May 2020

May 17, 2020

“Without inspiration, the best powers of the mind remain dormant.  There is a fuel in us which needs to be ignited with sparks.” – Johann Gottried Von Herder

If you would like to attract more and better customers, business partners, a great romantic relationship, a new career, more prosperity – just about anything – you absolutely CAN. The attraction is triggered by The Law of Attraction, which says that “energy attracts like energy.” In other words, the personal “energy vibration” (your thoughts plus your emotions which arise from those thoughts) you emanate always attracts to you people, things and circumstances that are a match for your energy.

To send out a vibration that will attract the positive people and things you desire, you must first light a spark within yourself — the spark of enthusiasm. If you don’t feel genuinely enthusiastic about who you are and what you are selling or offering to others, nobody else will be interested either. This was the main message I got this week from the experiences of several of my network marketing/direct sales coaching clients.

Several Team Leaders told me that they personally have been having record months in their businesses, despite the challenges of our current COVID-19 reality.  They are genuinely enthusiastic about offering their products and business opportunity to others. They truly want to help them, and so approach their reach outs with an expectation that their products and/or business opportunity just might be exactly what the person they are contacting is looking for.

Some of their Team members, however, have not been having similar success and the Leaders were perplexed that they seem to just give up without really trying. When the Leaders try to support them, these Team members express no enthusiasm for offering people they know something that could be a life-changing option for them.  These Team members lament, “Nobody has any money right now” or “They have too much on their minds; they don’t want to hear about this.” Not surprisingly, whenever they do attempt a reach out, that’s exactly the response they got — a reflection of their own energy.

I just finished reading a fascinating collection of short books on spiritual mindset and manifesting by Florence Scovel Shinn, compiled under the main title “The Game of Life and How to Play It.” Even though she wrote the final part in 1944 and the style is a bit old-fashioned, it’s remarkable how completely relevant her teachings still are regarding the power of our thoughts and words to shape our lives.

She was a pioneer Law of Attraction coach, teaching her clients that their thoughts and especially their spoken words were shaping their reality. They came to her for help and she gave them inspiring positive affirmations that sparked positive emotions and installed new, empowering beliefs in their subconscious minds. This changed their energy vibration and attracted whatever they wanted to them very quickly.

In the very last chapter of the book, she talks about the importance of enthusiasm:

“The word enthusiasm in the dictionary is defined, ‘to be inspired or possessed by the gods.’ Enthusiasm is divine fire and kindles enthusiasm in others. To be a good salesman, you must be enthusiastic about the articles you are selling. If you are bored with your business or uninterested, the fires go out, and no one else will be interested.”

She went on to give this example of the importance of first lighting the spark of enthusiasm inside yourself if you want to attract enthusiastic people to you:

“A woman came to me for success in business.  She said, ‘I have a shop, but it is usually empty. I do not bother to open it until late in the day, what’s the use?’ I replied, ‘There is indeed no use so long as you feel the way you do. You are keeping people away. Become enthusiastic over what you have to sell. Be enthusiastic about yourself. Be enthusiastic about the God-power within you, and get up early to open your shop and be ready for the big crowd.”

In the specific ACTION she advised her client to take — to open up early and “be ready for the big crowd”– Florence also reminds us of another key tool for triggering the Law of Attraction: You must act as though you ALREADY have the result you are after. When you take actions that show your subconscious mind you truly BELIEVE and EXPECT to receive what you say you desire, it aligns your energy with what you want and attracts it to you.

The outcome for her client was exactly what Florence expected:

“By this time, she was all wound up with divine expectancy. She dashed down to her shop as early as possible and people were waiting outside and poured in all day….Your quality of thought penetrates every article for sale and all the conditions connected with it.”

So, you see, if you want to attract greater success in your business or career, more fulfilling relationships, more prosperity and happiness, take Florence’s advice and show the world your authentic enthusiasm for yourself and the gifts you have to offer. The spark of passion you light inside yourself will light a fire under others, too.

PLEASE NOTE: In order to give me time to continue preparing my new membership site, the blog will be taking the next two weeks off and will return on Sunday June 7.

 If you or your friends would like your own free subscription to receive this blog three Sundays a month, just go to and click on the Prosperity Tips button at the top.

*************** Give Yourself the Gift of Dreams Fulfilled! ******************

I want to be of service to YOU and your friends, colleagues and loved ones, especially now! To schedule a NO-obligation, F*R*E*E* HOUR of phone coaching that will help clarify your goals and get you into ACTION to make them a reality, please email me while I still have openings at

May 10, 2020

“What this power is I cannot say.  All I know is that it exists…and it becomes available only when you are in a state of mind in which you know exactly what you want…and are fully determined not to quit until you get it.” – Alexander Graham Bell

“You can’t lead anyone else further than you have gone yourself.” – Gene Mauch

First, a great big Happy Mother’s Day to all you mothers, stepmothers, grandmothers, and Fur Baby mothers!  None of us would have made it without your unconditional love and nurturing…. And now, homeschooling! You do it all with style, grace and love and we are all SO grateful!

If you haven’t yet read last week’s blog (Pushed on Purpose – Blog 371), I hope you will.  Briefly, I told the story of how one of my clients and I both experienced the unfolding of a long-held Big Dream by never giving up on it, and by creating a daily connection to our Higher Power that gave us the step-by-step guidance we needed to succeed.

In my case, I did my daily morning journaling/connecting with God (my Higher Power), using May McCarthy’s wonderful Gratitude Formula. Specifically, I asked God to help me discover a way to help MORE people reach their Big Goals by harnessing the power of the Law of Attraction (“energy attracts like energy”), which I have been teaching to my private coaching clients for many years.  

Now, more than ever, there is a huge need for people to learn to create success and prosperity, despite a fractured economy, huge unemployment and the pervasive fear mentality that surrounds us every day.  The group I most want to help is small business owners, direct sellers and entrepreneurs. They have hustle and heart and are out there every day, working toward their Big Goals with belief and perseverance.  I want them to achieve the greatest success they can possibly imagine.

This need is also personal for me.  With the COVID-19 pandemic, my own family’s income has been drastically cut, too. My husband’s real estate business has slowed considerably, and in my private coaching practice, many eager potential clients who were poised to come into coaching in March abruptly pulled back to wait and see what happens.

This could appear to be a personal disaster, but as I said in the last blog, sometimes God/The Universe uses outer circumstances to push us out of our comfy habitual “nest” so we can grow in more purposeful ways that always lead to our Highest Good.  I have rock solid faith in that.

In my 16 years as a Personal Success Coach, I have helped over 750 private clients reach their Big Goals. But for the past few years, I have felt a strong pull to find a way to teach many MORE people the Law of Attraction tools that have always helped me succeed.

I have delivered online courses for up to 70 participants at a time, and all were well-received. But closed-ended courses have several inherent limitations. The biggest is that, like students in school, participants must move through the material at roughly the same pace.  Some participants couldn’t make it to the live Zoom calls, and if they didn’t keep up with the video replays and homework, they became overwhelmed by a backlog of work and eventually dropped out.

The other main drawback was that some who wanted the course could not afford even the modest up-front fee that I charged for an eight-week course.  I wanted to include the people who needed the information the most, while still making it profitable for me.

Finally, the main drawback for me is that it is very time-consuming to design, market and deliver a live course for two months at a time, while still serving my private coaching clients.

Seeking the ultimate solution, I began writing in my Gratitude Formula Journal each morning, expressing gratitude in advance to God that I knew there was a Win-Win solution for all the people I wanted to help AND for me — and that I was confident that God would guide me to it. The Divine Guidance we request often comes, not through our reasoning mind, but via an intuitive “hunch” or strong urge – a “lead,” as May McCarthy calls it.

That’s how the solution came to me, like a mini-miracle!  A couple of weeks ago, I was scrolling through SPAM to make sure nothing important had landed there, when an email caught my eye.  It was from a Law of Attraction coach with an enormous following whose blogs I used to read.  I almost deleted it, since I hadn’t received anything from him in many months, but an intuitive inner “urge” made me stop and read it.

The LOA coach’s email was promoting someone I had never heard of, Stu McLaren, a Canadian marketing guru who apparently is masterful at helping coaches, artists, instructors and all kinds of small business owners share their expertise with a wide audience through a membership site.  I had never really thought about membership sites before that moment.

But as Stu pointed out, we ALL subscribe to many membership sites these days – they really are our major modern delivery system for goods and services of all kinds.  If you have an Amazon or Costco membership, subscribe to YouTube or Netflix or a home school teacher site, book of the month club, use WordPress or Go Daddy, get monthly shipments of products from organic vegetables to skin care – you already are an active membership user.  You use these memberships because they have a low monthly cost and they are convenient, delivering exactly what you want exactly when you want it.

The email was promoting several free online classes with Stu McLaren, promising to show us how we could provide regular ongoing content, support and community engagement to our subscription members.  I felt another inner “urge” and signed up for his four free classes.  At the end of the free series, I was absolutely blown away — this is EXACTLY the answer I have been asking God for and it came out of nowhere, when I least expected it!

NOW, I have a way to teach an unlimited number of entrepreneurs, small business owners and direct sellers how to use The Law of Attraction to connect to exactly the right resources, customers and business partners that can lead to greater success and prosperity with greater speed and ease.  Most importantly, now they will receive the ONGOING support they need to successfully implement what they learn, which was not possible with short-term courses.

NOW members will be able to learn what to do at their OWN pace, so they will never again have that “fall behind” content overwhelm.  And they will still have the benefit of LIVE coaching with me as part of the membership, as well as being part of a growing, on-going mastermind/support community of peers who are on the same path (along with purposeful personal direction from their Higher Power, of course). In the near future, I also intend to invite other master trainers and speakers to share their own special ideas and techniques for manifesting greater prosperity and success in our businesses and lives.  (I have been studying The Law of Attraction for over 25 years, and I am still constantly learning myself!)

The best part is, ALL this can be done for a very low monthly fee for each member, so EVERYONE can participate who wants to, for as long as they want to. It’s month-to-month, with no contract.  People will stay as long as they are getting good value for their time and money.

I am now enrolled in Stu’s two-month course that begins next week, to learn to set up an effective membership site right from the get-go, so members can have the best possible experience. I will be opening it up to new enrollments in June, and launching the membership site content in early July.

But I need YOUR help NOW!

In the next week or so, I will announce a special PRE-launch, offering a limited number of Founding Member subscriptions to the New Success Community. Founding Memberships will be at the LOWEST price I will EVER offer and are guaranteed to never increase, as long as their monthly membership is maintained.

Founding Members will not only get a screaming deal on their monthly membership, but I am going to call on them for their input on the membership site content and community structure. I want them to share their valuable ideas to make this the effective, valuable and enjoyable learning and personal growth experience we all want it to be.  Together, we can transform lives!

So, you see, the tools I give my clients to master The Law of Attraction and create more success with greater speed and ease also apply to ME.  I used the Gratitude Formula to get the “hunch” that led me to the ultimate answer I have been seeking.  I love coaching because it makes me walk my talk, and that leads ME to greater success, too!

IMPORTANT: Pre-launch ends in May, whenever the limited number of Founding Memberships are gone. For information on the cost and details of becoming a Founding Member and helping shape our New Success Community, please contact me ASAP at with your full name and email address. I can’t wait to hear from you!

If you or your friends would like your own free subscription to receive this blog three Sundays a month, just go to and click on the Prosperity Tips button at the top.  The archive of all past blogs is also on my website.





May 3, 2020

“Not every closed door is a bad thing.  If God had not shut that door, we would have been satisfied to stay where we were….God knows we won’t move forward without a push.  You have too much potential, too much talent, too much in you to get stuck where you are.  He’ll put you in situations that make you stretch, make you grow.” – Joel Osteen

As you know, I was planning to take a break from writing the blog this week.  But several events conspired to create a message I just HAD to deliver to you because maybe, like me, you find yourself in a difficult, uncomfortable situation right now.  Things were going fine, and now it feels like the rug has been pulled out from under your life plans and you don’t know what to do.

If that is the case, I encourage you to try to see your current challenge from a different perspective, as I have had to do.  Maybe getting shoved out of the comfort zone you were stuck in will turn into the greatest blessing you could ask for.  Maybe you are exactly where you need to be to step up to a whole new level of success, purpose and fulfillment.

I am not minimizing the devastating impact the current world-wide pandemic has had on innocent people.  Millions of lives have been disrupted in very severe ways – financially, socially and physically. Many doors have closed, but other doors have opened because of our disrupted familiar “normal.”  Sadly, many businesses have closed, but others have pivoted to entirely new ways of working and are thriving.

I coached one of my longtime clients this week, and marveled at her story of how her own long-term plans for her future were completely upended, yet she and her family are now unexpectedly thriving more than ever before.

A few years ago, she was methodically working her plan to gradually work her way out of her day job by building her side business in network marketing.  When we first started coaching, she was close to being able to quit and do her side business full-time.  Her Team was growing and she was eager to give her business her full attention.

Then the totally unexpected happened: She became a single parent and the sole support of her children.  Luckily, she got a great job offer that covered their financial needs, but she had to uproot her kids and move to a different state. Between the long hours she spent at her very demanding new job and helping her children adjust to their new life, she had little time or energy left to grow her business.

For a time, she valiantly tried to keep up our coaching, but it became more and more sporadic, as her boss often called impromptu meetings during our scheduled calls and traffic made her late getting home. Finally, her day job involved too much long-distance travel, and she had to put our coaching on hold for several months.

Still, she never gave up on her Big Goal.  She did what she could to support her Team, even though it was tiring and uncomfortable, but without her steady, energetic leadership, malaise set into the Team and growth slowed.

With her crazy schedule, it really surprised me when she enrolled in my spring webinar, the New Success Formula 2020, which ended just as the stay-at-home lockdown hit. She sometimes missed the live Zooms, but she always watched the replays and worked her way through the homework at her own pace.  After the course, she took me up on my offer for a free one-hour private session and told me she wanted to get back into coaching again.

I thought when COVID-19 reared its ugly head, things might get worse for her, but amazingly, they got a whole lot better.  On our most recent call, she told me she, her family and her network marketing business are all thriving.  Working from home, she can’t travel now, and her boss doesn’t make her late for our calls.  She is more productive, yet able to spend more time with her happy children and child care is no longer an issue. She has much more time to devote to the growth of her business, too.

Best of all, in a surprise move, her boss decided to let the staff work from home permanently. He ended a high-five-figure monthly lease and moved headquarters to a smaller office where the staff can gather once a week and hold client meetings whenever they need to.  The company is saving millions and staff morale and productivity are through the roof. Everyone is happy!

Now, her business Team is again growing by leaps and bounds, despite the pandemic.  Their products are as desirable as ever and they are more enthusiastic than ever about giving others the option to work from home while earning good incomes, too.

When my client told me, I don’t think any of this would have happened for me if I hadn’t taken your course, I was shocked. She explained that the course had gotten her to step off the hamster wheel she was stuck on and carve out some essential time for herself.  She began getting up before the kids each morning to do her Gratitude Formula journaling, which opened up a channel for direct, intuitive guidance from her Higher Power. That, in turn, built her confidence that the Law of Attraction (“energy attracts like energy”) would soon lead her to the life of prosperity, purpose and joy that she has been seeking these past several years.

Every one of us can count on God/The Universe to guide us to our purposeful dreams, but we have to be willing to listen and then ACT on what we are guided to do, even if it is uncomfortable and takes us on a very different route than we had imagined.

I, too, am about to embark on a whole new career path than I had always envisioned.  In my 16 years as a Personal Success Coach, I have always preferred private coaching, feeling I can best serve my clients by getting to know them well and working closely with them individually for a few months.  But now, I am seeing the limitations of this model, as no new clients have come on board since the country went into lock down, and my income has been drastically affected.

My client’s impromptu testimonial really opened my eyes to the great impact my group coaching courses can have on individuals by teaching them to use simple, proven Law of Attraction tools to reach any Big Goal with speed and ease.

While I can make a bigger difference by teaching MORE people with online courses,  there are drawbacks. Webinars are low-cost, but some people cannot afford even the modest up-front fee I charge.  The live Zoom calls can’t be at a time that works for everyone, and the weekly lesson pace can be too fast for some.  If they fall behind, they tend to never finish the replays and homework that will get them to their Big Goals. 

I put in a LOT of time into designing each course and marketing it, on top of keeping up with my private coaching clients’ needs.  I make the extra effort because I want to teach MORE people the same invaluable Law of Attraction tools that helped this client, but if they don’t finish, they won’t succeed, and that is not the result I want for them!

So, for the past several months, I have been using my daily morning Gratitude Formula journaling to ask God to guide me to better way to reach MORE people, make it MORE affordable, and give them ONGOING support to implement what they learn like I am able to give my private coaching clients – but without imposing a heavier workload on myself.

Two weeks ago, out of the blue, I discovered a way to help many MORE people reach their Big Goals without sacrificing the swift progress of private coaching.  I believe it is the PERFECT Win-Win solution that is low cost, self-paced, interactive, open-ended and delivers exactly the information and support my clients need to get fast results, yet puts minimal burdens on my time, all while giving me much more stable income potential.  I would never have sought or found this solution if I had been able to stay in my familiar private coaching comfort zone.

In my next blog, I will tell you the story of how this surprising answer was delivered to me and I think you will agree it was a perfect little miracle!  (You just may want to jump on board with it yourself, or tell your Team and loved ones about it so they can take advantage.)  I can hardly wait!

If you or your friends would like your own free subscription to receive this blog three Sundays a month, just go to and click on the Prosperity Tips button at the top.

*************** Give Yourself the Gift of Dreams Fulfilled! ******************

I want to be of service to YOU and your friends, colleagues and loved ones, especially now! To schedule a NO-obligation, F*R*E*E* HOUR of phone coaching that will help clarify your goals and get you into ACTION to make them a reality, please email me while I still have openings at