August 2013

“Too often we underestimate the power of a touch, a smile, a kind word, a listening ear, an honest compliment, or the smallest act of caring, all of which have the potential to turn a life around.” – Leo F. Buscaglia

One of my favorite free daily quote services is I highly recommend its wonderful daily dose of good news and inspiration. Today’s post contained a link to a beautiful, inspiring short video about the power of acknowledgment, which I will share with you at the end of the blog.

A startling statistic it shared is that 25% of all employees who voluntarily leave their jobs cite lack of appreciation as the reason they quit.  Can you imagine? What were their bosses thinking?

I learned the secret a long time ago, which this video reinforces, that every human being craves appreciation. We all want to be seen, known and appreciated for who we are.  If you want to experience the great feeling of rapport, affinity and harmony with another human being – a boss, spouse, co-worker, sibling, store clerk, etc. — simply give them a sincere acknowledgment, expressing appreciation for what they have done or who they are being.  You will make an instant friend.

Today, I got a lovely acknowledgement from someone who told me exactly how my coaching had made a difference for her and it touched me deeply.  I had done a complimentary coaching session with her over a year ago.  Now, even the greatest coach can’t turn someone’s life around in just one hour, but I CAN listen closely to someone and appreciate them and leave them loving themselves and believing in themselves just a little bit more.

During our long-ago hour together, I had listened to her and recreated what she shared about her difficult circumstances, so she knew I truly “got” what she was going through.  I acknowledged her for her will to triumph in the face of the adversity she had been through – for never giving up. I also suggested she read The Power by Rhonda Byrne and check out professional therapy to help her begin the long journey to turning around a bad situation and creating the life she deserved.  Lastly, I told her the door was always open to call me again anytime.

I didn’t hear from her for another year and a half.  Today, she took advantage of my Fall Finale free coaching offer and we had a follow-up session. To my delight, I discovered that her life has completely transformed since we last spoke.  She is now ready to take it to another level, and we are going to partner in coaching to do just that.

While I am thrilled to have her as a client, that wasn’t the BEST part of the call for me.  The best part was at the end, when she said, “I want to acknowledge YOU, Caroll.  My life has come so far since our session over a year ago.  What you recommended worked great for me.  My new career, my health, strength and my happy family all have come out of that!  Things are really falling into place for me and I know I’m on my way.  You are a blessing in my life!”

Do you think that made my day?  Heck it made my MONTH!  It was amazing to think that I had made such a big difference for another human being, simply by listening to her, acknowledging her, and telling her I believed in her. That’s what we coaches live for!

And that’s why at the start of every coaching call, I always ask my clients to tell me what they want to be acknowledged for at that moment.  At first, it can be embarrassing, even painful, for some people to claim their worth out loud.  But, after a few more sessions, if we ever get too far into the call before I ask, even the ones who squirm the most will interrupt me with, “Hey, aren’t you going to ask me what I want to be acknowledged for?” I get to recreate their self-acknowledgment aloud, and even amplify it a bit, as they listen and really GET that they are great…They are worthy…They matter.  And that is the foundation for ALL human transformation.

By the way, acknowledging and complimenting are not exactly the same thing.  A compliment is when you draw attention to something observable about the other person – maybe their hair or their clothes or their smile. While “You’ve lost weight!” or “You look good in that color” is always nice to hear, an acknowledgment is much more powerful because it’s about who the person IS or what they DO that makes a difference for the world, such as, “I want to acknowledge your great work on that project.  You really went above and beyond!”  or “Thank you for sending the get-well card when I was sick.  It really made my day!”

I urge you to make at least one other human being’s day EVERY day by acknowledging and appreciating them. It will make them – and you — feel wonderful! (For extra credit, try it on someone who is often pessimistic or grumpy and see what happens!)

P.S. Watch this four-minute video on the importance of acknowledging and appreciating others. and I hope it makes YOUR day!

*********It’s FALL FINALE time******* That’s right! It’s not too late: There’s still time to make a big dream or two come true before 2013 is over!  My job description as a coach is simple: I help you get what YOU want. This Fall, I’m making it as easy and affordable as possible! 

I will do a complimentary one-hour phone coaching session with any past client or any friend you refer to me. You must contact me by Sunday September 8 at (888) 503-8145 or to schedule a F.R.E.E., no-obligation coaching session for anytime during September.

 IF after our complimentary coaching session, they decide it’s time to make their dreams a reality, their first month’s coaching will be HALF-PRICE!  So please tell your friends to contact me TODAY, as these F.R.E.E. session slots are very limited.

August 11, 2013

“A great attitude does much more than turn on the lights in our worlds; it seems to magically connect us to all sorts of serendipitous opportunities that were somehow absent before the change.” — Earl Nightingale

I love it when life challenges me to “walk my talk” as a coach because it strengthens my conviction that the Universal Laws really DO bring us everything we need and desire IF we are willing to live by them.

Over the past several months, a longtime True Purpose ™ and Practical Prosperity Coaching ™ client joyfully manifested a great new job, a beautiful new car and a wonderful apartment conveniently located near her work.  She was thrilled and asked me to continue working with her to manifest some other personal Intentions.

At the end of July, I confirmed once again that she still wanted me to charge her checking debit card for the amount we’d agreed on and she did. But a few days later, I got an urgent email from her.  Her moving expenses were going to be bigger than she’d planned and she begged me to wait until September to charge her for two months of coaching at once.

That would not have been a problem, except that I’d already submitted the charge for her debit card three days earlier when I did my other monthly billings.  In truth, I was frustrated with her because I felt that she had created both a time-wasting hassle for me and a significant loss of income that I’d counted on to pay my own August bills. It seemed to me that SHE was the one out of integrity by waiting too long to figure out her finances, but I was the one who had to “pay” for it.

I replied as gently as I could manage that I had already charged her card and that the charge would show up in her bank account in another day or two.  And then I waited to see what she would say.  Maybe, I thought, I could help her create a way to manifest all the money she needed for the month some other way. But I didn’t get any reply to my response, and I was so busy I just forgot about it.

A few days later when all the monthly charges were deposited into my account, I noticed that the total was SHORT by exactly the amount I had billed her.  Instantly, my ego took over and I immediately forgot the Third Agreement (see Blog #110) and made the ASSUMPTION that she had gone “behind my back” and stopped the payment somehow.  So I huffily shot her an email asking, “Did you do something about the charge on your card?” and then went for my morning walk.

I always use my morning walks to connect my own spirit to Universal Spirit, to affirm that everything in my life is working to bring me my highest good, and to remind myself to let go of all worry about HOW I will get whatever I need and desire and instead just TRUST that the Universe has my back and is working on it.

I used this particular walk to do some self coaching: I reminded myself that my negative thoughts and feelings about the situation were not going to attract anything good to me OR my client.  If I wanted a Win-Win, I was going to have to change MY thoughts and feelings in order to produce it.  I was going to have to open my mind to listen to what the Universe was trying to tell me for my highest good and hers. By the time I got home, I was reconnected to how GRATEFUL I was to have her as my client and how much good she had already brought into my life.

Then I noticed an email from her. She said that NO, she hadn’t done anything about the card.  In fact, she’d been anxiously checking her bank account for the debit to show up so her account would not be overdrawn.  She asked if I would check into it.

I did and to my amazement, I discovered that in doing my billings, I had charged every client except her – days before either of us knew that she really needed to keep her cash!  I was so dumbfounded, I told her that I believed the Universe knew about her need in advance and somehow prevented me from charging her card – without my even realizing it! That’s when she replied that she had just gotten a new credit card, and it was fine with her if I charged her CREDIT card instead, thus creating an effortless WIN-WIN for both of us!

Some people might say this was simply a fortunate “coincidence” instead of the action of universal law or divine guidance.

But my client and I get to choose our beliefs too….And we choose to see this as a reminder from the Universe that if we will simply let go of needing to be “right” and our attachment to trying to control how our intentions are fulfilled, we can experience ease, flow and synchronicity that enriches us both materially AND spiritually.

******** What do you want for your life? My “job description” as a coach is simply this: I help you get what YOU want. I invite you to schedule a complimentary phone consultation where together we’ll explore your big dreams and determine if coaching can assist you in reaching them. I have programs and coaching specialties for every need. Learn more at: or contact me at or toll free at 888-503-8145. Contact me TODAY to schedule a complimentary phone consultation! *************

August 4, 2013

Last week, I told you a client had sent me a wonderful Daily Inspiration excerpt from inspiring speaker and life coach Alan Cohen’s book, A Deep Breath of Life: Daily Inspirations for Heart-Centered Living.

I was delighted to read this passage for two reasons: First, because this particular message is so in alignment with my personal beliefs and is exactly what I teach my coaching clients to help them manifest their dreams.

As a bonus, I have fond memories of listening to Alan speak one afternoon during “America’s Dream Coach,” Marcia Wieder’s, very first week-long Dream Retreat workshop held in Maui, Hawaii in the Fall of 1999.

I had never heard of Alan Cohen before then, and it was complete serendipity that he was a friend of Marcia’s AND just happened to live on Maui.  He surprised us by “dropping in” to enthrall our circle of 30 novice Dreamers, speaking apparently “off the cuff” for several hours.  The ideas he presented about making our dreams come true were new to me then and his effortless wisdom and easy positive energy had everything to do with my embracing the novel idea that it was possible to manifest even BIG dreams quickly AND easily!

Here, quoted verbatim in its entirety, is Alan Cohen’s Daily Inspiration for July 19 from A Deep Breath of Life:

“Let It Be Easy

Life was never meant to be a struggle.

– Stuart Wilde

A friend of mine invited author Arnold Patent to participate in a project she was sponsoring.  After considering the invitation, Arnold told her, ‘I don’t think I’ll be part of this venture.  When I try it on for size, it feels like a struggle for me.  My life is about ease.’

My life is about ease. Now there is a powerful affirmation!  Imagine how much more joyful and creative you would be if you refused to participate in anything that was a struggle, and relaxed into what you’re doing so that it became a dance instead of drudgery.  You just might end up living heaven on earth!

Whenever you feel a sense of strain, ask yourself this question:

How would I be doing this differently If I were willing to let it be easy?

Letting it be easy does not mean sitting back, succumbing to laziness, and expecting everyone else to do everything for you.  Letting it be easy means honoring your aliveness, acting from the place in you where life is meaningful, and releasing any notion that you must participate in activities that deaden you.

When you proceed from joy rather than rote obligation, you will have so much more creative energy and health that you will be infinitely more powerful to manifest the life you choose, and serve others in the process.

Lead me from struggle to ease that I may reflect the Light of the world.

I magnify peace as I do what I love.”

Thank you, Alan, for this wonderful reminder that when we have the courage to pursue our heartfelt dreams, and allow the Universe to make it EASY, it always provides us with exactly the  help and resources we need to manifest them — just like the day when you showed up on Maui for me!

Please check out Alan’s website and consider signing up for his monthly Newsletter at

******** What do you want for your life? My “job description” as a coach is simply this: I help you get what YOU want. I invite you to schedule a complimentary phone consultation where together we’ll explore your big dreams and determine if coaching can assist you in reaching them. I have programs and coaching specialties for every need. Learn more at: or contact me at or toll free at 888-503-8145. Contact me TODAY to schedule a complimentary phone consultation! *************