
February 12, 2023

“To fall in love with yourself is the first secret to happiness.” – Robert Morley

Happy (Almost) Valentine’s Day! I want to share with you a lightly-edited fan-favorite post first published three years ago to remind you that the official “day of love” is the perfect time to rev up your self-love.

However you spend your Valentine’s Day – with your sweetheart, a four-footed pal, a BFF, or just enjoying your own company – I hope you feel LOVED.  The most important person on the planet for you to love is YOU

If you are not being loved, appreciated, respected or treated right by someone else (a boss, teacher, romantic partner, friend, Team member, co-worker, etc.), remember that The Law of Attraction says energy attracts like energy.” Therefore, if you recognize that you are attracting people into your life who do not seem to be honoring and valuing you (especially if you see a pattern among several people), it’s a good idea to honestly assess how you are feeling about and treating yourself. 

I have always loved two quotes from psychologist Dr. Phil McGraw and I often share them with clients who complain about someone who behaves badly toward them:

“No one will ever value you more than you value yourself.”

“We teach other people how to treat us.”

If you want to love and be loved more, you first need to love yourself, human shortcomings and all.  Remember, God/The Universe could never create anything less than perfect. Therefore, you are a masterpiece.

There are two things I believe all successful people have in common: Self confidence and Self-esteem.  The former is you believing that you are capable.  The latter is you believing that you are lovable

If you were raised by well-meaning parents to believe that loving yourself displeases your Creator because it is “prideful” or “selfish” or “stuck up,” here is a different spiritual outlook from my favorite positive-thought pastor, Joel Osteen:

 “Love Yourself (By Joel Osteen)

Jesus said that if you don’t love yourself in a healthy way, you will never be able to love others in the way that you should. This is why some people don’t have good relationships. If you don’t get along with yourself, you’ll never get along with others. We all have weaknesses, shortcomings, and things that we wish were different. But if you see yourself as less than, not talented, and not valuable, you will become exactly that. If you feel unattractive on the inside, you will convey feelings of unattractiveness. That’s going to push people away. You carry yourself the way you see yourself.

People see you the way you see yourself. Perhaps if you quit focusing on your flaws and start loving yourself in a healthy way, being proud of who God made you to be, then as you send out these different messages, it’s going to bring new opportunities, new relationships, and new levels of God’s favor.”

Remember, there are only two opinions about you that truly matter: Yours and your Creator’s. If you steer your life by those, not only will you be happy and successful, you also will be able to radiate your healthy self-love out to the rest of the world and make a positive difference in the lives of many others.  And I can promise you that you will feel loved and valued in return.

PLEASE NOTE: The blog is taking next weekend off.  Your next fresh Cup of Caroll will arrive on Sunday February 26.

Coaching Results

“Coaching with Caroll has been very helpful in manifesting a romantic partner who will be perfect for me. The detailed “Ideal List” she had me create has been such a useful tool for providing clarity.  It made me think of all the specific qualities I really want in a mate. It’s become a huge time-saver when I meet someone new, because I now have a very detailed list of all the traits I am looking for….Thanks to this coaching and my Ideal List, I am now choosing what I want, rather than who wants me.” – J.C., musician and Inspiring Speaker

********** MAKE THIS YOUR TIME TO SHINE ***************

Is it time for you to give yourself the priceless gift a positive mindset tune-up?  I invite you to take advantage of a truly unique opportunity – a F.R.E.E. hour of Success Breakthrough Coaching with no strings attached.  This is my kindness contribution to YOU! I promise to help you gain clarity on your Big Goals for 2023 and exactly what it will take for you to reach them. Slots are very limited, so contact me ASAP to schedule your F.R.E.E., no obligation phone coaching session:

If you would like your own free subscription to receive this blog three Sundays a month, just go to and enter your name and email at the top.

January 8, 2023

“We all make mistakes, have struggles, and even regret things in our past.  But you are not your mistakes, you are not your struggles, and you are here NOW with the power to shape your day and your future.” – Steve Maraboli

Happy New Year and WELCOME to 2023! We all start each new year at the same place, with infinite possibilities stretching in front of us. It’s up to us what we do with this amazing opportunity.

Certainly, the world’s problems haven’t magically disappeared with the calendar change. But a new year offers us new hope and a fresh perspective – a chance to reboot our personal goals and ask what we can do to help others reach theirs.

With constant change and political division still swirling around us, it is important to give yourself time to sit quietly and reflect on your own personal outcomes from 2022 before you attempt to move into a fresh new year. Like mine, I am sure your year was a mixture of joy, heartbreak, challenges and triumphs. By objectively taking stock of what happened, you can discover important insights and lessons that you can carry into this new year to help you create it to be all that you wish for.

In my 18+ years as a Personal Success Coach, I have been blessed to help over 2,000 clients reach their Big Goals, so I know what it will take to make your next year a success. Creating your personal goals and manifesting them requires a two-step process and now is the ideal time to begin:

Step One: Complete the Old Year.  You can’t create something new in a space that is cluttered with old stuff. You must first be 100% complete with the past. So, if you want this next year to be more than just a replay of whatever you experienced last year, you first must complete your old year to make space for your NEW intentions.

The Reflections Exercise

A great completion process is simply to sit quietly and answer a series of questions that make you think deeply about the outcomes of your past year – the good, the bad and the ugly. Answering them honestly will clarify your underlying beliefs, expectations, attitudes and actions that influenced the results you got.

This exercise is designed to help you look objectively at what you did (and didn’t) do that influenced what happened for you last year. Determining accurately what caused your past outcomes helps you to identify NEW ways of thinking and being that will cause you to take NEW actions.

Taking new actions will bring you new results, while continuing to operate on “auto-pilot” inside of the same thought and behavior patterns pretty much guarantees that this year is going to bring you more of the same.


Here are 14 KEY questions to complete your 2022 and set you up for a more fulfilling and prosperous 2023. They will only help you IF you will take the time to actually answer them!  If you are thoughtful and truthful, it should take just 30 minutes or so to journal your answers. And, if this introspection sets you up for a new level of success and happiness in the coming year, isn’t it worth making such a small effort?

Part 1 – Questions to Complete the Old Year

  • What was your biggest accomplishment in 2022?
  • What was your greatest failure or disappointment?
  • What was the greatest lesson you learned?
  • Who did you make a difference for and how?
  • What do you wish you hadn’t wasted your time and energy on?
  • What do you wish you had spent MORE time and effort on?
  • What are you most grateful for regarding last year?

Part 2 – Questions for Creating Your New Year

  • What ONE (or two) WORDS would you like to have as your theme in 2023?
  • What would you feel most happy and fulfilled about accomplishing?
  • What new skill would you most like to learn or master and why?
  • What are you most committed to changing/improving in your work?
  • What are you most committed to changing/improving about yourself?
  • What is ONE positive habit you are committed to instilling this year?
  • What brings you the most joy and how will you make room for more of that in 2023?


We will do STEP TWO: Create Your Year Your Way. I will share with you my all-time favorite method for co-creating your new year with God/the Universe to be all that you would like it to be.  It’s a great companion piece to the Reflections Exercise. I have loved doing it for myself every January for the past 18 years and I know you will too!

If you would like your own free subscription to receive this blog three Sundays a month, just go to my website at and fill in your name and email at the top.

****************** The Gift of Dreams Fulfilled! ********************

I invite you to give yourself (or someone you care about) a truly unique gift that can change their life — ONE HOUR of Success Breakthrough Coaching!  It is absolutely F*R*E*E* of charge, with no obligation!  

To schedule a F*R*E*E* HOUR of phone coaching that will help clarify your Big Goals and get you into ACTION to make this the BEST year yet, please email me at

Thank you for being one of my cherished blog readers!  If you ALSO happen to be the Leader of a direct sales Team (or are working on growing a Team), I have something special just for YOU.

I have been working hard for the past several weeks on crafting a short, recorded presentation to help Team Leaders like you who may be struggling with growing your sales volume and finding great people to join your Team.

See, I have been coaching top Leaders in the industry for the past 17 years and I know that many of them are still falling victim to some dangerous MYTHS about what they are “supposed” to be doing as a “good” Leader.  Following this all-too-common BAD advice is actually causing their Teams to underperform and their income growth to stall. And it’s costing them in other ways too – with stress, overwork, and maybe even feeling like a fraud or a failure as a Leader.

If YOU are completely satisfied with how your Team is performing and growing, then you can save yourself the 30 minutes it takes to watch this free Master Class. If you are doing just as well as you would like to financially AND have plenty of time for yourself and your family, you can skip it too. (Maybe you will be kind enough to forward it to someone you know who COULD use this information.)

….But I have a hunch that at least one of those problems is affecting you. If so, I want to help.

There’s no charge and no strings attached to watch this Master Class in Team Building.  I invite you to grab your favorite beverage and watch to see if it changes your perspective on how you are running your business – for the sake of your financial success, your sanity and your family’s happiness.

Here’s the link to get a 24-hour “pass” so you can watch when it is convenient for you:

P.S. After you watch, if you would like to schedule a complimentary private phone coaching session with me to get more clarity about your business goals and what you need to do to reach them, I would be very happy to speak with you soon!

All the Best,

Caroll Michel Schwartz

August 15, 2021

Here’s the final “summer rerun” blog. We are deep into the purging/packing phase of our upcoming move to a new home and I need to focus on that. (Besides the fact that tomorrow is my wonderful husband Rick’s birthday. Happy Birthday, Sweetheart!)

It took a while, but I have now completed moving through the various mindset stages that came with this unexpected move — beginning with resisting having to move, then grudgingly accepting it but worrying about the outcome, to finally enthusiastically embracing the idea of making a fresh start in a whole NEW environment. I am now genuinely grateful to be able to release many items that were taking up space but no longer “sparking joy,” as Marie Kondo would say. I feel so much lighter!

I hope this lightly-edited message sparks some good energy in you, as well!

May 17, 2020

“Without inspiration, the best powers of the mind remain dormant.  There is a fuel in us which needs to be ignited with sparks.” – Johann Gottried Von Herder

If you would like to attract more and better customers, business partners, a great romantic relationship, a new career, more prosperity – just about anything – you absolutely CAN.

The attraction is triggered by The Law of Attraction, which says that “energy attracts like energy.” In other words, your “energy vibration” (your thoughts plus the emotions caused by those thoughts) that you emanate always attracts to you the people, things and circumstances that are a match for your energy, like a magnet attracts a nail.

To send out a vibration that will attract the positive people and things you desire, you must first light a spark within yourself — the spark of enthusiasm. If you don’t feel genuinely enthusiastic about who you are and what you are selling or offering to others, nobody else will be interested either. This was the main message I got this week from the experiences of several of my social marketing/direct sales coaching clients.

Several Team Leaders told me that they personally were having record months in their businesses, despite the challenges of our current COVID-19 reality.  They are genuinely enthusiastic about offering their products and business opportunity to others. They truly want to help others, and so approach their reach outs with an expectation that their products and/or business opportunity just might be exactly what the person they are contacting is looking for.

Some of their Team members, however, were not having similar success and the Leaders were perplexed that they seemed to just give up without really trying. When the Leaders tried to help them, their Team members expressed no enthusiasm for offering others something that could be a life-changing option for them.  Instead they lamented, “Nobody has any money right now” or “They don’t want to hear about this; they have too much on their minds.” Not surprisingly, whenever they did attempt to contact a prospect, that’s exactly the response they got — a reflection of their own energy.

I recently read a fascinating collection of short books on mindset and manifesting by Florence Scovel Shinn, compiled under the main title “The Game of Life and How to Play It.” Even though she wrote the final part in 1944 and the style is a bit old-fashioned, it’s remarkable how completely relevant her teaching is regarding the power of our thoughts and words to shape our lives.

She was a pioneer spiritual Law of Attraction coach, teaching her clients that their thoughts and especially their words were shaping their reality. They came to her for help and she gave them inspiring positive affirmations that sparked positive emotions and installed new, empowering beliefs in their subconscious minds. This changed their energy vibration and attracted whatever they wanted to them very quickly.

In the very last chapter of the book, she talks about the importance of enthusiasm:

“The word enthusiasm in the dictionary is defined, ‘to be inspired or possessed by the gods.’ Enthusiasm is divine fire and kindles enthusiasm in others. To be a good salesman, you must be enthusiastic about the articles you are selling. If you are bored with your business or uninterested, the fires go out, and no one else will be interested.”

She went on to give this example of the importance of lighting the spark of enthusiasm inside yourself if you want to attract enthusiastic people to you:

“A woman came to me for success in business.  She said, ‘I have a shop, but it is usually empty. I do not bother to open it until late in the day, what’s the use?’ I replied, ‘There is indeed no use so long as you feel the way you do. You are keeping people away. Become enthusiastic over what you have to sell. Be enthusiastic about yourself. Be enthusiastic about the God-power within you, and get up early to open your shop and be ready for the big crowd.”

In this specific ACTION she advised her client to take, Florence also reminds us of another key tool for triggering the Law of Attraction: You must “act as if” you ALREADY have the result you are after. When you ACT in ways that show your subconscious mind you truly BELIEVE and EXPECT to receive what you desire, it aligns your energy with what you want to attract.

The outcome for her client was exactly what Florence expected:

“By this time, she was all wound up with divine expectancy. She dashed down to her shop as early as possible and people were waiting outside and poured in all day….Your quality of thought penetrates every article for sale and all the conditions connected with it.”

If you want to attract success in your business or career, more fulfilling relationships, and more prosperity and happiness, take Florence’s advice and show the world your authentic enthusiasm for yourself and what you have to offer. The spark of passion you light inside yourself will light a fire under others, too.

PLEASE NOTE: The blog is taking the next three weeks off so we can focus on our move.  Enjoy the rest of your summer and look for your next Cup of Caroll after Labor Day on Sunday September 12!


“I can’t properly articulate ALL the benefits I have gotten from Caroll’s coaching, but I feel like I got my mojo back.  I now have the confidence and passion to pursue success that had disappeared for so long.” – T.G., direct sales Team Leader

How are you doing on manifesting YOUR Big Goals?  Are things going slower than you would like? Are you unsure of just what is holding you back from the success you deserve? For expert help clarifying your personal and professional goals and some actionable advice for reaching them with speed and ease, please request a F*R*E*E*, no-obligation hour of Success Breakthrough Coaching!  Slots are limited, so please grab one while they last: Or contact me with any questions:

If you or your friends would like your own F*R*E*E* subscription to receive this blog three Sundays a month, just go to and sign up at the top of the page.

October 11, 2020

I haven’t had time to write a new blog for today, due to a very busy week keeping our household running, serving my coaching clients and especially looking after my wonderful husband Rick’s needs as he navigates today’s complex medical system.

Rick had successful back surgery on Friday the 2nd and is now in a facility to receive physical therapy to help him once again stand strong and tall and walk with confidence. He is making great progress and we are very grateful for the wonderful care he has been receiving every step of the way!

This is the perfect opportunity for me to share a great article I found online, which provides scientific validation for the power of the Law of Attraction (“energy attracts like energy”) in our daily lives.  Studies show that your emotions spread further than you think.

I give the author, Brad Stulberg, full credit for this great article. Enjoy!

From Outside by Brad Stulberg

“Researchers from Yale University closely monitored just under 5,000 people living in the small town of Framingham, Massachusetts, for more than three decades. They found that when someone became happy or sad, that emotion rippled throughout the entire town. Another study, published in the journal Motivation and Emotion, showed that even below-the-surface emotions, such as motivation, are contagious. If someone is working in the same room with people who are internally driven, their attitude also improves. If, however, someone is working in the same room with those who aren’t too excited about their work, then their motivation decreases. A 2017 study out of Northwestern University found that sitting within 25 feet of a high performer at work improved an employee’s performance by 15 percent. But sitting within 25 feet of a low performer hurt their performance by 30 percent. That’s an enormous effect!

Emotions even spread virtually. Another study, aptly titled “I’m Sad, You’re Sad,” found that if you are in a negative mood when you text your partner, they are likely to pick up on it and experience a lower mood state themselves. The same is true of Facebook posts, according to research published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. Emotions like happiness, sadness, and anger spread like wildfire on the platform. (Not that you needed a study to prove this.)

This science all points toward the same basic truth: we are mirrors reflecting onto each other. The people we surround ourselves with shape us, and we shape those around us, too. The implications of this truth are important and actionable.

For starters, you’d be wise to associate with people you admire and aspire to be like. It’s not so much rote skill that is contagious as it is the motivation and emotions that lead to skill development. In other words, it is much better to work with the scrappy but less-talented performer than the all-star who phones it in. This is every bit as true on the playing field as it is in the office.

What’s more, just being aware of how easily emotions spread allows you to change yourself and, in turn, change those around you. For example, if you receive a text message that suddenly makes you sad, or if you read a social-media post that makes you angry, rather than immediately reacting, you can pause for a moment and then respond thoughtfully. Instead of meeting sadness with sadness, you can meet it with compassion and support. Instead of meeting anger with anger, you can try to meet it with understanding (or just ignore it altogether). The flip side is also true. When you are feeling good you’re liable to spread it—though my hunch is that this happens naturally, without trying.

None of this is new, of course. Over a decade ago in the foothills of the Himalayas, before much of the above science unfolded, I asked a Nepali Sherpa named Indra about the prayer flags that were all over. ‘It’s simple,’ he told me. ‘When you are feeling a strong emotion, you plant a flag. Since the beginning of time, my culture believes the wind will spread that energy and the universe will receive it.’”

So if you are (or aspire to be) a good Team Leader, parent, teacher, boss, mentor, coach or any type of role model, it’s important to remember that your energy vibration (your thoughts plus your emotions) affects everyone around you, for good or for bad.  It’s up to us to consciously make our influence something positive!

IMPORTANT NOTE: The blog will be taking next weekend off to give me more time to spend with my husband.  Look for your next fresh Cup of Caroll on Sunday October 25!

If you would like your own F.R.E.E. subscription to receive this blog three Sundays a month, just go to and click on the Prosperity Tips button at the top to enter your name and email.  Your information will never be shared with anyone.

****************** Give Yourself the Gift of Dreams Fulfilled! ********************

To schedule a no-obligation F*R*E*E* HOUR of phone coaching that will help you clarify your Big Goals and get into ACTION on making them a reality, email me at

Is This You?

You’re a hardworking direct sales professional or entrepreneur who is tired of trying to help some of your business partners to succeed, only to realize they are not as serious about the business as you are…..

Maybe you struggle to find loyal, appreciative customers who are serious about getting lasting results with your products….

Or perhaps you are still fairly new to the business and based on your initial results, you are beginning to wonder if you really have what it takes to succeed?

If you feel discouraged at the pace of building your business, I want to share with you the simple success formula that I have used to help hundreds of direct sellers and entrepreneurs reach their success goals – quickly, easily, joyfully.

I recently taught a brand new webinar for direct sellers and entrepreneurs on how to follow the NEW Success Formula that uses the Law of Attraction to turbo-boost their results. Every one of them said they would recommend the course to their Teams, their friends, everyone they know!

If they can, so can YOU!

Here are just a few of the comments I received from participants after the inaugural  course:

“This course, its resources, and your coaching have made all the difference in my business and my outlook.  I’ve told my whole Team about it.” – T.G., Rodan and Fields Leader

“This entire course was extremely valuable and useful for me.  Getting back to ME – my goals, my intentions – and working towards getting the balance back in my life – has been exactly what I needed…I have a new type of energy and I can feel the shift in mindset.  I loved this course.  I would do it again and will definitely heavily promote it.” – S.L., Rodan and Fields Level V Circle Leader

“My Big Intention that I was working on fulfilling by the end of course was that within 8 weeks I would receive $6,500 above and beyond what is already coming to me.  A few weeks into the course, out of the blue, I remembered a tax deduction that I had not claimed, which saved me $500.  A little later, I had a sudden, strong urge to call my financial advisor and tell him I needed some extra money, without naming the amount.  He told me I had a $6,000 cash balance in an account I had forgotten about.  So, I got the exact amount I asked for in some surprising ways, just before the deadline.” – J.K.

“What you are teaching is very valuable and has made an immense difference in my life.  I’ve been getting a lot of [intuitive] guidance and trying to follow each one….I feel like I’m thriving.  I am grateful that I took your course and got so much out of it.” – J.G., Realtor and Direct Sales Professional

“I’m really benefiting from this course.  I’ve been going to bed with my intentions and waking up with reading something inspirational and motivational, and always in more gratitude….Since the course, I’ve had an entire change of attitude and set more boundaries as to the energy around me.  I started back at the gym twice a week with an accountability partner and it’s going great.  I went to yoga last night for the first time in three years. When I left, my migraine was gone.  Is it working? YES! I am grateful for you and for the course.” – S.V.

“This course was perfect for where I am in my life.  Following the daily steps of the Formula has made a big difference.  It has made me dig deep and think about and do things I normally would not have done.  Thank you for offering this course.  I look forward to taking another one with you in the future.” – M.T., Rodan and Fields Executive Consultant

You need proven results, not empty promises

Do these results sound too good to be true?  Not at all! There IS a simple, proven system for attracting the RIGHT customers, business partners, ideas, resources and financial support you need to work smarter, not harder. The New Success Formula harnesses the power of The Law of Attraction, which I have been using in my life and teaching to my Personal Success Coaching ™ clients for years.

  • Maybe you have already used The Law of Attraction with some success, but your ongoing results have not been as reliable as you would like.
  • Or, maybe you have read a book about it, but you have never really put it into daily practice because it seemed a bit too woo-woo — Not like a real “system” you could learn to master.
  • Or, perhaps you have heard the term “Law of Attraction” but you don’t really know much about it.

It doesn’t matter what your background or level of experience with it is, the NEW Success Formula will teach you how to harness the attracting power of the Law of Attraction for EVERY goal you have, every problem you face, in every area of your life.

You need MORE than just a Course!

Even though they loved it, after the eight-week course was over, most of the participants told me they wished they had ONGOING coaching support. They had learned exactly WHAT to do in the course, but they felt they needed more ongoing practice, support and answers to really MASTER the system and create reliable SUCCESS.

That’s when I got the idea of creating an ongoing, monthly New Success Coaching Membership! When you join the Membership, you begin by learning the New Success Formula, and then CONTINUE to deepen your understanding and get ongoing support  with implementing it in your life and business.

The New Success Formula online course itself will begin in early August.  You can go through the material as quickly or slowly as you like because each step-by-step lesson is videotaped. At the same time, there will also be ongoing LIVE Q & A and group coaching sessions with me, several times a month. We will also form a Mastermind Community where you can get ongoing support and accountability from peers who are all after the same kind of success you are. Down the road, I hope to invite guest experts to speak to us regularly, too.

Founding Members Wanted NOW!

The whole idea of this Membership is still very new. I have a clear vision, but I don’t have ALL the details mapped out yet!  That’s why I want to collaborate with the FOUNDING MEMBERS who are the first to jump inIf you join by July 3, we will collaborate together in July to get YOUR input and ideas on how to make the format and pace as useful to you as possible.  YOU will get to help design your own success!

I realize that not everyone wants or can afford private one-one coaching. That’s why the New Success Coaching monthly membership costs less than ONE TENTH of what private coaching costs. You can stay with us as long as you like, with no contract.  But if you want REAL RESULTS, you must come in committed to finishing the course and staying with us long enough to put what you learned into practice.

Each month, I will continue to provide you with additional resources and coaching help and the Membership Community will help you with peer support and accountability.

I am confident that you will stay with us as long as you feel you are making good progress toward your business and life goals. You will have all the tools you need to achieve the success you have worked hard for and deserve!

Other Perks for Founding Members

FOR FOUNDING MEMBERS ONLY, the monthly membership fee is just $27 per month!  Your price will NEVER go up, as long as you stay in the monthly Membership.  After the Founding Member Launch closes on July 3, the price is DEFINITELY going to go up for new members. In addition, the membership will only accept new members twice a year, so the next opportunity to join at a higher price will be in early 2021.

PLEASE DON’T MISS this opportunity!  If you want to experience what the New Success Formula can do to turbo-charge your success, organically attract more of the RIGHT customers and business partners, and bring new passion and balance to your life, NOW is the time to jump in!  

Please share this information with your Team and friends ASAP and urge them to join us ASAP too!

Email me TODAY for a registration form to start your New Success Coaching Membership:

Additional questions you need to discuss with me? Just ask and we can chat.

May 17, 2020

“Without inspiration, the best powers of the mind remain dormant.  There is a fuel in us which needs to be ignited with sparks.” – Johann Gottried Von Herder

If you would like to attract more and better customers, business partners, a great romantic relationship, a new career, more prosperity – just about anything – you absolutely CAN. The attraction is triggered by The Law of Attraction, which says that “energy attracts like energy.” In other words, the personal “energy vibration” (your thoughts plus your emotions which arise from those thoughts) you emanate always attracts to you people, things and circumstances that are a match for your energy.

To send out a vibration that will attract the positive people and things you desire, you must first light a spark within yourself — the spark of enthusiasm. If you don’t feel genuinely enthusiastic about who you are and what you are selling or offering to others, nobody else will be interested either. This was the main message I got this week from the experiences of several of my network marketing/direct sales coaching clients.

Several Team Leaders told me that they personally have been having record months in their businesses, despite the challenges of our current COVID-19 reality.  They are genuinely enthusiastic about offering their products and business opportunity to others. They truly want to help them, and so approach their reach outs with an expectation that their products and/or business opportunity just might be exactly what the person they are contacting is looking for.

Some of their Team members, however, have not been having similar success and the Leaders were perplexed that they seem to just give up without really trying. When the Leaders try to support them, these Team members express no enthusiasm for offering people they know something that could be a life-changing option for them.  These Team members lament, “Nobody has any money right now” or “They have too much on their minds; they don’t want to hear about this.” Not surprisingly, whenever they do attempt a reach out, that’s exactly the response they got — a reflection of their own energy.

I just finished reading a fascinating collection of short books on spiritual mindset and manifesting by Florence Scovel Shinn, compiled under the main title “The Game of Life and How to Play It.” Even though she wrote the final part in 1944 and the style is a bit old-fashioned, it’s remarkable how completely relevant her teachings still are regarding the power of our thoughts and words to shape our lives.

She was a pioneer Law of Attraction coach, teaching her clients that their thoughts and especially their spoken words were shaping their reality. They came to her for help and she gave them inspiring positive affirmations that sparked positive emotions and installed new, empowering beliefs in their subconscious minds. This changed their energy vibration and attracted whatever they wanted to them very quickly.

In the very last chapter of the book, she talks about the importance of enthusiasm:

“The word enthusiasm in the dictionary is defined, ‘to be inspired or possessed by the gods.’ Enthusiasm is divine fire and kindles enthusiasm in others. To be a good salesman, you must be enthusiastic about the articles you are selling. If you are bored with your business or uninterested, the fires go out, and no one else will be interested.”

She went on to give this example of the importance of first lighting the spark of enthusiasm inside yourself if you want to attract enthusiastic people to you:

“A woman came to me for success in business.  She said, ‘I have a shop, but it is usually empty. I do not bother to open it until late in the day, what’s the use?’ I replied, ‘There is indeed no use so long as you feel the way you do. You are keeping people away. Become enthusiastic over what you have to sell. Be enthusiastic about yourself. Be enthusiastic about the God-power within you, and get up early to open your shop and be ready for the big crowd.”

In the specific ACTION she advised her client to take — to open up early and “be ready for the big crowd”– Florence also reminds us of another key tool for triggering the Law of Attraction: You must act as though you ALREADY have the result you are after. When you take actions that show your subconscious mind you truly BELIEVE and EXPECT to receive what you say you desire, it aligns your energy with what you want and attracts it to you.

The outcome for her client was exactly what Florence expected:

“By this time, she was all wound up with divine expectancy. She dashed down to her shop as early as possible and people were waiting outside and poured in all day….Your quality of thought penetrates every article for sale and all the conditions connected with it.”

So, you see, if you want to attract greater success in your business or career, more fulfilling relationships, more prosperity and happiness, take Florence’s advice and show the world your authentic enthusiasm for yourself and the gifts you have to offer. The spark of passion you light inside yourself will light a fire under others, too.

PLEASE NOTE: In order to give me time to continue preparing my new membership site, the blog will be taking the next two weeks off and will return on Sunday June 7.

 If you or your friends would like your own free subscription to receive this blog three Sundays a month, just go to and click on the Prosperity Tips button at the top.

*************** Give Yourself the Gift of Dreams Fulfilled! ******************

I want to be of service to YOU and your friends, colleagues and loved ones, especially now! To schedule a NO-obligation, F*R*E*E* HOUR of phone coaching that will help clarify your goals and get you into ACTION to make them a reality, please email me while I still have openings at

January 19, 2020

“Goals are the fuel in the furnace of achievement.  The bigger your goals and clearer they are, the more excited you become about achieving them. The more you think about your goals, the greater becomes your inner drive and desire to accomplish them. – from

I hope you have taken some time to complete the powerful exercises from the last two blogs.  The Reflection Exercise (January 5 Blog #359) asks you some probing questions to consider so you can decide what worked and didn’t work for you in the past year and what you want to have and do in the new year ahead.  Once you mentally and emotionally complete 2019 and identify your key life lessons from it, you are ready to move forward with passion and enthusiasm to make your 2020 even better.

The New Year Creation exercise (January 12 Blog #360) gives you the opportunity to envision how you want your 2020 to be in all the areas of life that are most important to YOU personally – health, relationships, career, family, travel, finances, spirituality, etc.  Writing down your Big Goals gives them real power, because it tells God/The Universe and your subconscious mind exactly what you want, so they can figure out the HOW for you to get them. It builds your excitement and all-important BELIEF that you WILL get them – because you start each specific vision statement with “I am so grateful that…” like it’s already a DONE DEAL.

Of course, not everything that you write down will come to pass and your Big Goals are not all equally important to you.  But I have been doing these two exercises for the past 15 years and I am consistently impressed that about 80 percent of the Big Goals I write down for my life in January become my reality by the time I check on them again in December, even if I had forgotten writing some them!

Last week was the beginning of one of my own Biggest Goals for 2020: A free webinar I presented about how I found and have proven for myself that there is a NEW Success Formula for manifesting any Big Goal with greater speed and ease than you might imagine is possible.

The OLD Success Formula that I had been teaching my clients for the past 15 years was good, but it worked better for some people than others.  Last September, I serendipitously was led to the “missing link” that turned it into a brand new FOUR STEPS to SUCCESS Formula.  I have been using it myself and teaching it to my private coaching clients for about four months now, and I can tell you it really WORKS.

The free Zoom class I presented on January 13 (which I have been creating and promoting since the Holidays) is the launch of a six-part mastermind/webinar I will be teaching in February and March.  The free introductory one hour class explains what the FOUR STEPS to SUCCESS are.  The six-part mastermind/seminar that begins on Tuesday February 4 will teach each participant exactly HOW to put this four-step NEW Success Formula into practice to reach a heartfelt Big Goal that they would like to have by the end of the first quarter of 2020.

If you missed the free one-hour class and would like to learn ALL the details of the FOUR STEPS to SUCCESS system, here is the replay link:

To recap briefly, the old system had three steps for manifesting anything you want using the power of the Law of Attraction (“energy attracts like energy”) to help you reach a Big Goal:

  • STEP ONE: ASK for what you want, clearly and specifically. God/The Universe and your subconscious mind need to be clear on what you want if they are going to figure out the best, more efficient HOW for getting it for you.
  • STEP TWO: BELIEVE that you are going to get it. You MUST believe that your dream will become a reality.  It’s the toughest part of the system for most of us, because our Old, Limiting Beliefs get in the way.  Our Egos are constantly telling us why we CAN’T accomplish our Big Goals, based on their interpretation of things that have happened to stop us in the past or what someone else has told us about their experience, trying to convince us that the same fate will befall us if we pursue that goal.  Fortunately, despite what your Ego thinks, our BELIEFS are not the “Truth” – they are just an interpretation of specific events that have happened to us in the past.  Just because something happened to us before does NOT mean that the same things will inevitably  happen the same way if we try again – especially if we try again with a New Empowering Belief to give us confidence to take the actions that God/The Universe is directing us to take.
  • STEP THREE: RECEIVE I used to interpret this third step of the Old Success Formula to mean “Receive the Goal you are after.” Now, I have learned that it really is just the third of the FOUR STEPS to Success.  It’s not the endgame.  It’s the all-important step where your Higher Power gives you the HOW – the inspired ideas, resources, inner urges to be in the right place at the right time, connections to the right people, etc. — that will guide you to take the right ACTIONS which will lead you to a successful outcome.

I think my favorite positive thought minister, Joel Osteen, explains it perfectly: If your vision is limited, your life will be limited.  Dare to get a fresh, new vision of victory for your life and trust God to bring it to pass.  You don’t have to figure out how it’s going to happen.  All you have to do is believe.  One touch of God’s favor can bring any dream to pass.  But you have to see it on the inside before it will ever come to pass on the outside.”

  • STEP FOUR: The NEW Step Four is “ACHIEVE” After you get the specific guidance from your Higher Power as to the BEST course of action to take, you must TAKE ACTION on those Divine leads, and  then you will ACHIEVE any Big Goal that you pursue using this system.

The game-changing tool that I explain in some detail in the free class is having a focused, DAILY collaboration with your Higher Power.  During this brief morning journaling session, you express GRATITUDE IN ADVANCE to your Higher Power for giving you the leads/directions (AKA: the HOW) that will enable you to fulfill the specific Big Goals you are after, in multiple areas of your life at the same time.

The ideal format for this daily Divine collaboration came to me when I unexpectedly ran across May McCarthy’s amazing little paperback book, The Gratitude Formula. She has been using her own specific form of gratitude-in-advance journaling to connect to her Higher Power (or “Chief Spiritual Officer” as she whimsically calls hers) nearly every day for the past three decades.  It has made her a highly successful serial entrepreneur with seven different companies collectively valued at over $110 million.  She attributes her enormous success to the daily “leads” she gets from her CSO that guide her with the ideas and connections to solve any personal or professional problem and achieve any Big Goal in any area of her life.  (If you choose, you could use it as a practical tool to put some of the Visions you wrote in your New Year Creation 2020 into ACTION, so you can make them a reality.)

After I read her book last fall, I decided to prove it for myself by setting several specific Big Goals. They had audacious time deadlines that seemed far-fetched at the time, but I was amazed that I reached them all.  Then I began sharing the Gratitude Formula with my private coaching clients and they, too, had outstanding success with it.

That’s when I decided that I MUST share with a wider audience the new FOUR STEPS to SUCCESS System, which incorporates the key tool of the Gratitude Formula to help you get the HOW.  I hope you will listen to the replay ASAP and check it out for yourself.  If you have some BIG GOALS of your own that you want to achieve this year, but you don’t know HOW you will be able to do it, this course is for YOU! As May McCarthy says, “Success isn’t a Secret.  It’s a System.”  Yes it is!  And YOU can learn to master it too!

Check out the free video recording:

At the end of the one-hour presentation, I give all the details on the six-hour Success Formula 2020 Course that begins Tuesday at 6pm PST February 4 and ends Tuesday March 17 (with one Tuesday off on February 25). All six one-hour classes will be recorded so you don’t have to be on all the live calls.  If you are interested in registering or have questions, please email me ASAP so you can get the Early Bird discount.

Whether you join us or not, know that I wish you UNLIMITED Success in 2020 and far beyond!

IMPORTANT NOTE: The blog will be taking the next two weeks off to give you time to finish your Reflections and New Year Creation exercises and for me to continue my preparations for the Success Formula 2020 course.  Watch for your next Cup of Caroll on Sunday February 9

If you would like your own free subscription to receive this blog three Sundays a month, just go to my website and click on the Prosperity Tips button at the top.

****************** Give the Gift of Dreams Fulfilled! ********************

Give a friend, colleague or loved one a truly unique gift that can get their 2020 off to a great start — ONE HOUR of Personal Success Coaching.  It is absolutely F*R*E*E* with no obligation and no strings attached!  You can give this to as many people who will really appreciate it as you wish.  (If you haven’t been in coaching with me for awhile, feel free to claim it for YOURSELF, too!)

To schedule a F*R*E*E* HOUR of phone coaching that will help them clarify their Big Goals for the New Year and get into ACTION to make this their BEST year yet, have them email me at to schedule their session.  


January 12, 2020

“When you know that you are in charge of your intentions, then you will come to know that you are in charge of the entire world.” – Wayne Dyer

In the last blog, we discussed the importance of completing your old year before you attempt to create your new year the way you want it to be.  Once you have released any disappointments, lingering resentments, incompletions and regrets over what did or didn’t happen for you last year, you are ready to CO-create (with God/The Universe) an even better new year for yourself.

I have been doing a New Year Creation exercise every year since 2004. I can’t say every year turned out exactly the way I had envisioned in every area of my life. Still, as I re-read each New Year’s Eve what I had set out to create that year, I was consistently amazed to find that much of what I truly wanted did come true.

By the way, if you haven’t yet completed the “Reflections Exercise” from last week’s blog (Learn from Your Past – Blog 359) to help you powerfully complete 2019, identify your main lessons from it, and create the mental and emotional space for a year of new manifestations, please take all the time you need to finish it before you begin this next step. You can find it in the blog archives on my website.


Once you have completed the old, you are ready and receptive to a brand new year of co-creating your life to be how YOU want it to be!  Every January, my coaching clients use this very effective technique for creating their year on their own terms, rather than passively waiting to see how it all “turns out.” As hundreds of them have proven, you CAN ask for what you want – and get it!

And NO, I am not suggesting that the Divine Plan for your life doesn’t matter!  I personally believe that in order to manifest our highest good, we must first ASK God/The Universe clearly and specifically for what we want, and then know that if it is good for us and doesn’t harm anyone else, we will be shown HOW to get it.  You can trust that if God/The Universe has different plans for you, you will be guided to fulfill them and they will be EVEN better than the ones you suggested!

STEP ONE: Create a THEME for the year. How you would like this year show to up for your life?  Make it catchy so you can remember it on a daily basis. Last year, my theme was “2019: My Year of Freedom, Success and Contribution” and I am happy to say that it turned out to be that! My coaching practice grew from many happy clients’ referrals and my third annual Summer Prosperity Camp brought me increased prosperity and helped my participants break through their former barriers to success.

My theme for this new year is “2020: The Year of Living My Highest Purpose” because I want to expand my avenues for sharing Law of Attraction prosperity principles with even more people in new and bigger ways. It’s already starting to look like that with many people being referred and signing up for my free webinar on Monday about the NEW Success Formula I have discovered for 2020. 

STEP TWO: Create a list of personal qualities to describe how YOU want to show up in the world this year. State it in the present tense, as though it’s already a fact. Here’s mine: “In 2020, I am a richly-rewarded Messenger of Limitless Peace, Prosperity and Progress: Magnetic, Confident, Peaceful, Joyous, Patient, Empowering, Faith-Filled, Loving and Giving. I attract effortlessly WHO I AM and what I desire.” 

By declaring who you are in writing, you will automatically begin to become this person. The qualities and attributes you begin to embody will then attract the right people and resources to manifest your Big Dreams with ease.  As the Law of Attraction states, “energy attracts like energy.”  So whatever qualities you cultivate in yourself will show up in those who will be attracted to you – in business, friendship, romantic relationship – everywhere!

STEP THREE: List the main areas of life that are important to you.  Then simply state what you desire to have in each area this year.  Remember, you do not have to know HOW you are going to get those desires fulfilled!  Each dream you list is simply a declaration to God/the Universe that this is what you desire – stated in the present tense, with GRATITIDE, as though it’s already happened(NOTE: This “gratitude in advance” wording is a really important part of the format!)

Declaring “I am so grateful that…” and then describing what you desire tells your own subconscious mind that you believe 100% that it is going to happen – in fact, it’s ALREADY a done deal, as far as you are concerned.  You BELIEVE that God/the Universe will figure out the HOW and convey it to you by whatever means He/It chooses. It’s your job to remain open and alert for Divine Direction and then take ACTION when you get those Divine “leads.”  Believing in your dreams being fulfilled before you see any tangible evidence is key to making them a reality.


Last year, one of my clients created an outstandingly simple, clear and powerful Year Creation – all on a single page, which is much shorter than my own!  I share it as an example of what the format looks like when complete.

Remember, the areas of life she wrote about were the most important to HER that year; your Big Dreams may be in different areas, which is perfectly fine. If you see something in hers that you would like too, feel free to “borrow” it for your own!

2019: The year of Growth, Grace and Grit 

In 2019, I am a vehicle for dreams to be achieved and goals to be attained: Joyful, Confident, Determined, Enthusiastic, Graceful, Insightful, Loving and Unstoppable. I attract effortlessly WHO I AM and what I love.


Love and Family: I love spending time with my husband and daughters learning about the world. We vacation often and have incredible trips where we learn, enjoy and explore amazingness. We have time to enjoy each other and be fully present, but we also take time for ourselves. We love each other deeply, have thoughtful conversations, celebrate our success and help each other thru the failures.

Business:  I am so grateful for the excitement, challenges and rewards that my Rodan + Fields business gives to me every day. I am the leader of an amazing team and have very loyal customers who feel appreciated. I get time every day to work and inspire the men and women on my team.  It will be a source of joy that radiates into every aspect of my life including my primary career. At convention, I am wearing my blue, blingy lanyard and I am so thrilled to be a part of the leadership summit!!

Friendship: My friends are so very important for me. I have time every day to check in on everyone – a phone call or a series of texts. I’m so very grateful for their love and humor!  We find time at least once a month to all go out together for dinner or movies and drinks! We are there to support each other through hard times and celebrations!

Health: I am eating healthier and feeling great. My morning walks are a time for ME. Sometimes it is for reflection, listening to a podcast or an early morning phone call with a friend on the east coast. I wake up every morning excited to go out and hit the road. My husband is cooking fantastic meals!

Self-Care: My mental state is clear and focused; my stress levels are low. I am able to attend my monthly meetings with other women entrepreneurs where we can help each other with whatever we need in life and in our businesses. I take time to read 30 minutes every day in peace and quiet. I have conversations with friends who feel similarly to me about what we learn, feel and think.  The laws of attraction are so present in my life that it is a natural part of my time – all of the time. 

What matters most to YOU right now? 

Think of your New Year Creation exercise like a Vision Board that uses words instead of pictures. Nothing is required of you. You don’t have to make an action plan or a to-do list from the heartfelt intentions you wrote! All you have to do is EXPRESS GRATITUDE IN ADVANCE to God/the Universe for it and BELIEVE it will show up for you at the perfect time and in the perfect way.

Some of my clients like to read their New Year Creation at the beginning of each week or the first of a new month. I read mine just a few times during the year, just to stay connected to it. But you could put yours away in a drawer and not take it out until next New Years — and you will be amazed that your own subconscious mind has been conspiring with your Divine Co-Creator throughout the year to create opportunities for you to make your Big Dreams a reality.

That’s the Law of Attraction in action! So don’t delay — The BEST year of your life (so far) is just waiting for you to create it!

REMINDER: Monday evening January 13 (tomorrow) is my F.R.E.E. one-hour webinar on the FOUR STEPS to the NEW Success Formula for making your Big Goals a reality in 2020!  If you would like to attend the Zoom class live with us at 6pm Pacific OR request the replay the next day, just email me ASAP with your NAME and EMAIL and I will send you the link or phone number if you are dialing in.  You are welcome to invite a friend or teammate as well — The more, the merrier!

If you would like your own free subscription to receive this blog three Sundays a month, just go to my website and click on the Prosperity Tips button at the top.

****************** Give the Gift of Dreams Fulfilled! ********************

This New Year, give a friend, colleague or loved one a truly unique gift that can change their life — ONE HOUR of Personal Success Coaching.  It is absolutely F*R*E*E* with no obligation and no strings attached!  You can give this to as many people who will really appreciate it as you wish.  (If you haven’t been in coaching with me for awhile, feel free to claim it for YOURSELF, too!)

To schedule a F*R*E*E* HOUR of phone coaching that will help them clarify their Big Goals for the New Year and get into ACTION to make this their BEST year yet, have them email me at to schedule their session.  



July 8, 2018

“No act of kindness is too small.  The gift of kindness may start as a small ripple that over time can turn into a tidal wave affecting the lives of many.” – Kevin Heath

My friend, DJ, singer and fellow coach, Bob Perks, is one of those special people. You know someone like this too.  They seem to have an innate ability to spot overlooked people who need a little lift and give them just what they need. As a result, they attract many friends and fans who have been touched by their acts of generosity and kindness.

Bob’s innate gift – the gift of kindness – is something we all have the power to cultivate in ourselves.  If we do, we will inevitably have a positive impact on the people around us. Kindness is the #1 antidote to the apparent selfishness and meanness that seem to pervade much of social media, politics, and other elements of society today.  But you can believe this: positive energy is ALWAYS stronger than negative energy. That’s not just “woo woo” mumbo jumbo; it’s physics, folks.  But it’s up to us to USE our own positive energy to counteract any negativity we face.

Because I teach all of my clients how to use the Law of Attraction (“energy attracts like energy”) to bring them what they want more quickly and easily than hard work by itself can, I am very aware of how positive energy affects us and the people around us.  I have witnessed and personally experienced many, many examples of how making the effort to do one small kindness not only blesses the recipient, but always blesses the giver, too, usually many times over!

After living alone for many years, Bob recently moved into an apartment building for seniors.  He and his four-footed BFF, Phil, have made many friends quickly because Bob is someone who cannot suppress a smile, a cheerful “Hello” or an act of kindness like helping someone carry a heavy bag of groceries.

Recently, though, he emailed me that there is ONE person who seems impervious to his overtures of kindness. I share his words with his kind permission:

“There are approximately 200 people in this building. I haven’t met them all.  I say hello to everyone and stop to listen.  But as they world goes, there will always be one.  This woman insults my efforts.  Mocks and laughs at my intentions.  I have tried avoiding her.  I tried not speaking to her.  Neither of those gives me any pleasure.  My new plan is simply to pray for her.  In what I call ‘Disneyland in my Mind,’ I see one day winning her over.”

The next day was the Fourth of July and Bob, in his typically kind fashion, decided to create a fun event for his neighbors, after discovering that many of them had no place to go and no friends to celebrate with.  Even though his funds are limited, Bob shared with everyone who wanted to attend an all-American picnic of hot dogs, chips, soda and his homemade Mac and Cheese, at no cost to them.

Late that night, he wrote:

“This afternoon I was setting up for my hot dog extravaganza. LOL.  I looked outside and she was sitting there all alone.  I stood there and said, ‘God, I’m not asking you to change her, but please change my attitude toward her.’ 

I was in the middle of the picnic when she walked in.  This is the woman who mocked and ridiculed me and laughed at me.  She would not make eye contact, but helped herself to the food.  I was in charge of the hot dogs.  So, I stepped up and offered her one.  She took it without eye contact, of course.

I sang a few songs and people surrounded me with praise.  Someone asked me about my big show on the 18th and why I was doing it.” [Bob is throwing a much bigger party for his neighbors –complete with games, him singing their favorite music and great food — on his own birthday.]

“I stood where that woman was seated and explained, ‘Everyone here has been so welcoming, I just wanted to say thanks by using the gifts that God has given me.’

One woman said, ‘We all love you and are lucky to have you here.’ The lady would not look up at me.

Later, in the lobby after I cleaned up from the party, she was seated with a friend.  She actually said, ‘I liked that one song you played.  I should have gotten up and danced.’

I smiled and stepped into the elevator and said, ‘Thanks, God.’ 

Mind you, she is such that tomorrow she may go back to her ways. 

But today?  Today she was surrounded by love.”

It would be a storybook happy ending if Bob’s act of kindness toward this woman were instantly rewarded, she came out of her shell and they became fast friends.  But Bob knows that the “Disneyland in your mind” doesn’t always mirror real life. Today, he sent me another update:

“Yesterday, I got in the elevator.  I said, ‘Hello’ and she didn’t.  So I looked right at her and said, ‘Hello’ again.  Without looking at me, she responded. 

Something inside me boldly said, ‘When we get to the lobby may I speak with you?’ She said, ‘Will it cost me anything?’ I responded, ‘Just a few minutes of your time.’

In our conversation, I asked why she found pleasure in mocking my efforts, yet showed up for the hot dog meal on the 4th. I did not speak firmly or down to her.  I asked with a tone of concern.  Before she responded, I said, ‘Because I want you to be my friend.’

Then she looked at me.  I believe my directness stunned her and my sincerity confused her stone cold spirit.  

Turns out it was my background!  All she knew was that I had a radio show at one time.  She saw me listed as a DJ.  Apparently, she doesn’t like DJs….. 

I predict that even though I broke the wall she has built, she will most likely rebuild it in order to protect her narrow-minded assumptions and not appear at fault.  Still, I have removed a part of the wall with the only tool I know best.  

Love.  Love is always the answer.”

That’s how it may go with a few of the people you are kind to.  Most will respond to your positive energy with positive energy.  Some will appear to resist.  You may never know exactly what is going on inside of them – what their background is and what they have been through in life that has made them think and behave the way they do.

But it is my firm belief that if you resolutely continue to live your life according to YOUR values, as Bob does, you will be happy giving kindness and love to all, regardless of their response  — and eventually your kindness WILL be returned to you.  Perhaps it will come back directly from that person because your positivity will finally overcome their negativity, but it’s possible you will never get to see your kindness bear fruit in them.

We can’t control what others choose to say or do to us. But we have 100% control over how we RESPOND.  And how we respond determines who and what gets attracted to us NEXT. The Law of Attraction dictates that you can’t give love and kindness without attracting love and kindness in return.  Trust that your good thoughts, prayers and acts will create a ripple effect that will bless many others and you, as well.

Bob is certainly bathed in love, appreciation and kindness from the vast majority of his neighbors.  And I believe both Bob and I know in our hearts that eventually, “the difficult lady” will have no choice but to join them.

PLEASE NOTE: The blog will take a break next weekend, while I enjoy some fun times with my girlfriends. Hope you are having fun in the sun this summer, too! A Cup of Caroll will return on Sunday July 22.

If you or your friends would like your own F*R*E*E subscription to receive this blog three Sundays a month, just go to and click on the Prosperity Tips button at the top to enter your name and email.

****************Give Yourself the Gift of Dreams Fulfilled******************

To schedule a no-obligation, F*R*E*E hour of phone coaching that will help you clarify your Big Goals and get you into ACTION to make them a reality, please email me at today. 



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