will always remember that YOU deserve to live a happy, fulfilling life, simply because you are an inherently “valuable, worthwhile human being,” as Wayne Dyer says. In fact, you are PRICELESS and you deserve always to be treated that way!

PLEASE NOTE: The blog is taking next weekend off.  Look for your next fresh Cup of Caroll on Sunday May 28.

If you or your friends would like your own free subscription to receive this A Cup of Caroll blog three Sundays a month, just go to and enter your name and email at the top.


“I cannot say enough about the success I experienced by working with Caroll…After a few short months, a decade-long goal of getting my book 100% ready for publication came to fruition on the exact date we specified months before.  Caroll is a quiet, yet mighty force for good and I highly recommend her services to help you reach your goals.” — KD, author

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SUMMER SPECIAL!  New clients who begin coaching in either June, July or August will receive 50% OFF your first month’s fee, so HURRY! This offer won’t be repeated this year, so if you have a Big Goal you want to pursue – either business or personal — I urge you to schedule a no-obligation, F*R*E*E hour of phone coaching with me ASAP that will help you clarify what you want and get you into action to make it a reality: Email to schedule a chat TODAY! 

April 30, 2023

“As long as you’re only focused on YOU, you’re not going to be fulfilled. The next level of your destiny is connected to helping someone else.” – Joel Osteen

One of our Women’s Manifesting Mastermind members recently posed a fascinating question: “How do you maintain your energy and enthusiasm for life as you grow older?” 

The group came up with a wide variety of suggestions, including getting involved in a physical activity such as yoga, pilates or pickleball; learning a new skill or taking up a hobby, as one member recently discovered a real talent for creating pottery; widening your circle of friends or seeking a new romantic mate; exploring new types of cultural events; and finding a new mid-life career or side gig.

These are all great ideas, but I believe there is one sure-fire answer for both men and women of any age. A guaranteed way to regain a zest for life and feel purposeful is highlighted in a YouTube talk by my favorite positive-thinking pastor, Joel Osteen, titled “Living Cause Driven.”

Joel says, “You were created to help someone else.  You need to have a cause you’re passionate about.  If you’re only focused on yourself, you won’t reach your highest potential.”

A few ways he suggested to do this: volunteer, mentor, support worthy organizations or help one individual get what they need.

Joel went on to say, “Get involved in making a difference.  When you’re cause-driven, you’ll see promotion, doors open, the right people show up.

“It’s good to have your dreams, your goals, but you need to be a part of something bigger than just you.  When your dream is connected to helping others, you’re not only helping them; you’re helping yourself…. You can’t help others without God helping you… The greatness God put in you is going to come out of the cause.”

It’s good to raise your family, do good work on your job, give to charity, help a friend when they need support.  But when you apply your unique gifts and abilities to a CAUSE – a problem that needs to be solved or an injustice you want to see righted – it brings out the BEST in you and often pushes you past whatever self-imposed limits you may have. You will stay focused and persevere when you face seemingly-insurmountable odds or opposition.  You will get up and get going when you feel like staying on the couch because the cause is worth it.

That extra drive we have when we are pursuing a cause bigger than ourselves was beautifully demonstrated in the story of the Jeansonne Family that was the subject of the last blog (You Brought the Blessing – Blog 468).  Many of my cherished readers and I donated to the “Be Love Days” fundraising campaign that was the brainstorm of one of my favorite past clients, Andrea Schaff, and her dear friend, Kristy Jeansonne. Kristy’s husband Brian was diagnosed with ALS on April 14, 2020 and as his condition has progressed, he has required professional caregiving, which is a big out-of-pocket expense not covered by insurance.

Kristy told Andrea she was not sure how they would survive if they had to come up with an extra $110,000 a year for Brian’s care, so they brainstormed together and came up with the idea of asking everyone they knew to donate $14 (or more) on April 14, 2023 AND to spread the word to 10 or more personal contacts.  Within days, over 1250 individual donations had rolled in, amounting to over $118,000 and still climbing.

All this happened because two women were Cause-Driven and didn’t let anything stop them.  Now, they and a group of volunteers plan to make it an annual event. I have a strong feeling it is going to grow into something much BIGGER than even they can now imagine, spreading beyond the worthy Jeansonne Family.

Another one of my longtime coaching clients, Diane, tragically had her son Kevin Natale pass away of cancer at the age of 44 last year. She told me she now has a new passion for growing her direct sales business because she has a new “Why” beyond just making extra money for a comfortable retirement: She wants to help many more people with her skin care products and business opportunity so she can carry on the work of the Founded on Forgiveness Foundation Kevin started.

Kevin’s foundation is dedicated to spreading forgiveness because he learned first-hand how forgiveness changed his life when he was finally able to forgive the man who shot and paralyzed him when he was just 14 years old.  Thousands of others who have heard Kevin’s story have been inspired to forgive the “unforgiveable” too.

Now that Diane is inspired by a cause bigger than herself, she isn’t stopped by fatigue or fear of rejection.  She gets up and gets after it each day because she wants her son’s memory to live on and his story to change thousands and thousands of lives far into the future.

As for me, about a year ago, I became a volunteer daily dog walker for six rescue pups that are fostered by The Little Red Dog, a local grassroots rescue that saves dogs shelters would ordinarily euthanize because of the breed (pit bulls, chihuahuas, etc.), injuries, disabilities or just fear and shyness making them difficult to adopt.

I am not an experienced dog walker by any means, but I have learned a lot from other volunteers who are.  It’s a joy to see the dogs come out of their shell and respond to kindness and gentle but firm direction.  It’s such an honor to be someone they can count on to show up and to believe they will find a forever home eventually.

The most impactful personal “cause” I had was my very first walking assignment: “Rhino,” an aptly-named gray pit bull mix, overweight at about 65 pounds, super strong and sometimes overly-enthusiastic.

Rhino is sweet with people, but was fearful of other dogs, which made him behave aggressively as a defense tactic.  When there were no other dogs around, he was placid.  But if he spotted another dog, he would go nuts. Once, when a small white dog barked at him from behind a wrought iron gate, Rhino charged, pulling me off my feet, and dragging me on my stomach across the lawn until I was finally able to put the brakes on him.

Not surprisingly, TLRD had fostered Rhino for several years.  He was adopted and returned three times by people who instantly gave up on him.  I finally asked TLRD co-founder Steve McClain if Rhino could be taken temporarily out of his foster home with an elderly couple who gave him love but no discipline so he could be re-trained by a professional.

Steve told me he would love to, but even if a trainer re-habilitated him (which wouldn’t be hard), if he went back to the same foster situation, it would all be for nothing without consistent reinforcement.

So I continued to walk and believe in Rhino and I literally prayed for a “Christmas Miracle” that he would be adopted by a couple with no dogs who could give him the training and patience and love he needed.  Within two weeks, Steve got a call from a couple whose adopted dog had just passed, asking if TLRD had any “hard to place” dogs because they were up for the challenge.  Because I had talked to Steve, I believe, he suggested Rhino and they took him on.

Rhino now lives in a great home and seems like a completely different pup.  He has lost weight, and looks happy and relaxed doing various fun activities and living the life he deserves on his Instagram page at rhino.daug.

Rhino was my #1 cause within the bigger cause of supporting animal rescue, and I will always think of him whenever something looks “hopeless.” He proved that miracles really CAN happen when we just keep believing, do the best we can, and leave the HOW up to God.

Joel Osteen says when you live cause-driven, “You’ll go beyond what you think you’re capable of.  You go beyond the ordinary into the uncommon.” And I promise it will infuse your life with a new energy, joie de vivre and sense of purpose and fulfillment beyond what you can now imagine.  Beyond pickleball even!

PLEASE NOTE: The blog is taking next weekend off to celebrate Rick’s and my 16th wedding anniversary. Look for your next Cup of Caroll on May 14, and I hope you will celebrate those heroes who deserve recognition EVERY day: Teacher Appreciation Week is May 8-12!

If you or your friends would like your own free subscription to receive this blog three Sundays a month, just go to and enter your name and email at the top.

*************** Give Yourself the Gift of Dreams Fulfilled! ******************

I want to be of service to YOU and your friends, colleagues and loved ones! To schedule a F*R*E*E, no-obligation one-hour Breakthrough Coaching session by phone that will help clarify your Big Goals and get you into ACTION on making them a reality, please email me at

January 22, 2023

“You can’t sow a seed without reaping a harvest.” – Joel Osteen

As we begin another new year, loaded with positive possibilities, we still must inevitably drag some unwanted baggage into it from the past.

Chronic illness, debt, career disappointments, relationship issues, family issues, emotional issues — we ALL have something that we have struggled with for a while and cannot seem to find a way to resolve on our own.

That’s why I was so inspired recently by a talk I saw on YouTube by my favorite positive thinking pastor, Joel Osteen, entitled “The Secret to Solving Problems.”  YES, I thought. What’s the secret? I definitely want to know!

Turns out,  it’s nothing new. It’s what I have been studying for the past 30 years or so.  It’s basically the Law of Attraction, which says “energy attracts like energy.”  From a spiritual point of view, It goes back thousands of years. You could call it Karma or the Biblical principle “As you sow, so shall you reap.”

As Joel explains it, “We all face challenges.  The secret is to take the focus off yourself and help others. While you are working on their situation, God is working on your situation.” 

Focusing all your attention on trying to solve your own problem just makes the problem grow bigger. That’s the negative side of the Law of Attraction, because your energy (your thoughts plus the emotions those thoughts generate) must inevitably attract people and circumstances that are a match for whatever you are focused on. Like a magnet attracts a nail, negative thoughts will only attract negative things to you. In fact, it’s been said that “Worrying is like praying for what you DON’T want.”

So, how DO you solve a problem that you cannot handle with just your own strength and smarts?

Joel suggests, “Look around.  Where is there someone who needs support?  A lonely or sick neighbor, a co-worker who is struggling, a child who needs a mentor, a friend who needs help with their dream.”

Your energy of compassion and helping will attract people and resources to help you with whatever you need.

He goes on to say, “Get your mind off yourself and go be a blessing.  When it is in your power to do good, don’t put it off.  You set a miracle in motion for yourself when you help someone else. When you show favor, favor will come to you.  When you give, it will come back to you multiplied.  When your dream seems impossible, help someone else’s dream to be born.”

I recently read an inspiring true story written by Beverly L. Jenkins on that is a perfect example of this principle that when you take the focus off yourself to help someone else with their problem, it causes God/The Universe (via the universal Law of Attraction) to help YOU with your problem. I quote it here verbatim:

“Tom Agnes is the store operations manager at Brooklyn Center Liquor in Minnesota. While he was out to lunch one day, one of his employees spotted a man rummaging through the free cardboard boxes at the front of the store. When she saw him selecting two boxes to use as shoes for his socks-clad feet, she took immediate and decisive action.

“When Tom returned to the store, he found his star employee, Ta Leia Thomas, who goes by Ace, working the cash register in her socks. He asked what happened, and she told him she saw a man with no shoes, so she gave him her own sneakers.

“Tom checked the store’s security footage and, sure enough, there was Ace pulling off her purple retro Jordans and handing them over to the stranger without even a second of hesitation.

“Ace says her reaction was automatic; she saw that he needed shoes, so she gave him hers. Not only that, but the shoes she gave him were her favorite pair and can’t be easily replaced. Still, the decision was simple for her.

’He said nobody would ever give me shoes like that,” Ace recalled of her conversation with the stranger. ‘And I said, well, I’m not everybody.’

“You can say that again.

“Ace later explained that she was raised to help others, because ‘you never know what their problem is or what they are going through.’

“Even though the shoes were special to her, she realized instantly that they can be always replaced.

’If my shoes can make somebody’s world a better place, you can have them,’ she said, adding, ‘Everybody in the world deserves to be loved.’

“Later that day, [Store Manager] Tom bought Ace a new pair of shoes so she didn’t have to work in her socks. He shared the video of her giving away her Jordans on social media, and the story went viral! People everywhere were quick to praise Ace for her kindness, and they raised $450 to replace her shoes.

“Then, Tom heard about Ace’s mom, someone she says is ‘all I have in this world.’ Ace helps care for her and, since they only have one bed, she lets her mom take it while she rests on the floor. That’s when Tom realized the best way to repay this generous employee.

’And I’m like, ah, we don’t need to get Ace a pair of shoes we need to get Ace a bed,’ Tom recalled. ‘So, I gave her cash instead of the shoes to get mom a bed.

“It goes to show that, sometimes, what goes around truly does come back around!” concludes the story’s author, Beverly L. Jenkins.

So, the next time you are tempted to sit around worrying or having a pity party for yourself over YOUR problem, raise your head instead and look around for someone or some cause you can help.  Give of your time, energy, resources and talents and you will plant seeds that will keep on producing in your own life and many others.  Because as Joel Osteen says, “You can’t do good for others without God being good to you.”

Coaching Results

“Caroll has been a powerful catalyst for positive change in my life, both personal and professional.  She has helped me recognize spiraling negative emotions and behaviors and guided me to a more powerful positive place.  She has shown me the power of positive, grateful thinking that has resonated with and changed me and even the people around me.” – J.T., Accountant

PLEASE NOTE: The blog is taking next Sunday off.  Look for your next fresh Cup of Caroll on February 5

If you would like your own free subscription to receive this blog three Sundays a month, just go to my website at and fill in your name and email at the top.

****************** The Gift of Dreams Fulfilled! ********************

I invite you to give yourself (or someone you care about) a truly unique gift that can change their life — ONE HOUR of Success Breakthrough Coaching!  It is absolutely F*R*E*E* of charge, with no obligation! 

To schedule a F*R*E*E* HOUR of phone coaching that will help clarify your Big Goals and get you into ACTION to make this the BEST year yet, please email me at

October 23, 2022

“There is nothing either good or bad, but thinking makes it so.” – Hamlet by William Shakespeare

Why do some people seem to attract good things over and over, while others seem to get one bad break after another?  Is it some character flaw or cosmic curse?  No, but their mindset does have a lot to do with it.

I have been reading a delightful book, Thank and Grow Rich, by Pam Grout (author of the international best-seller E-Squared) that explains the reason behind some people’s consistent “good luck” and others’ seemingly intractable “bad luck.” The book presents a month-long “challenge” designed to increase your appreciation for EVERYTHING in your life, because gratitude is a recognized magnetic energy for attracting more good things to you. 

This makes perfect sense because the Law of Attraction says that “energy attracts like energy,” so whatever you love and appreciate, you are going to attract MORE of into your life.  But on the flip side, whatever you consistently focus on that is NEGATIVE, you are ALSO going to attract to you.  Pam is trying to get us to focus on only the positive things that we are grateful for, and as the book points out, there is limitless good in our everyday lives to love and appreciate.

In one chapter entitled “Decide the Kind of Day You’re Going to Have,” she sums up the power of your expectation to create your experience each and every day:

“If you have Netflix, you’ll notice a category called ‘Because you watched…’ that lists all the movies or TV shows or documentaries that fall into the same genre.  Netflix assumes you’d appreciate these offerings because, well, they’re quite similar to options you chose earlier.

“Likewise, Amazon recommends books and products that are related to items you’ve bought and viewed in the past.

“This is exactly how the universe works.  It continually sends people, ideas, and events that mirror the frequency you emit, the channel you’ve chosen to speak for your life.

“It doesn’t charge for these gifts that match what you’ve previously selected.  But it also doesn’t discriminate.  It doesn’t judge or doubt that what you’ve chosen in the past is what you still want.  It doesn’t think, ‘Well, her parents and her culture obviously had it wrong, so I’m going to send her different kind of stuff.’

“No, it sends an exact match.

“So if you’ve tuned in to lack, spent your life focusing on what might go wrong, that’s what the universe will happily continue to send.

“But when you tune yourself in to a new channel, start watching a different type of movie – a movie that brings you joy [as gratitude does] – you will get people, ideas and events that mirror the upgraded frequency.”

I know, it sounds unbelievably simple, right?  But this really IS what’s behind the consistent “good luck” and “bad luck” different people seem to have.  They are attracting MORE “because you thought about…” things, people and circumstances to them, whether they were thinking about the BEST or thinking about the WORST that had or could happen.

One of my clients is a prime example of this phenomenon.  She used to expect the worst, especially when it came to money, because she had experienced lack many times in the past.  Whenever she would get ahead financially, the funds would quickly “evaporate” through poor spending choices, bad breaks in employment, unexpected expenses, etc. And her “feast or famine” financial roller coaster continued for a long time. 

Finally, she decided to STOP that negative pattern.  When we began coaching, she completely embraced all the positive mindset tools I gave her, especially a powerful self-coaching affirmation I created years ago that I call “The Best, which starts with the declaration, “I claim, accept and expect The BEST from myself and others 100% of the time.”

Anything you repeatedly think about or speak about is eventually going to take hold in your subconscious mind and begin to attract more of whatever you are obsessing about. As she repeated this affirmation over and over in different situations during her daily life, she saw that whatever she told her subconscious mind to EXPECT was what it eventually delivered (in partnership with God/The Universe, of course). 

Very soon, an avalanche of unexpected “good breaks” began to come her way. First, a recruiter called her out of the blue and offered her a much better job in her field with much better pay and benefits.  She did nothing to cause this to happen; her name was offered by an acquaintance who knew the company was looking to fill a position that perfectly fit her unique skill set and experience.

While she was happily settling into the new job, again unsolicited, a neighbor offered to buy her house and ranch property at a very good price.  She and her husband hadn’t even thought about putting it on the market, but the offer was too good to turn down. It meant they could purchase land and build their “dream home” now that they had believed was years in the future.

Before they had to move, they found the perfect parcel, complete with a foundation the previous owners had started, but abandoned.  With slight modifications, they could build their custom home right there.

Next, she had to find a temporary place for the family to live while their dream home was being built.  All of the rentals in the area were grungy and depressing.  But one day she mentioned on social media that she was looking for a temporary rental, and a friend replied that they knew of one.  The friend recommended her to the owners, and she instantly jumped to the head of the long line of potential tenants and got the nice rental property for her family.

But she and her husband still needed to secure a construction loan.  The first builder she went to quoted them a price far above what they could afford.  She was concerned at first that inflation might have already priced them out of their dream home. But then she remembered to say “The Best” affirmation and simply focus on believing the ideal builder would come to them, leaving the “How” up to God/the Universe. At a networking event for her work she met someone who had used a builder they thought would be less expensive. My client got a great bid from that builder at the perfect price and secured the loan.

All in a few short months, one great outcome after another came her way effortlessly. Finally, I had to ask her what specifically she was thinking and/or doing that was attracting all that good stuff to her.  Her answer was as simple as Pam Grout promises: “I just stopped focusing on what I was afraid would happen and started focusing on what I WANT to happen.”

My client is proof that we can change our “luck” when we change our thinking.  Whatever you have been attracting into your life so far, you don’t have to keep manifesting, unless it is something GOOD.  You can start today focusing your powerful creative energy on expecting “The Best” to come to you at the perfect time and in the perfect way. Pam Grout offers two mantras in her book that I now repeat aloud and write in my Gratitude Journal daily:

  • “Something Amazingly Awesome is going to happen to me today.”
  • And the OPPOSITE of Murphy’s Law: If something can go RIGHT, it will.”

I invite you to do the same and watch what happens!

PLEASE NOTE: The blog is taking next Sunday off. Look for your next fresh Cup of Caroll on Sunday November 6.

If you or your friends would like your own F*R*E*E* subscription to receive this blog three Sundays a month, just go to and enter your name and email at the top.

*************** Give Yourself the Gift of Dreams Fulfilled******************

It’s the last quarter of the year!  Are you confident that you will reach your Big Goals for 2022? To schedule a F*R*E*E*, no-obligation one-hour Breakthrough Session of phone coaching that will help you clarify exactly what you need to do and get you into ACTION to make it happen, please email me at today.  Slots are limited, so please act quickly!

September 24, 2022

Today’s blog is a re-post of one from 2008, the first year I began writing A Cup of Caroll. It’s more relevant today than ever, I am happy to say.  I hope you will remember this important message and use it to attract more of what you want into your life!

“There is nothing either good or bad, but thinking makes it so.” — From Hamlet by William Shakespeare

The simple truth about human beings is that, as complicated as we appear to be, absolutely EVERYTHING we do is actually designed by our normal human Ego to do just two things:

  • Prevent us from feeling pain and
  • Make us feel pleasure

That’s it!  Nothing more. The career you pursue, the clothes you wear, the car you drive, the home you live in, the big and little decisions you make every day, even the mate you choose — all are designed to make you feel good and not feel bad.

The big irony is that nothing outside of yourself can truly make you FEEL anything.  Your feelings are an inside job.  They are sensations that flow from your thoughts, telling you that something is either pleasurable or painful.  In other words, it is actually your interpretation of what is going on around you that causes you to feel pleasure or pain.

The circumstances of a situation don’t have any meaning in and of themselves. The facts are just “what’s so.” Your own individual interpretation of what the facts mean to you is what creates a state of agony or joy within you. And that interpretation is entirely up to YOU.

It all boils down to this: No person or circumstance has the power to make you feel bad.  Only YOU can make you feel bad!  And the more you focus your attention on all the perceived negative aspects of what you believe is making you feel bad – your spouse, the stock market, inflation, politics, a headache, your boss, the breakup, a low bank balance – the more negative energy you are sending to the situation and the more POWER you are giving to something outside of yourself that, in truth, has no power over you.

A coaching client called me upset one day because tests indicated there was a growth in her uterus that her OBGYN considered suspicious.  He was recommending a hysterectomy. Since she hoped to have more children one day, she was understandably quite upset by that solution.

I coached her to focus on what she WANTED instead of what she didn’t want.  We decided that she would create the intention that a way would be found for her to be 100% healed without having to have a hysterectomy.  She didn’t know what the means to that end would be, but she promised to focus on her positive intention and to pursue every option that came to her.

Her OBGYN recommended consulting a specialist who might possibly know of another solution.  She called me after that appointment to tell me that the specialist told her she just needed a procedure that would remove the growth and there was no need to have her uterus removed.  Intention fulfilled! She was on cloud nine.

But as the day grew closer for the procedure, she called me crying. She confessed that she hated hospitals and the thought of the anesthesia and the medical procedure frightened and repelled her and she was scared and upset.

I reminded her that the anticipation of this very same procedure had filled her with joy just a couple of weeks before. Nothing had changed in the situation.  The surgeon, staff, anesthesiologist – everyone she had previously viewed as her saviors, enabling her to be a mom again one day – she was now reinterpreting as “The Enemy” who were out to make her suffer.

All I had to do was point out this fact to her to make her stop and laugh. “You’re right!” she said. “It’s just my attitude that’s changed – not the circumstances!”  She then set a new intention to be trusting and grateful about the medical experts and procedure as being provided by God/the Universe to HELP her. She re-focused her attention on the positive outcome she desired and stopped sending negative energy to her fear, which could only make it grow stronger.

After the procedure, she called me sounding relieved and happy. Although she was in some post-op discomfort, she was pleased that everything had gone smoothly and the biopsy results had come back negative.  She was free of anything that could prevent her from having more children.

The good news is that you can change your attitude about a person or circumstance anytime you want.  Your new mindset will create a new positive feeling within yourself which, in turn, will create a positive energetic vibration that emanates from you and has a positive impact on the people and things around you.

And when you choose to focus that positive energy on what you want instead of on what you don’t want, this powerful force within you will draw to you MORE of what you want. That is exactly how the Law of Attraction works, and it all starts with attitude!


“Caroll has been a powerful catalyst for positive change in my life, both personal and professional.  She has helped me recognize spiraling negative emotions and behaviors and guide me to a more powerful, positive place. She has shown me the power of positive, grateful thinking that has resonated with me and changed even the people around me.” – J. T. Accounting professional 

If you or your friends would like your own F*R*E*E* subscription to receive this blog three Sundays a month, just go to and enter your name and email at the top. 

*************** Give Yourself the Gift of Dreams Fulfilled******************

To schedule a F*R*E*E*, no-obligation ONE HOUR Breakthrough Session of phone coaching that will help you clarify your Big Goals for the rest of the year and get you into ACTION to make them a reality, please email me at today.  Slots are limited, so please act quickly!

June 12, 2022

“Out of difficulties grow miracles.” – Jean De La Bruyere

You may be suffering through a “drought” right now in your life’s garden – in your finances, love, health, creativity or joy.  If that’s the case, please know that things can and WILL improve. Or you may be enjoying an abundant harvest and filled with gratitude.  If things are good now, get prepared for GREAT.

We can’t always control what happens to us, but we have complete power over our response, and that determines what will happen next. It all starts between your ears.

One of my clients has proven this in a spectacular way. When we started coaching, she wanted to triple her income from her new job. She was ready to excel, so she engaged me to teach her how to use the Law of Attraction (“energy attracts like energy”) to rapidly build her client base by creating the right energy for success.

Right out of the gate, she loved all the positive mindset tools I gave her, used them faithfully and told me they made her feel happy and made her expect the best.  Pretty soon, she said she couldn’t imagine getting through a day without them.

Still, not much had improved yet in her outer circumstances.

In fact, things seemed to be going backwards at first. She quickly discovered that her new company hadn’t made the pay structure clear to her.  She thought she would have at least a modest base salary and then be rewarded with commissions when she brought in new business.  But it turned out that her income would come entirely from sales commissions.

There were quick results in gaining great industry contacts, who praised her positive energy and supported her with referrals to potential new clients. But mid-way into our four-month coaching timeframe, she was still a long way from achieving the five-figure monthly income goal she had set as her Big Intention.

Nevertheless, she kept a positive attitude, always did her BEST, and focused on being of service to others in every way she could. Most importantly, she learned to express abundant gratitude daily, not just for all the good things in her life right now, but also in ADVANCE for the outcome she was committed to creating.

Without a doubt, the hardest part about harnessing the power of The Law of Attraction is to let go of trying to control the HOW.

Your human Ego is hard-wired to try to figure out and execute a “logical” step-by-step plan to reach your goals.  Sometimes, your own smart plan will work out fine. But if your own plan doesn’t seem to be working or working fast enough, your Inner Protector can go into fear mode, terrified that you are going to fail in your quest.

And fear is the WORST energy for attracting what you desire. Whatever you focus your attention on is going to gain strength from your concentrated thoughts and emotions and will inevitably be attracted to you.  That’s great when it’s something you want. But it’s also why the very thing you most FEAR sometimes comes to you instead.

And then your Inner Protector says, “See? I told you we were going to fail!”  It doesn’t realize that the fear energy that it created inside of you is exactly what attracted the thing it DIDN’T want. Ironic but true, sadly!

That’s why it’s critical to not worry about HOW it’s going to come to you when you are trying to manifest a Big Goal.  Set your clear, measurable intention and do consistent, daily mindset work to strengthen your belief in success. But leave the HOW up to God/The Universe, who has much better, faster, more efficient ways of connecting you to the people and resources that will carry you to your goal than your Inner Protector could ever imagine.

Whenever my client occasionally got discouraged, I would remind her to keep BELIEVING in her Big Goal and just keep being and doing her BEST. And, of course, also to keep expressing GRATITUDE in advance for being guided to the perfect HOW for her big income goal.

In month three of our coaching, she got a call out of the blue from another company in a different niche within her industry.  They catered to a very different clientele that she happened to be very familiar with and could serve well.

They had a job opening that represented a BIG promotion and her name had been given to them by an acquaintance of her family who happened to be one of their clients.  The referrer had sung her praises, and this new company was already very interested in her. The nice caller asked to set up a lunch to discuss the details of the opportunity.

She was shocked and flattered, but also determined to remain unattached until she could get clarity on whether this really could be the HOW for tripling her current income.  She went to the appointment with a lot of specific questions, an open mind and expecting that the BEST would come out of it, whatever that was.

The meeting went better than she could have imagined.  The company’s mission and culture were perfectly aligned with hers and they offered a very generous benefits package and even an expense account for client development. Although the corporate office is only 30 minutes from her home, she would work remotely most of the time, until they establish a permanent branch office even closer to her home.

In the final step, a week later, she met with a number of the company leaders and instantly felt she belonged. A few days later, she received an offer with a base salary that was double what she thought it would be and she has the opportunity to make much more with her added sales commissions.

Ultimately, well before her June 30 deadline, my client begins her new position this week with a monthly income that promises to be much MORE than the Big Intention she had set. The Divine How came and found her — in a way that she never would have imagined.

If we simply follow my client’s example, any of us can shift from having not enough to more than enough and go from good to GREAT in a short time.  It just takes belief and perseverance on our part, and a willingness to let the Source of ALL the good stuff handle the HOW.


“Where I once felt ‘stuck’ in my life, I feel in control because of the tools Caroll helped me develop. I am forever grateful for the life-changing coaching!” – J.T., Accountant

If you or your friends would like your own F*R*E*E* subscription to receive this blog three Sundays a month, just go to and click on the Prosperity Tips button at the top to enter your name and email.

*************** Give Yourself the Gift of Dreams Fulfilled******************

To schedule a F*R*E*E*, no-obligation ONE HOUR Breakthrough Session of phone coaching that will help you clarify your Big Goals and get you into ACTION to make them a reality, please email me at today.  Slots are limited, so please act quickly!

March 6, 2022

“Most of our obstacles would melt away if, instead of cowering before them, we should make up our minds to walk boldly through them.” – Orison Swett Marden

Years ago, when I was a student of Landmark Education, they used to say that when you declare there is something you desire to create, what shows up next is everything that is NOT that.

When you intend to do or have something big, the Powers That Be seem to say, “Oh yeah?  We’ll see about that.  You need to prove you are COMMITTED to it before you can attract it — and we are going to TEST you to see if you really are.” (For the record, I personally believe this is a benevolent “test of faith” from your Higher Power, but there is no way to know for sure. It also could be a Negative Power trying to stop us.)

Either way, before the tide turns in our favor and we get supernatural assistance to reach our Big Goals, it seems we must demonstrate our commitment by overcoming some serious hurdles in our way. The “test” must be passed.  If we throw in the towel when the going gets tough, we will never get to experience the serendipitous miracles and supernatural help that can carry us to our ultimate triumph.

In the middle of a Test of my faith and commitment to a Big Goal is where I feel I am at the moment.  I passed the first test easily, which I described in the last blog (Miracles in the Mailbox – Blog 426).  For several years, I have felt a strong inner knowing that God wants me to teach far MORE people how to use the Law of Attraction (energy attracts like energy) to help them reach their Big Goals with greater speed and ease.  My clients and I have been using the LOA mindset tools and connecting to Divine Guidance for the past 17 years, and now God is signaling that it is time to reach FAR more people with these tools. But how?

That’s when I unexpectedly came across a Facebook ad aimed at coaches and consultants who deliver real “transformation” to their clients. This company teaches us how to create an effective Facebook ad that guides potential clients to a personal free webinar and then connects those who are interested to the coach for a free Breakthrough Session.  This means I could reach thousands of my potential Ideal Clients in a fast, efficient way, and serve many more of them in a group coaching course than I could in private coaching alone.

My first “test” was to manifest the five-figure investment for the program.  And that’s when I practiced using the techniques I learned from the book Super Attractor by Gabrielle Bernstein – don’t push MY agenda but instead get quiet and open myself to receive Divine Direction on what was RIGHT for me, rather than whatever my EGO thought I should do.

Soon, I received a solicitation in my mailbox for a 12-month zero interest, cash-back business card and when I applied online, to my amazement, I was instantly approved. My tuition was covered with speed and ease. To me, it was validation that I was on the right path.

The next “test” of my commitment was the rigorous 8-week program.  As I said in the last blog, it was like drinking out of a fire hose – fast-paced, filled with technical steps (even though their tech department actually “built” the marketing funnel for me) that I had to learn to master.  I doggedly watched some of their excellent instructional videos three or four times, pausing at each step to perform the task.  It was nerve-wracking and slow going for someone who is NOT a “tech person.”

Still, I never gave up and my commitment carried me through.  I finished all the MANY writing, editing, and technical steps one week before the end of February, which was supposed to be the end of my time in the course. I knew I would not have the mindset, copy or Facebook coaches’ expert help after 8 weeks, although I will always have access to all the training materials, plus the graduates’ Facebook Group for mutual support. That motivated me to work hard and “get ‘er done.”

At the end of eight weeks, I felt proud that “instead of cowering before” my obstacles, I truly DID make up my mind and “walked boldly through them.”  With so much time, money and hope riding on it, I really made success non-negotiable, just like I teach my clients to do. And the great coaches in the course helped and encouraged me every step of the way.

Now, my Facebook ad is running and my target audience of women entrepreneurs in direct sales are clicking through to watch the free webinar.  I have had a number of really inspiring and empowering Breakthrough Sessions with some of these wonderful women, who are exactly who I was aiming to connect to. The program even gifted me an extra two weeks of free access to their experts, in case anything needs fine-tuning before I graduate.

All green lights, right? Yes, but some of the “not that” is also showing up in my life.  My commitment test isn’t over yet. Events outside of my control like our car suddenly needing a four-figure repair and other unexpected financial challenges have changed some of my budget plans. I know I just have to be patient and stay in faith that I will reach my Big Goal exactly according to Diving Timing.

This requires that I re-commit DAILY, getting up early and doing my mindset, prayer and gratitude work before anything else.  This daily practice helps me see past any current frustrations and setbacks and envision a future of success, fulfillment and abundance for me and my clients.  I am being made to walk my coaching talk — to rely on Divine Guidance to get me through obstacles and keep my mindset focused on the prize.  The obstacles in my path are sometimes scary and often frustrating, but it is rewarding at the end of each day to know that I did my BEST and to renew my faith that God is indeed guiding my steps to victory.

As my favorite television pastor, Joel Osteen, says, when we are “in the middle of a miracle,” we cannot yet see the positive outcome that lies ahead of us.  It can look like nothing much is happening , but if we keep believing, stay positive and grateful, and keep doing our BEST, we WILL move through all obstacles and emerge victorious. As Joel reminds each of us, “I am closer than I think.”

Stay tuned! I am sure there are going to be some more miracles ahead to report to you.  Thank you, my cherished readers, for your kind support that truly encourages me.

****************** Give the Gift of Dreams Fulfilled! ********************

Give a friend, colleague or yourself a unique gift that can be truly life-changing: a ONE HOUR Success Breakthrough session by phone.  It is absolutely F*R*E*E* with no strings attached! To schedule this F*R*E*E* coaching session, email me at ASAP, as space is VERY limited this month.

If you would like your own F*R*E*E* subscription to receive this blog three Sundays a month, just go to my website and fill in your name and email at the top.

February 6, 2022

“Believe and act as if it were impossible to fail.” – Charles Kettering

Ever since reading Super Attractor by Gabrielle Bernstein a few months ago, I have been trying to practice what she teaches is the BEST way to make the Law of Attraction (“energy attracts like energy”) work FOR you in manifesting your dreams with maximum speed and ease.

As Gabby says, “The Universe ALWAYS delivers.”  That means that whatever shows up in your life is a perfect reflection of the energy (your thoughts plus the emotions that arise from your thoughts) YOU are projecting into the world.  And your emotions (or feelings) are by far the strongest part of your energetic “vibration.”

So it’s our job to align OUR energy with the perfect, loving, always-ready-to-help energy of God (or whatever term you use for your Higher Power) IF we want what is attracted to us to be something good.

The great news, according to Gabby, is that we don’t have to try to MAKE our dreams a reality.  In fact, Super Attractor is all about learning to release your Ego’s illusion of being in CONTROL.  When your Ego tries to FORCE its plan on the situation, it will actually push your heartfelt desires further away.

To attract whatever is for your Highest Good, you just need to be receptive, open to Divine Guidance and willing to NOT know the HOW when you begin your quest.  You must be willing to simply trust that God/The Universe has a perfect plan for manifesting your dream and you will be shown what to do at the right time.

By the way, I am happy that Gabby places a lot of emphasis on being open to your “Highest Good” – trusting that whatever your Higher Power guides you to will be something as good or EVEN BETTER than what you originally imagined. This is especially true when we create Big Goals that benefit OTHERS as well as ourselves – then we are stepping into a whole new level of being a Super Attractor.

So I have been practicing releasing all emotional attachment to the HOW or WHEN for my own Big Goals.  Instead, I am focusing on expressing appreciation for all that I have NOW and expressing gratitude IN ADVANCE for all that I desire.  I have only to ASK, then release all worry and attachment, and await Divine Direction about exactly what steps I am to take to reach my goals.

It’s become part of my morning ritual of reading a positive book or devotional for 15 or 20 minutes, then doing my Gratitude Journaling, and ending with a prayer asking that I will stay happy and worry-free, standing in faith that ALL my needs and desires will manifest in God’s perfect ways and timing.

Real Results

And so far, Gabby’s Super Attractor Formula has been working great! Every one of my private clients and  Manifesting Mastermind members are using it too and all are getting some amazing results.

My own “miracle” demonstration of how well Gabby’s approach works came at the start of the New Year.

For many years, I have known that God’s Plan for my life is calling me out of my coaching comfort zone to begin delivering divine prosperity messages to a wider audience. He’s given me time to embrace the idea, but I haven’t gotten any clear direction on HOW, exactly, I am supposed to do that.

In December, I began to see the usual barrage of ads on social media for all kinds of marketing programs promising to deliver coaches a much bigger audience with this or that “unique and special” marketing “secret.” But none of these approaches fit my audience, skills or prosperity message, so I tuned them out.

Yet, for some unexplainable reason, ONE of these ads caught my attention and I watched the video message. It wasn’t hypey.  It made perfect sense. It spoke to coaches and other practitioners who deliver real “transformation” to their clients. It didn’t rely on me being a social media guru or writing a “best seller” or using some manipulative advertising tricks, etc.  It seemed like a very authentic, informative way to connect with my potential audience and then have a personal conversation with those who were attracted to my message.  Ethical, simple.

I thought, “I can do that.” I spoke to one of the program coaches and I really liked his non-salesy energy and the way he clearly laid out the program.  It included a mindset coach, a writing coach and a tech team that could create a marketing funnel on social media FOR me (since I am about as non-techy as they come).

The catch: The 8-week immersive program costs A LOT more than I have ever spent on any training program before.  I did not have that kind of money available on credit cards. And I was not going to take out a loan.

That’s when I instantly realized what a Super Attractor would do: She would ask God for a crystal-clear confirmation that this is what He drew my attention to – the ideal HOW for making a quick leap to the wider audience He wants me to deliver my divine prosperity message to.

I took Gabby’s instructions to heart:  I prayed, I practiced aligning my energy with God and I wrote in my Daily Gratitude Formula Journal that I was grateful (in advance) for receiving a crystal-clear sign that this WAS indeed the way I was supposed to go…. Oh, yeah. AND I let God know that if I was supposed to enroll in this program, HE was going to have to come up with the funds for it, because I had NO idea of how to get them.

God’s Answer

One week later, on New Year’s Eve, I went out to the mailbox and found the usual batch of charity solicitations and one envelope from a big bank that I had never dealt with.  The letter inside offered me a credit card to be used only for business expenses and invited me to apply online.

I actually reached out to drop it in the recycle can, but my hand just wouldn’t release the envelope.  I thought, “What the heck? Maybe this could be God’s answer” — although it seemed highly unlikely that whatever credit line I qualified for would be enough.

Still, I had nothing to lose, so I input all of our corporation information and the wheel spun for a couple of seconds and my jaw dropped when I was APPROVED for an amount I could not believe!  It is exactly what I need for the program tuition and all additional marketing expenses.  And it is ZERO percent interest for one year, with CASH BACK REWARDS, to boot. THAT Divine Direction left no doubt about what God wanted me to do!

I have been doing the program for one month now and will finish at the end of February with a whole new way to connect with my target audience.  It’s delivering everything it promised and more.  It’s like drinking out of a fire hose, but I am being guided patiently and calmly by my coaches through everything that I would never be able to figure out by myself.

I am sharing my personal story with you for two reasons:

1) First, I want you to know that the Law of Attraction IS real and DOES work. I believe it is one of God’s greatest gifts for humanity to connect with Divine Energy and receive God’s guidance. And I highly recommend you read Super Attractor by Gabrielle Bernstein.  It’s one of the clearest books on how to use the power of the Law of Attraction – a subject I have been studying in depth and teaching to almost 2,000 coaching clients for the past 17 years.

2) Second, I want you to understand WHY the blog is going to take the rest of the month off — because I am totally immersed in completing this program while still serving my private clients. Look for your next Cup of Caroll on Sunday March 6. I am sure I will have many MORE miracles to share with my cherished readers then.  I can’t wait!

****************** Give the Gift of Dreams Fulfilled! ********************

This New Year, give a friend, colleague or yourself a truly unique gift that can be truly life-changing: a ONE HOUR Success Breakthrough session by phone.  It is absolutely F*R*E*E* with no strings attached! To schedule this F*R*E*E* coaching session, email me at ASAP, as space is VERY limited this month.

If you would like your own free subscription to receive this blog three Sundays a month, just go to my website and fill in your name and email at the top.

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