March 2017

“We do not remember days; we remember moments.” — Cesare Pavese, Italian Poet 

As I pondered what to write about this week, I realized that what I REALLY wanted to do instead of writing the blog was to play hooky! I guess it’s a case of Spring Fever, but I felt myself daydreaming about what it would be like to have an entire day completely OFF.  I know that a lot of my coaching clients also feel they have to work constantly to make their Big Goals happen. I advise them that they need to relax and recharge for at least ONE day a week, if they are going to have the right attitude and energy to be productive.

So, I decided to take my own advice: I want to share with you a lightly-edited blog from early 2016. It’s a great reminder that we ALL must take it easier, both mentally and physically, if we want the Law of Attraction to work for us.  I’m going outside now to savor life’s little moments. I hope you enjoy your day!

Yesterday, my wonderful husband Rick and I spent our monthly “Big Kids’ Play Day” at the Happiest Place on Earth. The sun was shining, lovely flowers and trees were blooming, birds were chirping and Spring was in the air.  My soul felt a renewed lightness in these joyful surroundings and I felt more grateful than ever that we live so close to Disneyland that we can go whenever we want to “lighten up.”

You don’t have to remind little kids to lighten up. They are all about play, fun and using their imaginations to find adventure everywhere they go.  As we stood in line for the Storybook Land canal boats, Rick chatted with a small boy whose shirt was covered with  buttons proclaiming that he was celebrating both his first visit to Disneyland AND his birthday.  It didn’t take much coaxing for him to excitedly relate all the rides he had been on and the ones he was still looking forward to.  Some of the adults in line looked tired and frazzled, but there was not one iota of resignation, worry or negative energy in the little boy.

This got me thinking about some of my clients who seem to struggle with how to lighten up.  They take their Big Goals very seriously, and sometimes feel frustrated when things don’t seem to be progressing fast enough or according to their own plans.

I understand, believe me.  For five years during the Great Recession and its aftermath, I had to focus every single day on releasing heavy feelings of fear, worry, disappointment and frustration that my coaching practice was just barely surviving and Rick’s real estate business seemed dead in the water.

When I couldn’t see any visible progress being made, what enabled me to face each day in a positive frame of mind was my faith that God/the Universe was on my side and that if I just kept doing my BEST, the solutions would come at the right time and in the perfect way.  Even when we can’t see it with our eyes, we have to keep the faith that there is progress being made  behind the scenes.  I kept reminding myself that the “How” is up to God/the Universe and MY job was simply to stay positive, stay alert  for Divine direction, and feel gratitude for every good thing in my life.

Despite our shoestring budget, Rick and I made it a priority during those tough years to keep up the monthly payments on our Annual Passes and take at least one day each month to play at Disneyland and to regularly do other things that made us happy. We knew that by “lightening up” — focusing only on the positive and choosing to be happy, no matter what our circumstances were — we would attract the people and resources we needed to turn our financial situation around. Eventually, that’s just what happened. One friend’s referral led to another and another, and without warning or build-up, both my coaching practice and Rick’s real estate business took off at the same time and haven’t stopped growing since.

If they express frustration that their dreams are not manifesting as fast as they would like, I tell my clients that they must lighten up – let go of all heavy energy produced by worry, frustration and discouragement and rev up the light energy of joy and gratitude.

The Law of Attraction says that “energy attracts like energy.” If you are pursuing your goals with grim determination, attachment and clenched teeth, what kind of people and situations do you think you are going to attract into your life?

If you want to attract what and who you want more quickly and easily, the first step is to express sincere GRATITUDE for all the wonderful things God/the Universe has put in your life thus far.  Expressing gratitude for all the good we have NOW attracts even MORE good things to us.

Next, you must create a genuinely positive, light energy that will be a magnet for the serendipitous people and resources that can help you reach your goals.  One of my former clients recently discovered how well this approach works.

Before our coaching, she struggled with feelings of anxiety, stress and frustration about the pace at which she was building her network marketing business. She didn’t enjoy her business the way she did her day job. I encouraged her to stop pushing to try to make things happen and instead to go with the flow and allow God/the Universe to bring the “How” to her.  I suggested she approach her network marketing business the same way she did her day job – with a feeling of relaxed confidence in her own skills and true joy at being of service to others.

We completed our coaching and I didn’t hear from her for a couple of months. Recently, I got this email, proving to me that she truly has mastered the art of reaching her goals with grace and ease:

“Hi, Caroll:  I’m really excited and had to share.  I feel things are really shifting for me: my attitude is positive and non-attached to the outcome.  I’m getting things done quickly. I’m getting things done with ease.  I’m contacting more people, talking to more people, scheduling more appointments and I’m headed toward month-end without my usual anxiety….

I’m continuing to read my [Daily Success] Script two times daily and listening to The Power [by Rhonda Byrne, author of The Secret.]   Is this how it normally goes for your clients? That it just kind of ‘kicks in’? It feels very different this time and I’m feeling momentum in my team, too.”

Here’s one simple but powerful way you can rev up your own positive energy: If you aren’t currently taking at least ONE DAY off from ALL work each week, I highly recommend you begin doing so. Taking regular breaks to engage in self-care, play and activities you enjoy with people you enjoy will actually make you more productive and help you to reach your goals faster.  It’s time to shake off the winter doldrums and lighten up!

If you would like your own free subscription to receive this blog three Sundays a month, just go to my website at and click on the Prosperity Tips button at the top.

****************** Give the Gift of Dreams Fulfilled! ********************

I invite you to give a friend, colleague or loved one a truly unique gift that can change their life — ONE HOUR of Personal Success Coaching.  It is absolutely F*R*E*E* with no obligation and no strings attached!  You can give this to as many people who will really appreciate it as you wish.  (If you haven’t been in coaching with me for a while, feel free to claim it for YOURSELF, too!)

To schedule a F*R*E*E* HOUR of phone coaching that will help them clarify their Big Goals and get into ACTION to make this their BEST year yet, have them email me at  or call 888-503-8145 to schedule their session.  

“When you see yourself as calm, positive, truthful and possessed of high character, you behave with greater strength.  Other people respect you more.  You feel in control of yourself and the situation.” – Brian Tracy

This week’s coaching brought a blog theme to the forefront of my mind, as several of my coaching clients struggled to deal with negative people without letting it destroy their own positive mindset.

One client was unsure how to respond to a Leader in her network marketing organization who was spewing negative texts to her and other members of her Team about someone who had reached a milestone reward in the company.  She felt it was unfair that someone who had been in the business for a shorter time was receiving this recognition and reward ahead of her. The Leader tried to make someone else’s triumph mean that SHE was never going to get there herself.

Another client was very hurt by a dear friend who texted her after a social event they attended together that she wished my client would “dial it back” about discussing her business with others in a social setting.

And a third client was exhausted from caring for a sick relative who seemed unwilling to take personal responsibility for her own decisions and actions that were contributing to her problems.

At some time, we all must deal with people whose energy is negative, selfish, uncaring or even purposely hurtful.  If we allow it, their negative thoughts and actions can throw us off course in pursuing our dreams by making us doubt our own positive expectations, values and beliefs.

It’s not in their power to steal your success and joy, but it is in YOUR power if you surrender to their negativity.  That’s because the Law of Attraction says that energy attracts like energy.”  Toxic people and negative circumstances will come into your life, but it isn’t these outside forces that can harm you.  It is solely your reaction to them that either empowers or disempowers you and determines who and what is attracted into your life next.

In the first client’s case, she handled the toxic texting beautifully with a positive response of her own that said essentially, “I know you are going to reach [that same prize] soon!  Keep up the great work.”  Responding with cheerful positivity is great way to respond to someone else’s negativity.  If you respond with positivity and don’t take the bait, they will eventually stop sending gossip and negative messages your way because it’s no “fun” when others won’t join in the trash talk.  Similarly, when someone comes at you with anger, if you respond calmly and don’t fight back, their angry energy will deflate because it truly does take two to quarrel.

This is not to say that you should be a doormat or allow someone to mistreat you.  I absolutely believe in standing up for yourself and for what you believe is right.  It’s the energy behind your response that will have a positive or negative impact on YOU.  If you take it personally and allow yourself to go negative, “the terrorists win” because you have given away your power to think and behave the way YOU choose to.

In the case of the friend’s “dial it back” text that hurt my client, I tried to help her see the situation from her friend’s point of view. It takes maturity and self-confidence to consider another’s point of view, especially when it is diametrically opposed to our own.  Judging or being self-righteous toward others’ opinions, beliefs or lifestyle is a form of negative energy.

I invited my client to consider that her friend probably felt awkward in a social setting, standing on the periphery of a two-party conversation for 10 or 15 minutes, as my client politely fielded a barrage of questions from a stranger who wanted details about a product she was interested in. The friend didn’t express herself as well as she could have, for sure.  But I don’t believe she was really being unsupportive of my client’s business; she likely just felt left out and overlooked and it hurt her feelings.

I had a lot of sympathy for the client with the difficult relative.  Anyone who has ever had to care for a sick adult knows how emotionally and physically stressful it can be.  And when that person is a needy, stubborn, chronic complainer who creates problems that others have to clean up, it can be extra frustrating.

In truth, though, more than the actual caregiving, it was my client’s attitude toward her recuperating relative’s lifestyle that was wearing her out.  For example, she allowed herself to feel helpless and upset that the woman struggled out to the porch multiple times a day to smoke, even though she knew it was bad for her.  I suggested that my client allow the relative to be herself, make her own decisions, and live with the consequences.  She is not required to solve all her problems for her.  She must be compassionate and give her relative whatever support she feels she can, without feeling guilty about whatever she can’t control.  Her relative is an adult, after all.  It’s HER life and her own life lessons that she must learn.

The irony is that the recuperating relative seemed to be getting along just fine, while my client was feeling exhausted and unfocused, which was taking a toll on her OWN health, productivity and family relationships.  You cannot control anyone else, and in trying to, you can lose control of who YOU are, thinking and behaving like someone you don’t want to be. The solution is to stop trying to save others from themselves, judging them or controlling them.  Just relax, be neutral and don’t volunteer to be sucked into their life drama.

I love Brian Tracy’s powerful quote.  Let it be your guiding star in determining your own life course. You can ask yourself daily: Am I feeling calm, positive, truthful and possessed of high character”?  Am I acting “strong and in control”? If not, adjust your thoughts and actions until you can answer “Yes!”

If you would like your own free subscription to receive this blog three Sundays a month, just go to my website at and click on the Prosperity Tips button at the top.

*********************Give the Gift of Dreams Fulfilled **********************

I invite you to offer someone you care about a truly unique gift that can change their life — ONE HOUR of Personal Success Coaching!  It is absolutely F*R*E*E* of charge, with no obligation and no strings attached!  And if YOU haven’t coached with me in awhile and would like a “tune up” session please give yourself this gift!

To schedule a F*R*E*E* HOUR of phone coaching that will help clarify your Big Goals and get you into ACTION to make this the BEST year yet, please email me at or call toll-free 888-503-8145.



“In order to succeed, we must first believe that we can.” – Nikos Kazantzakis

“Do not wait; the time will never be ‘just right.’ Start where you stand, and work with whatever tools you may have at your command, and better tools will be found as you go along.” – Napoleon Hill

The process for manifesting anything we want in life is SO simple that we just can’t seem to believe it, so we unintentionally muck it up by interfering in the process and thus derail our own dreams.  This week, I witnessed a delightful example of the good that can come to us when we resist the urge to micro-manage God/The Universe’s own perfect manifesting techniques.

But before I share the story, let’s recap the elegantly simple and efficient three-step process for manifesting your dreams via the Law of Attraction (which states that “energy attracts like energy.”)

STEP ONE:  ASK for what you want. Make it specific, measurable and unambiguous. Don’t ask God/The Universe to “Make me a good leader” for your business team.  How will you know when you are “good” enough?  How do you measure  that?  Instead, ask for something specific: “I will recruit, train and support my new business partner to produce $600 OR MORE in sales in her first month in the business.”

Don’t try to figure out in advance HOW you will do this.  You don’t need to know the HOW to set the process in motion for manifesting your desire. Just ASK for the outcome you want and leave the plan for the How to God/The Universe, which can direct you to the best answer more quickly and easily than you would ever be able to figure out.

These Divine directions will be picked up by the receiving dish of your subconscious mind, which will guide your conscious mind in the form of ideas, inspiration or perhaps an inner urge to be somewhere at the precise moment to bump into the perfect person or resource to help you manifest your intention.

STEP TWO: Believe it’s possible.  That’s all that’s really required — and it’s the hardest step for most of us. It is your unwavering BELIEF that what you are seeking is also seeking you that sets the Law of Attraction in motion to attract the ideal opportunities to fulfill your dreams.

If you instead listen to your Ego, as we often do, you can count on it to share the many reasons it thinks you don’t have the plan, resources or time you need to succeed, and it will certainly remind you of all the times have failed at it the past.

Your subconscious mind, on the other hand, is completely open to all the wonderful new, creative ideas that are constantly being channeled to it by God/The Universe. It is completely receptive and willing to think outside the little “box” that your Ego is locked into.

Happily, YOUR only job is to rev up your belief that this mystical process really IS going on ….That something much bigger and smarter than you wants you to succeed and is working behind the scenes to make it happen.

STEP THREE: Receive.  If you allow your Ego to run the show, it will assess all the “What ifs?” it can imagine and come up with a few, limited scenarios it thinks could possibly be the means and method for fulfilling your dream.  It is often wrong.

The Divine How often appears in “mysterious ways,” as they say.  In my 12-plus years as a professional coach, hundreds of my clients have shared jaw-dropping stories of the amazing ways God/The Universe chose to fulfill their dreams.  They invariably say things like, “I never would have thought of THAT!” or “I never imagined it would have come from HER!”

That’s why I say it and you must believe it: The How is not your problem!  Stay committed to your Goal, interested but unattached to your Ego’s ideas, and prepared to pounce when the Ideal Plan appears, so you can then take the appropriate ACTIONS that are required to fulfill your dream.

This week, a client shared with me the delightfully unexpected way the How happened for him: At the beginning of February, he asked me to hold him accountable for saving $300 a month toward the down payment he would need to lease a new car in November.  (Specific, measurable ASK, check!)

His finances have been tight lately, and he knew it was going to be a challenge, but he was COMMITTED to his goal. Then mid-month, he discovered his current car needed $700 worth of tires.  To his Ego, it looked like he would have to skip February’s $300 deposit into savings and somehow make it up in March.

But I suggested that he instead remain open and receptive to seeing HOW God/The Universe would direct him to meet his goal.  I knew from experience that lots of amazing things can happen in the final hours before a goal deadline.  He agreed that even if he didn’t have the entire amount, he would deposit whatever he could in savings by the end of the month, to prove that he was truly COMMITTED to his Big Goal. (BELIEVE, check!)

On February 26, I received this email from him:

“You are not going to believe this.  My friend gave me six tickets to see Stevie Nicks….I am unable to attend (and not interested in going anyway)….so I decided to sell them online.  The tickets are worth $150 a pair. 

I thought since I got them for free, I will sell them for $100 a pair – hopefully, being a blessing to the three couples that buy them. I have all three pairs already sold…Everyone is so happy and shocked at the price I am selling them for.

Without even thinking about it, I realized that the three sets of tickets (at $100 a pair) total $300 – The exact amount of money I want to put aside each month for my car! I made my goal of putting away $300 this month.  God is GREAT.” 

(RECEIVE, Check!)

No, we can’t just sit on the couch, OM-ing or praying and expect whatever we want to fall through the ceiling into our lap. We must take ACTION to manifest our dreams into our material world.

But instead of just blindly following your Ego’s limited advice, first try asking God/The Universe to show you the BEST way to reach your goal.  I promise, if you believe that it will come, God/The Universe WILL deliver the How to you, expedited rush delivery, via the Law of Attraction.

PLEASE NOTE:  The blog will take next Sunday off.  A Cup of Caroll will return on Sunday March 19.

If you would like your own free subscription to receive this blog three Sundays a month, just go to my website at and click on the Prosperity Tips button at the top.

****************** The Gift of Dreams Fulfilled! ********************

I invite you to offer someone you care about a truly unique gift that can change their life — ONE HOUR of Personal Success Coaching!  It is absolutely F*R*E*E* of charge, with no obligation and no strings attached!  And if YOU haven’t coached with me in awhile and would like a “tune up” session please give yourself this gift!

To schedule a F*R*E*E* HOUR of phone coaching that will help clarify your Big Goals and get you into ACTION to make this the BEST year yet, please email me at or call toll-free 888-503-8145.