
March 24, 2024

“The direction of your focus is the direction your life will move. Let yourself move toward what is good, valuable, strong and true.” – Ralph Marston

It’s no secret that sports has always had a lot to teach us about life. Whether you are a rabid sports fan or like me, only tune in for the BIG contests like Super Bowl and the World Series, I am sure we can all appreciate that sports played at the highest level brings out the best in the athletes and inspires the rest of us to do our best in whatever “arena” of life we play in.

That’s why I wanted to share another blog by Debbie Powers, Assistant Professor Emerita of Wellness at Ball State University and an athlete-coach in her own right.

I quote her recent post for Body Wise International here verbatim, with my own related tips for living a successful life added in bold brackets. 

March Madness

By Debbie Powers

“March brings spring flowers, chirping birds, and MADNESS.  Yes…it’s time for March Madness. Basketball fans have their brackets filled out and team sweatshirts out of their closets. We marvel at the skill and athleticism of the athletes. Heartfelt stories of players and Cinderella teams fill the networks. We experience excitement, drama, and glory along with the players. We witness the tears of the losers along with celebratory screaming of the winners. And we sometimes cry and yell as well. Reasons for losing are often emphasized: officiating, coaching, lack of effort, missed opportunities, etc.

It is a good time to reflect on the true purpose of sport. Whereas money dominates the sports landscape today, it hasn’t always been that way. I was fascinated when reading some pages from a college sports handbook, published in 1925. It offered to its athletes the athletic department’s philosophy of sport:

•          When you play a game always wish to win and try to win, otherwise your opponent will have no fun; but never wish to win so much that you cannot be happy without it. [This reminds us that we need to be “committed” to a Big Goal – with grit and determination to do our BEST, expecting to reach it, while at the same time remaining “unattached” as to HOW God/The Universe chooses to help us reach it.]

•          Seek to win only by fair and lawful means according to the rules of the game, and this will leave you without bitterness toward your opponent or shame before others. [TRUE victory can only be won by maintaining your integrity at all times.  If you engage in some form of lying or cheating, you may not be “caught,” but you will harbor a sense of guilt for the rest of your days, and that negative energy will interfere with your future success.]

•          Take pleasure in the game even though you do not obtain victory; for the purpose of the game is not merely to win, but to find joy and strength in trying. [Every life challenge we successfully face makes us stronger. We should enjoy the journey along the way to victory by being fully present and expressing gratitude for all the good we already have.]

•          If you obtain this victory which you have so desired, think more of your good fortune than of your own skill. This will make you grateful and ready to share with others the honor bestowed upon you, and truly this is reasonable. [We never accomplish a Big Goal all on our own. Even individual efforts require support, mentorship and sacrifice by others on our behalf. Gratitude and a sense of humility toward your triumphs will make you an inspiring role model and attract MORE good things to you.]

Wow! What a refreshing view of sport. This is a far cry from today’s transfer portals, coaching salaries, and name/image/likeness contracts. So……..let the MADNESS begin!”

NOTE: I am taking next Sunday off for Easter and will return on April 7 with a fresh Cup of Caroll.

SPECIAL NOTE: Thanks to all my cherished readers who answered my call and cast a vote or two for Juli, the adopted rescue kitty who was trying to win $10,000 for my local rescue, The Little Red Dog, where I am a volunteer dog walker five days a week.  She placed fourth out of scores of kitties but didn’t win.  Like a true champion, Juli showed strength, tenacity and sportsmanship throughout the contest. We are very proud of her and very grateful to YOU for your support!

If you or your friends would like your own free subscription to receive this blog three Sundays a month, just go to and enter your name and email at the top.

October 8, 2023

“Dwelling on the negative doesn’t help you do better. Beating yourself up for past mistakes doesn’t move you forward. The better you feel about yourself, the better you’ll do. The more you like yourself, the further you’ll go.” – Joel Osteen

In last week’s blog (Think Yourself Fit – Blog 483), fitness expert Debbie Powers made a compelling case for the significant impact that adopting a positive mindset can have on our physical health, including our willingness to consistently engage in beneficial physical exercise. She says, “Positive thinking can significantly influence exercise adherence.  It can shape individuals’ attitudes, motivations, and behaviors toward physical activity.”

In my 19-plus years as a Personal Success Coach ™, I have helped many clients reach their fitness and weight loss goals by following a good nutrition and exercise program that includes a component of positive thinking.  A positive mindset is a necessary foundation for reaching ANY Big Goal, actually. The question is, HOW do you develop a mindset that ensures you will stick to your program and get results? 

In this week’s follow-on blog, Debbie Powers, the Assistant Professor Emerita of Wellness at Ball State University, shares some proven strategies for using positive thinking as a powerful tool to help you stick to your exercise plan.  I quote her column here verbatim, with full attribution to her:

Ways to Develop Positivity Toward Exercise by Debbie Powers

“Last week I discussed how a negative mindset can lead to mental suffering, ill health, and destructive habits.  Many people suffer from negative feelings about exercise. Maybe it was an unpleasant experience in middle school gym class when the teacher used exercise as a punishment.  Or perhaps a pulled muscle during an initial attempt at jogging thwarted your program. Some suffer ‘gymtimidation,’ a term that is real for new gym members who experience body image concerns, uncertainty as to abilities around seasoned exercisers, feelings of inadequacy, or being judged by clothes worn. Whether you’re joining a gym or exercising on your own, here are some specific strategies for using positive thinking to improve exercise adherence:

  • Set realistic goals. Don’t try to do too much too soon. Start with small goals that you are confident you can achieve, and gradually increase the intensity and duration of your workouts over time.
  • Focus on the benefits of exercise. Think about how exercise will make you feel better physically and mentally. Remind yourself of the goals you are working towards, such as losing weight, improving your cardiovascular health, or reducing stress.
  • Visualize yourself succeeding. Picture yourself exercising regularly and enjoying the benefits of it. This can help to boost your motivation and make it easier to stick with your routine.
  • Reward yourself for your successes. When you reach a goal, give yourself a small reward. This will help you to stay motivated and to build on your successes.
  • Hire a personal trainer to get you started, feel more comfortable, and be accountable (since you paid for the service).
  • Find a workout buddy. Exercising with a friend or family member can make it more fun and enjoyable. It can also help you to stay accountable and to avoid skipping workouts.
  • Try an exercise app on your phone. There are many types of programs from which to choose.
  • Check out gyms that are smaller or more focused on classes, teaching, and training. Women might prefer a female-only gym.

Norman Vincent Peale’s bestseller, The Power of Positive Thinking, first published in 1952, brought attention to positivity in all aspects of living. His precepts ring true today about exercise habits.”

I can attest that, over many years, I have used most of Debbie’s suggestions with my clients who want to improve their physical fitness. Time and again, they have worked!  Even though, as she said in the last post, “humans are evolutionally wired to focus on the negative,” we CAN train our brains to “shift perspectives from a negative bias to a positive outlook” and the results include better physical health, a more attractive physique and “feelings of calm, appreciation, and well-being.”

And wouldn’t all those benefits be worth just a little mental effort?

IMPORTANT NOTE: The blog is taking next weekend off and will return on Sunday October 22.


“Caroll has been a powerful catalyst for positive change in my life, both personal and professional. She has helped me recognize spiraling negative emotions and behaviors and guide me to a more powerful, positive place. She has shown me the power of positive, grateful thinking that has resonated with and changed me and even the people around me.” – J.A., Accountant

If you or your friends would like your own free subscription to receive this blog three Sundays a month, just go to and enter your name and email at the top of the page.

*************** Give Yourself the Gift of Dreams Fulfilled! ******************

To schedule a F.R.E.E., no-obligation, ONE HOUR Breakthrough Session of phone coaching that will help clarify your Big Goals and get you into ACTION to make them a reality, please email me at Slots are limited so please act quickly!

October 1, 2023

“In order to succeed, we must first believe that we can.” –Nikos Kazantzakis

I usually write about the power of positive thinking and expecting the best outcomes in terms of what it does for your mind and your spirit.  But did you know that a positive mindset also has a significant impact on your physical well-being?

Admittedly, I am a committed couch potato – except for the 2 1/2 hours (total) I spend as a volunteer every weekday morning and afternoon walking five high-energy dogs individually for our beloved local rescue, The Little Red Dog.  This keeps me active enough to maintain a healthy body and certainly contributes to my positive state of mind. Who can feel negative around dogs? They are always excited to see me, delighted to be out, and curious about everything they see, hear and (especially) smell.  I generally come home physically tired but mentally energized and grateful for the experience.

Some of my coaching clients put losing weight and/or getting fitter on their list of Big Goals, and I help them develop a realistic plan that works for them and then ask them to be accountable to stick to it consistently.  Creating the plan is easy. The sticking to it part is the challenge. Can you relate?

When I recently came across two great blogs by Debbie Powers, Assistant Professor Emerita of Wellness at Ball State University, I recognized they would be useful to share with you because she highlights the role that developing a positive mindset plays in motivating you stick to your exercise commitment so you can reach your desired health and fitness goals.

Here is Debbie Powers’ first column, which I quote here verbatim, with full attribution to her:

The Power of Positive Thinking by Debbie Powers

“Humans are evolutionally wired to focus on the negative. A negative brain kept cavemen alive. They prepared for the worst. Thus, negativity is a natural part of being human. However, research has shown that one who focuses on the negative in today’s world of endless possibilities may live a life of mental suffering and physical ill health.  By shifting perspectives from a negative bias to a positive outlook, all aspects of health can be improved. Negativity can lead to destructive habits. Positivity can lead to feelings of calm, appreciation, and well-being.

Positive thinking can significantly influence exercise adherence. It can shape individuals’ attitudes, motivations, and behaviors toward physical activity. Here’s how a positive mindset can impact exercise adherence:

  1. Increased Motivation: Positive thinking can generate a sense of enthusiasm and motivation for exercise. When individuals focus on the potential benefits of working out, they’re more likely to feel excited and committed to their exercise routines.
  2. Improved Attitude: A positive outlook can transform exercise from a chore to a rewarding and enjoyable activity.
  3. Enhanced Consistency: Positive thinking can help individuals overcome mental barriers that often lead to inconsistency in exercise routines. When faced with challenges like fatigue or time constraints, a positive mindset can provide the mental fortitude to stick with the routine.
  4. Stress Reduction: When people view physical activity as a means of relieving stress and improving their overall well-being, they are more likely to engage in exercise to manage stressors effectively.
  5. Goal Achievement: Individuals with an optimistic perspective are more likely to set realistic goals, track their progress, and celebrate their achievements along the way, reinforcing their commitment to exercise.
  6. Social Support: Positive thinking can facilitate better social interactions related to exercise. Individuals who approach group workouts or fitness classes with positivity tend to have stronger social connections and increased accountability.
  7. Long-Term Adherence: Cultivating a positive mindset around exercise fosters a sustainable, long-term commitment to physical activity. Instead of viewing exercise as a short-term fix, individuals with positive thinking integrate it into their lifestyle, recognizing its enduring benefits.

It’s important to note that while positive thinking can have a powerful impact on exercise adherence, it’s not a panacea. As with everything in life, there are always challenges.”

NEXT WEEK: Debbie Powers reveals specific ways to develop positivity toward exercise that will help you maintain your commitment to exercise and enjoy the results it produces.


“Just like a runner trains for a marathon, Leaders need training, as well as an outlet and ability to clear their struggles, work through challenges, create solutions, practice ideas and be reminded what their passion and reason to be leading are. Caroll does all this for me. I call it a ‘recharge in my brain’ to push past what’s stopping me to be the best in supporting others to have it great. Caroll’s coaching is marathon training for the brain.” – Charity A., accounting firm owner

 If you or your friends would like your own free subscription to receive this blog three Sundays a month, just go to and enter your name and email at the top of the page.

*************** Give Yourself the Gift of Dreams Fulfilled! ******************

To schedule a F.R.E.E., no-obligation, ONE HOUR Breakthrough Session of phone coaching that will help clarify your Big Goals and get you into ACTION to make them a reality, please email me at Slots are limited so please act quickly!

August 13, 2023

“The thing always happens that you really believe in; and the belief in a thing makes it happen.” – Frank Lloyd Wright

Renowned architect Frank Lloyd Wright was right!  BELIEF is the key to turning your dreams into reality.  And sometimes, when it seems like the opposite of what you are believing for is happening, you just have to double down and not give up.

I had a recent demonstration of this in my life. It was a small but significant one, because it was such a textbook example of how very simple manifesting a Big Goal can be that it vanquished the doubts that have been trying to creep into my head lately.  At times, we all need some tangible PROOF that God/The Universe is on our side and The Law of Attraction (“energy attracts like energy”) IS real and we DO have the power to harness it for our good.

For at least six months, I have been wanting to have our carpets cleaned.  When we moved into our wonderful rental house two years ago, the light tan carpets were brand new and looked great.  But with our two dogs’ occasional indoor “accidents” and regular day to day wear, every time company or our housekeeper came over, I felt ashamed.  Yet, whenever we had enough extra time and money to get a professional cleaning, some unexpected urgent need would pop up and I would have to resign myself to waiting just a little bit longer…

Finally, I had a talk with my Higher Power, and said, “Lord, I REALLY want clean carpets. AND we need some maintenance and new tires for the car AND new athletic shoes for both of us. I don’t know HOW we can afford to get all these things at the same time, but I am so grateful that I can turn it over to You to get us the necessary resources very SOON. Thank You!”

I instantly felt lighter and happier as I released all the bottled-up worry and frustration energy I had been harboring. As a student of the Law of Attraction, I knew that negative energy was only repelling what I wanted to attract to me. Now, I truly believed that it was going to happen soon, and felt eager to see just HOW God was going to pull this rabbit out of His big hat.

Within a couple of weeks, I went to the mailbox and discovered a check from the IRS made out to our business entity. I thought there had to be some mistake.  But when I read the enclosed letter, I discovered it was the special payroll tax rebate we had applied for back in January as part of a COVID recovery program for small businesses. Our accountant had warned us that it could take a while, and I had all but forgotten about it. Now, here it was, at the perfect time to fulfill ALL my special requests and more!

We took care of the car maintenance and tires first, then got the new sneakers we both needed. Finally, it was time to do the long-awaited carpet cleaning and I was thrilled!  Rick hired a national brand we had used many times before and booked the visit a couple of weeks out to fit our two busy work schedules.

As it turned out, my Realtor™ husband had to show houses that day, so I was at home alone for the appointment.  I had moved a lot of furniture out of each room and stowed it in the garage the night before.  But when the technician arrived and started to hook up his hoses, he called me outside.

Neither we nor our landlady had any idea that, for some unknown reason, someone had permanently soldered the hose couplings onto the faucets.  Even if he cut the garden hose off, the tech couldn’t get his equipment onto the faucet. After exploring every possibility, he said he was sorry, and would be happy to come back whenever we got the situation fixed.

As I dejectedly moved all the furniture back, I couldn’t understand why God had let me down! The money had manifested exactly when I needed it. The other items I asked for came to us quickly and easily.  Why couldn’t I have the thing I wanted most of all? What had I done wrong?

That was when I thought about the Law of Attraction and I knew that there MUST be a higher good – some advantage to us – hidden in this unexpected delay.  So, I made the conscious choice to stay calm and positive and keep on believing that — as I often tell my coaching clients – what looks like “bad news” at first can turn out to be “good news” in the end IF we don’t give up.  This was going to be a real test of that principle, and I wanted to prove to myself that it was true even more than I wanted clean carpets.

Within a couple of days, our wonderful landlady had paid a plumber to cut off the hoses and replace the faucets and we were ready to try again.  But in the meantime, Rick mentioned to one of his business colleagues the weird thing that had happened with the faucets and she asked what company we were using to clean the carpets.  When he told her, she said, “They are SO expensive!  Ken is a great local guy who always does my carpets and he does a fabulous job for much less.”

So Rick called Ken, a one-man carpet, tile and upholstery cleaning specialist for the past 30 years. He said he would have to see all the rooms to give us an estimate. He suggested that he could come out, give us the price, and if we didn’t like it, he would go away. But if we wanted him to proceed, he could do the work right then. We agreed.

When Ken arrived, the “Good News” hidden inside the “Bad News” delay quickly became apparent: He charged us HALF of what the national company was going to charge and threw in some rug deodorizer for the “dog areas” for free.  He is the nicest guy and did a great job.  I cannot stop smiling every time I see the living room carpet looking like new! Rick took a bunch of Ken’s cards and has already started recommending him to real estate clients and friends.

What are the important manifesting lessons for YOU from this little story? I hope you agree:

  • Do not hesitate to ASK for what you want, but surrender the HOW. You can manifest the desires of your heart, IF you are willing to let your Higher Power handle the details. Do not try to control everything yourself, including what resources to use and what the timing should be.  Wait to be shown whatever actions you need to take to help with the HOW.
  • Trust that even if nothing seems to be happening on your preferred timetable, it is all happening at the PERFECT time. Sometimes YOU need to get prepared to receive the blessing you want and sometimes other people and circumstances need to be recruited to be part of the Divine HOW.  Leave that all up to your Higher Power, be patient and keep believing that it WILL happen and not a second too late.
  • If it appears that things are going south (the “bad news”), trust that it is going to all turn out to be to your advantage (the “good news”) in the end. Be prepared for some delightful surprises along the way!

If you will just stay positive, keep believing, keep visualizing and keep being your BEST, I promise that you will end up with something EVEN better than you had originally imagined.

PLEASE NOTE: The blog is taking next week off to celebrate my wonderful husband’s birthday and will return on Sunday August 27 with a fresh Cup of Caroll.

LAST CHANCE: Anyone who engages me for coaching by Labor Day (to start in September) will receive a 50% discount off their first month, so please email me ASAP to set up a F.R.E.E. no-obligation phone coaching session to discuss your Big Goals and how we can work together to have you reach them in record time before the end of the year!

If you or your friends would like your own F*R*E*E* subscription to receive this blog three Sundays a month, just go to and enter your name and email at the top of the page.  I will never spam you or give your contact information to anyone else.

April 30, 2023

“As long as you’re only focused on YOU, you’re not going to be fulfilled. The next level of your destiny is connected to helping someone else.” – Joel Osteen

One of our Women’s Manifesting Mastermind members recently posed a fascinating question: “How do you maintain your energy and enthusiasm for life as you grow older?” 

The group came up with a wide variety of suggestions, including getting involved in a physical activity such as yoga, pilates or pickleball; learning a new skill or taking up a hobby, as one member recently discovered a real talent for creating pottery; widening your circle of friends or seeking a new romantic mate; exploring new types of cultural events; and finding a new mid-life career or side gig.

These are all great ideas, but I believe there is one sure-fire answer for both men and women of any age. A guaranteed way to regain a zest for life and feel purposeful is highlighted in a YouTube talk by my favorite positive-thinking pastor, Joel Osteen, titled “Living Cause Driven.”

Joel says, “You were created to help someone else.  You need to have a cause you’re passionate about.  If you’re only focused on yourself, you won’t reach your highest potential.”

A few ways he suggested to do this: volunteer, mentor, support worthy organizations or help one individual get what they need.

Joel went on to say, “Get involved in making a difference.  When you’re cause-driven, you’ll see promotion, doors open, the right people show up.

“It’s good to have your dreams, your goals, but you need to be a part of something bigger than just you.  When your dream is connected to helping others, you’re not only helping them; you’re helping yourself…. You can’t help others without God helping you… The greatness God put in you is going to come out of the cause.”

It’s good to raise your family, do good work on your job, give to charity, help a friend when they need support.  But when you apply your unique gifts and abilities to a CAUSE – a problem that needs to be solved or an injustice you want to see righted – it brings out the BEST in you and often pushes you past whatever self-imposed limits you may have. You will stay focused and persevere when you face seemingly-insurmountable odds or opposition.  You will get up and get going when you feel like staying on the couch because the cause is worth it.

That extra drive we have when we are pursuing a cause bigger than ourselves was beautifully demonstrated in the story of the Jeansonne Family that was the subject of the last blog (You Brought the Blessing – Blog 468).  Many of my cherished readers and I donated to the “Be Love Days” fundraising campaign that was the brainstorm of one of my favorite past clients, Andrea Schaff, and her dear friend, Kristy Jeansonne. Kristy’s husband Brian was diagnosed with ALS on April 14, 2020 and as his condition has progressed, he has required professional caregiving, which is a big out-of-pocket expense not covered by insurance.

Kristy told Andrea she was not sure how they would survive if they had to come up with an extra $110,000 a year for Brian’s care, so they brainstormed together and came up with the idea of asking everyone they knew to donate $14 (or more) on April 14, 2023 AND to spread the word to 10 or more personal contacts.  Within days, over 1250 individual donations had rolled in, amounting to over $118,000 and still climbing.

All this happened because two women were Cause-Driven and didn’t let anything stop them.  Now, they and a group of volunteers plan to make it an annual event. I have a strong feeling it is going to grow into something much BIGGER than even they can now imagine, spreading beyond the worthy Jeansonne Family.

Another one of my longtime coaching clients, Diane, tragically had her son Kevin Natale pass away of cancer at the age of 44 last year. She told me she now has a new passion for growing her direct sales business because she has a new “Why” beyond just making extra money for a comfortable retirement: She wants to help many more people with her skin care products and business opportunity so she can carry on the work of the Founded on Forgiveness Foundation Kevin started.

Kevin’s foundation is dedicated to spreading forgiveness because he learned first-hand how forgiveness changed his life when he was finally able to forgive the man who shot and paralyzed him when he was just 14 years old.  Thousands of others who have heard Kevin’s story have been inspired to forgive the “unforgiveable” too.

Now that Diane is inspired by a cause bigger than herself, she isn’t stopped by fatigue or fear of rejection.  She gets up and gets after it each day because she wants her son’s memory to live on and his story to change thousands and thousands of lives far into the future.

As for me, about a year ago, I became a volunteer daily dog walker for six rescue pups that are fostered by The Little Red Dog, a local grassroots rescue that saves dogs shelters would ordinarily euthanize because of the breed (pit bulls, chihuahuas, etc.), injuries, disabilities or just fear and shyness making them difficult to adopt.

I am not an experienced dog walker by any means, but I have learned a lot from other volunteers who are.  It’s a joy to see the dogs come out of their shell and respond to kindness and gentle but firm direction.  It’s such an honor to be someone they can count on to show up and to believe they will find a forever home eventually.

The most impactful personal “cause” I had was my very first walking assignment: “Rhino,” an aptly-named gray pit bull mix, overweight at about 65 pounds, super strong and sometimes overly-enthusiastic.

Rhino is sweet with people, but was fearful of other dogs, which made him behave aggressively as a defense tactic.  When there were no other dogs around, he was placid.  But if he spotted another dog, he would go nuts. Once, when a small white dog barked at him from behind a wrought iron gate, Rhino charged, pulling me off my feet, and dragging me on my stomach across the lawn until I was finally able to put the brakes on him.

Not surprisingly, TLRD had fostered Rhino for several years.  He was adopted and returned three times by people who instantly gave up on him.  I finally asked TLRD co-founder Steve McClain if Rhino could be taken temporarily out of his foster home with an elderly couple who gave him love but no discipline so he could be re-trained by a professional.

Steve told me he would love to, but even if a trainer re-habilitated him (which wouldn’t be hard), if he went back to the same foster situation, it would all be for nothing without consistent reinforcement.

So I continued to walk and believe in Rhino and I literally prayed for a “Christmas Miracle” that he would be adopted by a couple with no dogs who could give him the training and patience and love he needed.  Within two weeks, Steve got a call from a couple whose adopted dog had just passed, asking if TLRD had any “hard to place” dogs because they were up for the challenge.  Because I had talked to Steve, I believe, he suggested Rhino and they took him on.

Rhino now lives in a great home and seems like a completely different pup.  He has lost weight, and looks happy and relaxed doing various fun activities and living the life he deserves on his Instagram page at rhino.daug.

Rhino was my #1 cause within the bigger cause of supporting animal rescue, and I will always think of him whenever something looks “hopeless.” He proved that miracles really CAN happen when we just keep believing, do the best we can, and leave the HOW up to God.

Joel Osteen says when you live cause-driven, “You’ll go beyond what you think you’re capable of.  You go beyond the ordinary into the uncommon.” And I promise it will infuse your life with a new energy, joie de vivre and sense of purpose and fulfillment beyond what you can now imagine.  Beyond pickleball even!

PLEASE NOTE: The blog is taking next weekend off to celebrate Rick’s and my 16th wedding anniversary. Look for your next Cup of Caroll on May 14, and I hope you will celebrate those heroes who deserve recognition EVERY day: Teacher Appreciation Week is May 8-12!

If you or your friends would like your own free subscription to receive this blog three Sundays a month, just go to and enter your name and email at the top.

*************** Give Yourself the Gift of Dreams Fulfilled! ******************

I want to be of service to YOU and your friends, colleagues and loved ones! To schedule a F*R*E*E, no-obligation one-hour Breakthrough Coaching session by phone that will help clarify your Big Goals and get you into ACTION on making them a reality, please email me at

April 23, 2023

“Life is made up, not of great sacrifices and duties, but of little things, in which smiles and kindness and small obligations, given habitually, are what win and preserve the heart and secure comfort.” – Humphrey Davy

You will recall that in last week’s post (“Be a Blessing – Blog 467), I told you about the “challenge” one of my past clients, Andrea Schaff, texted to me in support of her dear friends who are facing the biggest personal challenge of their lives. Now, I want to update you on the outcome, which I am sure you will agree is pretty amazing.

To refresh your memory, here’s the message Andrea sent, along with a picture of the family, Brian and Kristy Jeansonne and  their five children Micah (18), Jonah (17), Nathan (16), Lucas (14), and Zoe Moon (11) who live in New Orleans, Louisiana.

In September of 2019 Brian went for a run and noticed his left foot scraped the ground through his stride. After nine months of doctors’ visits and tests, what was initially determined to be minor nerve issues was actually diagnosed as Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS) in April 2020.

“As the disease progressed rapidly Brian’s needs became greater. Until his tracheostomy in October 2022, Kristy and their children handled everything. At that point Brian needed round-the-clock care. To help the family, part-time caregivers were hired.  This is an out-of-pocket expense not covered by insurance.  Caregivers are necessary for Brian’s quality of life and for his family’s as well.

“Statistics show that it costs $150,000 (out of pocket) a year to keep an ALS patient healthy and thriving. The Jeansonne family has estimated their cost to be around $110,000 a year for Brian’s care and out of pocket medical expenses.

“Our goal is to raise $80,000 to help cover a large portion of his medical expenses. If you feel led to financially donate you can do so via Venmo to @thejeansonne7. (504-908-1004 is the phone number for verification).  The goal is to have as many people as possible donate $14 each.  Of course, if you are moved to donate more (or less), any amount is greatly appreciated. We would also love for you to follow along their journey!”





Andrea’s personal challenge was to ask her own friends to contact “as many people as you feel comfortable reaching out to. This is what we are asking your community to do: Financially support the jeansonne7 by giving $14 (or more!) and personally ask 10 friends to also support the jeansonne7 by giving $14 (or more).  Do you see how this ripple effect could work? Asking a lot of people to contribute a little.

“If you are interested, I am looking for commitments!  How many people will YOU personally reach out to?  So, are you in?  If not, that’s okay too! Just keep this family in your thoughts and prayers. Be love. Andrea.”

Then she sent me a follow-up text that included the words, “Sometimes we all just need a little help.” Those simple, heartfelt words grabbed my heart and I decided to help spread the word with last week’s blog.

My cherished readers really responded!  Many took the time to let me know they were inspired that both friends and total strangers would go out of their way to support the family in this way, and so were moved to contribute as well.  Thank you!

I just followed up with Andrea to see how the campaign was going and learn more about Brian and his family that Andrea call her “best friends.”

When Andrea met Kristy Jeansonne 13 years ago through a mom’s group at their church where Brian’s father was the pastor, they became instant friends.  After his father retired, Brian founded his own church in New Orleans that has been a light in so many lives.

Andrea knows well what a huge challenge it has been for Kristy and their four teen boys and younger daughter to shoulder most of the caregiving duties for Brian as his ALS progressed. One day, Kristy shared her fear and anxiety about how they were going to be able to afford the part-time professional caregiving help Brian now needed: “How are we going to survive?”

That’s when the two women began to brainstorm how they could raise the money.  Andrea said, “We didn’t want to use a crowdsourcing site because they take such a big fee and the family needed every dollar. So, Kristy and I decided to try to do it ourselves.” That’s when Divine Inspiration stepped in and the magic started to happen.

We sat and talked one night, and it was beautiful the way it came together. Kristy and I are so different in our approaches. We just went back and forth, each contributing ideas in a creative collaboration, and the message just poured out so beautifully.”

Here’s what they came up with: “We know times are tight for many people. We thought since Brian was diagnosed on April 14, 2020, we would ask everyone to contribute just $14 on April 14, 2023. We called the campaign Be Love Days.

The two knew they couldn’t do it all by themselves, so “We recruited a team of supporters we dubbed the Busy Be’s who were very invested and had a network we could tap into.” (I was in her address book, so I was part of Andrea’s network.)

Their philosophy is that “Every dollar counts.  Every thought, every share is truly appreciated and valued. It’s like eating an elephant. Everyone can be part of this.”

Just as Andrea and Kristy hoped, the one-person-tells-10 “ripple effect” challenge worked.

To date, the Jeansonnes have received over $118,000 in donations, averaging $20 each, from more than 1250 individual contributors – all through good old-fashioned person-to-person communication!

When the total surpassed their wildest dream goal of $80,000, Andrea says the family were in tears of gratitude. Now, the Busy Be’s plan to sponsor Be Love Days annually, to keep the support flowing to them.

Even though Brian can no longer use his voice, Andrea says today’s technology allows him to communicate clearly. “He can use his eyes to ‘speak’ through a computer, and his mind and heart are still very strong. We see it as Brian’s legacy. He’s invested in people his whole life, and now they have a chance to give back to him.”

If you would still like to contribute, your support is very much appreciated! If you prefer to use PayPal instead of Venmo, you can send your donation to Be sure to designate it for “friends and family” so the Jeansonnes will get 100% of your donation, without fees deducted. And if you want to send a check, just email me and I will pass along the address.

I agree with Andrea and Kristy that “There is NO disappointment.  Even if someone just chooses to pray for his family, we so appreciate the support!”

If you have ever contemplated doing a small good deed but wondered, “The need is SO great, what difference can my little donation/kind word/help make?” I hope you will remember the Jeansonne Family and do it anyway.

If you or your friends would like your own free subscription to receive this blog three Sundays a month, just go to and enter your name and email at the top.

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I want to be of service to YOU and your friends, colleagues and loved ones! To schedule a F*R*E*E, no-obligation one-hour Breakthrough Coaching session by phone that will help clarify your Big Goals and get you into ACTION on making them a reality, please email me at

April 16, 2023

“The one who blesses others is abundantly blessed. Those who help others are helped.” – Proverbs 11:25

The topic for today’s blog post came to me quite unexpectedly a few days ago, via a text from a past client I greatly respect.  I hadn’t heard from her in quite some time, so I was very curious as to what she could be contacting me about.

But when I saw it was a fairly long text, my first reaction was to put up my guard. “Uh oh,” I thought. “She must be sending me some solicitation to buy something from her direct sales company, along with everyone else in her address book. I will have to politely decline.”

But when I read her text, I was quite pleasantly surprised.  She was writing to ask for a small, specific bit of help for someone she cared about — actually her best friends. This family she dearly loves are complete strangers to me, as they probably are to almost everyone in her address book. There was nothing in it for her, reaching out to everyone she knew to ask them to support her friends in need.  She was doing it purely from love.

Here’s the message she texted, along with a picture of Brian and Kristy Jeansonne and their five children, Micah (18), Jonah (17), Nathan (16), Lucas (14), and Zoe Moon (11), who live in New Orleans, Louisiana:

“In September of 2019 Brian went for a run and noticed his left foot scraped the ground through his stride. After nine months of doctors’ visits and tests, what was initially determined to be minor nerve issues was actually diagnosed as Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS) in April of 2020.

“As the disease progressed rapidly Brian’s needs became greater. Until his tracheostomy in October 2022, Kristy and their children handled everything. At that point Brian needed round-the-clock care. To help the family, part-time caregivers were hired.  This is an out-of-pocket expense not covered by insurance.  Caregivers are necessary for Brian’s quality of life and for his family’s as well.

“Statistics show that it costs $150,000 (out of pocket) a year to keep an ALS patient healthy and thriving. The Jeansonne family has estimated their cost to be around $110,000 a year for Brian’s care and out of pocket medical expenses.

“Our goal is to raise $80,000 to help cover a large portion of his medical expenses. If you feel led to financially donate you can do so via Venmo to @thejeansonne7. (504-908-1004 is the phone number for verification).  The goal is to have as many people as possible donate $14 each.  Of course, if you are moved to donate more (or less), any amount is greatly appreciated. We would also love for you to follow along their journey!”





Then she added a bold personal challenge:

“This is where YOU come in.  I am asking you to personally contact as many people as you feel comfortable reaching out to. This is what we are asking your community to do: Financially support the jeansonne7 by giving $14 (or more!) and personally ask 10 friends to also support the jeansonne7 by giving $14 (or more).  Do you see how this ripple effect could work? Asking a lot of people to contribute a little.

“If you are interested, I am looking for commitments!  How many people will YOU personally reach out to?  So, are you in?  If not, that’s okay too! Just keep this family in your thoughts and prayers. Be love. Andrea.”

My immediate reaction was to send her an atta-girl message — “What a lovely thing you are doing to support your friends” — and ask if I could use PayPal instead of Venmo.  I planned to make a small contribution and thought that would be the end of it for me.

But within a minute or two, I got a reply from her that said, “They are amazing people, and make the world a better place.  Sometimes we all just need a little help.  Thank you so much.  You are GREATLY appreciated.”

Those simple, heartfelt words grabbed me and I knew right then that I couldn’t turn down her challenge because she is 100% RIGHT: “Sometimes we all just need a little help.”  I could easily spare $14 but could I ALSO commit to helping her spread the word?  Heck YEAH!  At that point, it felt like the least I could do.

Last November and December, you may recall that I wrote a series of blogs about the “Pay It Forward Challenge,” an annual tradition, in which I ask my readers (just like Andrea asked me) to do at least one random act of kindness and/or generosity for someone else during the Holiday Season as a tangible way of putting the gratitude we all feel for our own blessings into ACTION that makes a difference for others.

Here she was, doing just that!  How could I ignore her straightforward challenge to ME? So that is when the inspired idea came to me to turn this family’s need into a blog post.  Whether any of my nearly 1000 cherished readers decide to join me in contributing a small amount doesn’t matter.  The point is that I walked my talk and paid it forward myself by doing a little favor that was asked of me because YES! “Sometimes we all just need a little help.”

So, whether you choose to contribute financially to this goal or choose to pray or send positive energy to Brian and his family, know that YOU are paying forward YOUR many blessings by taking a moment to care about a stranger.  And that gesture will surely come back to bless you in some way, because as the Law of Attraction (energy attracts like energy) dictates and the quote from the Bible reminds us: “The one who blesses others is abundantly blessed. Those who help others are helped.”

(My added note: If you decide to contribute and prefer to use PayPal instead of Venmo, you can send your donation to Be sure to designate it for “friends and family” so the Jeansonnes will get 100% of your donation, without fees deducted. OR if you prefer to send a personal check, you can email me for their address.)

If you or your friends would like your own free subscription to receive this blog three Sundays a month, just go to and enter your name and email at the top.

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I want to be of service to YOU and your friends, colleagues and loved ones! To schedule a F*R*E*E, no-obligation one-hour Breakthrough Coaching session by phone that will help clarify your Big Goals and get you into ACTION on making them a reality, please email me at

July 24, 2022

“You are always a valuable, worthwhile human being – not because anybody says so, not because you’re successful, not because you make a lot of money – but because you decide to believe it and for no other reason.” – Dr. Wayne Dyer

My mother was one of the kindest, most caring and self-sacrificing people I have ever known.  Everyone loved her for it, but I also recognize that it probably meant that she lived with a lot of repressed desires because she spent every waking moment worrying about and taking care of others. With her intelligence, I can’t help but wonder what she could have become if she had allowed herself to be just a little bit more “selfish.”

I confess that I am a recovering “people pleaser” myself, and I encounter that trait in many of my female clients who struggle with trying to serve everyone else, leaving them with precious little time and energy to pursue their own goals.  This week, one client admitted that she had not spoken up for herself and put herself at a career disadvantage because she feared being seen as “not nice.” I shared with her that Oprah once said that “being called ‘nice’ is the booby prize of life.”

Recently, I came across a great article by A. Pawlowski, writing for TODAY, about a new book from Michelle Elman, a London-based life coach, titled The Joy of Being Selfish: Why you need boundaries and how to set them. 

Elman says, “A lot of people are really on board with this idea of self-love, but they don’t realize that to actually create time and energy to do any of those things, you need to be more selfish.”

Here are some specific recommendations from the book about how to put yourself first more often so you can live a life you love (and still be a good person):

Recognize the signs that you need to be more selfish

“When you are burned out and exhausted, or when there are people you can’t trust in your life, either because you fear confrontation or engage in excessive people pleasing, it’s time to prioritize yourself,” says Elman. If you are constantly feeling angry or resentful, those are warning signs that “your boundaries are constantly being crossed and not being reinforced.”

Rethink the definition of ‘selfish’

Instead of a negative, think of it as “asking for what you need and being very clear and honest about your boundaries.  Many people – especially women – feel guilty about being direct or saying NO, but they need to stop thinking they’re hurting others by doing so.

“You actually do people a service in your life when you look after yourself.  To set boundaries or be selfish, you actually need to believe you deserve to.”

Elman reminds us, “Just because you’re invited to something doesn’t mean you’re obligated to attend.” You are allowed to say “No” to anything you don’t want to do without giving a reason.  She recommends saying simply, “Unfortunately, I can’t make it work” or “I thought about it and it’s a ‘no’ for me.”

Banish guilt or the fear of being disliked

Once you see that others’ lives don’t crumble as a result of your “No,” you will begin to feel relief, pride and strength from taking back control of your time and your desires.

As for the fear of being judged or disliked, recognize that not everyone is going to like you anyway, no matter what you do.  Elman asserts, “Boundaries will never make the right people leave your life – they will only make the people who are taking advantage of you leave your life.”

Set boundaries at work

This is a tough one, and it’s one of the things my female clients, in particular, struggle with the most.  They often have a boss or co-workers who seem to expect them to be available 24/7, constantly checking messages and responding instantly at all hours.

Elman advises drawing a firm boundary between work and personal time. “Perhaps add an out-of-office reply to emails that says, ‘This weekend, I will have no access to emails and will get back to you on Monday’ or put your phone on airplane mode at 6:00pm on weekdays.”

Unless you are an on-call First Responder, this should seem entirely reasonable to you.  If it doesn’t, it’s a sign you really do need to begin re-training your boss and co-workers.  Maybe they will even learn to give themselves a break too!

Let others know when they’ve crossed a boundary

Here’s where you really need to let go of that “keep quiet and be nice” B.S.!

Elman says she used to let hurtful comments slide and felt the resentment build up in her afterwards, which is harmful, both physically and emotionally. Here are some techniques she recommends to put a stop to it:

“If someone is being passive aggressive or outright saying hurtful things in a conversation, a simple technique is just to exclaim ‘Wow’ or ‘Ouch’ – it pauses the conversation and lets that person reflect on what they’ve just said without turning it into a big confrontation.

“Silence is another very useful tool: You don’t have to participate in a conversation that makes you feel uncomfortable. People do notice,” Elman claims. “If they don’t and insist on engaging you in an uncomfortable topic, you can just say, ‘Can we change the conversation to something more interesting?’”

Expect life to change

In the TODAY article, A. Powlowsi concludes that “Being selfish in a healthy way means people stop taking you for granted.  It also often means ending toxic relationships in your personal and professional life.”

“As soon as you start setting boundaries and build that self-esteem, you realize that a lot of people in your life don’t treat you the way you deserve,” says Elman. “Any relationship that was lost due to boundaries, these are relationships that should have gone anyway.”

I would add personally that it took a few decades, but since I stopped being a “Yes Girl” and began putting myself, my goals and my happiness in a priority position, my life has become much easier, more peaceful and more rewarding.  I have more time and energy to make a real difference for others, and I have nothing but positive and supportive relationships in every area of my life. I can attest that the effort was worth it!

I hope you will always remember that YOU deserve to live a happy, fulfilling life simply because you are an inherently “valuable, worthwhile human being,” as Wayne Dyer says. In fact, you are PRICELESS and you deserve always to be treated that way!

PLEASE NOTE: The blog is taking a “summer staycation” for the next two weeks.  Look for your next fresh Cup of Caroll on Sunday August 14.

If you or your friends would like your own free subscription to receive this A Cup of Caroll blog three Sundays a month, just go to and enter your name and email at the top.

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SUMMER SPECIAL!  New clients who begin coaching in either July or August will receive 50% OFF your first month’s fee, so HURRY! This offer won’t be repeated this year, so if you have a Big Goal you want to pursue – either business or personal — I urge you to schedule a no-obligation, F*R*E*E hour of phone coaching with me ASAP that will help you clarify what you want and get you into action to make it a reality: Email to schedule a chat TODAY! 

May 8, 2022

Happy Mother’s Day to all you mothers, stepmothers, grandmothers and Fur Baby mothers!  None of us would have made it this far in life without your unconditional love, nurturing and endless patience. 

And if you are missing your own beloved mother this Mother’s Day, I hope you will take comfort in remembering just what a “Superhero” she was in your life and how she raised and equipped you to be the special person you are today. 

To honor all mothers, past and present, here is a lightly-edited Fan Favorite blog originally published four years ago that reminds us just how much we are capable of when we have a big enough WHY to go after our Big Dreams.  Enjoy (again)!

May 13, 2018

“Determination, energy and courage appear spontaneously when we care deeply about something.  We take risks that are unimaginable in any other context.” – Margaret J. Wheatley

As the stratospheric box office numbers will attest, we are a Superhero-obsessed culture these days.  And female Superheroes are just as popular as the male versions. Superheroes like Wonder Woman, Black Widow and Supergirl serve as strong, resourceful, and intelligent role models for girls and boys alike.

But I’ll tell you who the REAL female Superheroes in our world are: Moms.

Soccer Moms. Working moms. Moms in boardrooms and Moms in minivans.  Moms who sign the paychecks and Moms who mop the floors and take out the trash.

They are strong, resourceful, visionary and determined because they have a WHY that is bigger than themselves.  They care deeply about their families and will do whatever it takes to create a better future for them. They are fierce, resilient and filled with grit and gusto. They are lady warriors in high heels or sneakers. They are in pursuit of a Greater Purpose 24/7.

I coach many of these real-life Superheroes.  Having no children of my own, I can’t fully understand what drives them, but I marvel at and admire it and do my best to support and nurture them to value themselves and pursue their Big Dreams with belief and passion.

I am in awe as I see them work their day jobs, come home to fix dinner, help with homework and then give up much-needed sleep to spend an hour or two building a business that will provide the future they dream of for their children.

Some of them work from home, which is just as challenging, because everyone around them thinks they have plenty of time on their hands, and routinely call on them to help with the charity bazaar, assist in the classroom, chauffeur the soccer team, help their husbands with THEIR careers….etc. etc. etc. Just like the full-time working moms, stay-at-home Superhero Moms must squeeze in the time to grow their businesses and build their dreams.

Some of my Superhero Mom clients are single parents, with no backup if they or their children get the flu or the car breaks down. It’s all heaped on their slim shoulders.  Do they cry about it?  Nope. They suck it up and JUST DO IT.  Superhero Moms have no time for pity parties.  Stuff needs doing.  Big Dreams need fulfilling.  Either lend them a hand or get out of their way.

Some of them are also in the midst of ugly divorces and custody battles.  I cannot imagine what it is like for them to be a single parent, hold down a job, work on building a part-time business AND have to deal with a jerk whose highest aim is to sabotage them, just for spite.

How do these Superhero Moms respond to such abuse?  They lift their chins, turn away and get back to building a great future for themselves and their kids. The opposition makes them even MORE determined to succeed on their own terms.  They are the very definition of “indomitable.”

What is the Greater Purpose that drives these Superheroes in high heels? Time.  They want more time to spend with their families and to play a big role in their children’s lives as they grow. They are committed to instilling their deepest values in them and proving to them that even their wildest dreams CAN come true — and not just in fairy tales or comic books.

So here’s to ALL the too-often-taken-for-granted, undercover Superhero Moms who walk among us – our wives, mothers, relatives, friends, teachers and colleagues.  Let’s pause this Mother’s Day (and hopefully, EVERY day) to express our admiration and gratitude to them. Let’s treat them like the Superheroes they truly are.   After all, they are saving the future of the World by pursuing their Greater Purpose.


“I originally went to Caroll with one goal: to blow my skin care business up so much bigger than it had ever been.  But what I realized through the process is that I had other dreams that were very important to me, but I just never thought were possible.  I credit Caroll with pushing me off the ledge and helping me jump into a very exciting and multi-faceted way to run my businesses!  Yes, what was originally just ONE business goal now has multiple facets in very different areas and are so much BIGGER!” – E.G., direct seller and real estate investor

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To schedule a F.R.E.E., no-obligation, ONE HOUR Breakthrough Session of phone coaching that will help clarify your Big Goals and get you into ACTION to make them a reality, please email me at  Slots are limited so please act quickly!

April 24, 2022

“When you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change.” – Dr. Wayne Dyer

One of the things I love most about being a Personal Success Coach is that I get a front-row seat to witness my clients’ transformation in their beliefs about themselves and what is possible for them. Once their mindset changes, their life invariably changes for the better, too.

The greatest inner and outer transformation I have seen in a long time has been happening for one of my most recent clients, a woman who is relatively new to the mortgage industry.

When one of my past clients introduced us, nothing about her seemed extraordinary. She is a positive thinker who was eager to create more prosperity for herself and her family.  As is often the case, she was understandably nervous at first, because she wasn’t sure the results would be worth the financial investment and she wasn’t sure she was capable of transforming her limiting beliefs. Nevertheless, she showed real courage and commitment to her Big Goals by taking a risk and betting on herself. Most importantly, she promised to be 100% coachable and she was.

Our first step was to create her personalized tool kit of mindset transformation tools that I call the “Daily Success Script” to put the Law of Attraction (“energy attracts like energy”) to work attracting her ideal clients with greater speed and ease. For the first time, this busy working mom began to make it a habit to start her day with a half hour of quiet “me” time to read something inspiring and do her mindset transformation work of personalized affirmations, new empowering beliefs and positive visualizations.

She also started keeping a Daily Gratitude Formula journal, based on the book by May McCarthy, that helps her connect more easily to Divine Guidance. She said it puts her in tune with her intuition so she can work “smarter, not harder” as she pursues her success goals. As many Master Manifesters have taught us, GRATITUDE is the most positive force that exists for attracting more of what you want to you.

I promised my client at the outset that, while we were focusing on creating increased income as her main intention, her mindset work would naturally transform other areas of her life as well.  The positive energy that attracts ideal new clients and prosperity to us also will attract great new relationships, better health, and many other opportunities for growth and happiness in our lives.

She had barely begun using her daily mindset tools when she started receiving all kinds of new leads and referrals to potential clients, being introduced to top real estate agents who could send her more business, and even was offered a new workspace that was perfect for her needs.

Soon, her worries about making the coaching investment were overshadowed by avalanches of abundance flowing into her personal life, as well.  A long-held dream she and her husband have of buying a property and building their “dream home” suddenly became a much shorter-term reality when a neighbor unexpectedly made them an offer to buy their property that was far greater than what they imagined was possible – and it wasn’t even on the market!

Yes, big and little miracles seem to keep on coming  to my client almost daily, and she is delighted!  When I asked her what she believes is the biggest factor in attracting all that good, she didn’t hesitate.  She said, “Now, I am focusing on what I WANT instead of what I am afraid could happen and amazing things are happening!  I am also getting better at receiving and believing that I am worthy of having all this good come to me.” 

She is 100% right! Whatever we FOCUS the unlimited creative power of our mind on grows stronger and inevitably attracts more of itself into our life. That is the #1 SECRET to success and the #1 mindset transformation that all my clients must make in order to reach their goals!

Each of us must train our own subconscious mind to focus only on what we WANT– instead of what we DON’T want.  If you focus on what you fear, the thing you fear WILL show up. Then your negative response will send you down a slippery slope of negative energy attracting even MORE negative things to you.

The good news is that we are all 100% in charge of our own thoughts and emotions – it’s a CHOICE we make.  Your beliefs are not the “truth,” but just a personal interpretation of a set of facts that you CHOOSE to make.  If you choose to release an Old, Limiting Belief and instead adopt a New, Empowering Belief, you can nip any negativity in the bud and instead cause an avalanche of abundance to chase you down.

As my client quickly discovered, daily consistent repetition and visualization of your positive GOALS will reprogram your thoughts, beliefs and emotions and make the Law of Attraction work FOR you.  The great news is, once the first “miracle” shows up and you are delighted with it and grateful for it, your positive energy will naturally attract ANOTHER good thing and another — and pretty soon, you are on a roll!

You and I have the same innate power my client discovered in herself.  We can soon be on a roll toward attracting good things to us, as well.  It’s all about making it a HABIT at the start of each day to prepare your mind for success and express gratitude for all the good in your life and all the good yet to come!


“Caroll has been a powerful catalyst for positive change in my life, both personal and professional.  She has helped me recognize spiraling negative emotions and behaviors and guide me to a more powerful, positive place.  She has shown me the power of positive, grateful thinking that has resonated with and changed me and even the people around me.” – J.T., accountant

If you would like your own free subscription to receive this blog three Sundays a month, just go to my website and enter your name and email at the top.

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I invite you to give yourself, a friend, colleague or loved one a truly unique gift that can change their life — ONE HOUR of a Success Breakthrough session with me.  It is absolutely F*R*E*E* with no obligation and no strings attached!  You can gift this to as many people who will really appreciate it as you wish.  (Feel free to claim it for YOURSELF, too!)

To schedule a F*R*E*E* HOUR of phone coaching that will help them clarify their Big Goals and get into ACTION to make this their BEST year yet, have them email

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