February 4, 2024

“Every happening, great and small, is a parable whereby God speaks to us, and the art of life is to get the message.” – Malcolm Muggeridge, journalist

Did you take the time to do the exercises in the last two blogs?  I hope so!  If you want to get your 2024 off to a great start, it is time well invested to really think about the lessons you learned last year and apply them to what you want to accomplish now.  And creating your 2024 goals vividly on paper at the beginning of a new year is a sure-fire way to start the process of engaging the help of God/Universe to make your Big Dreams a reality. The only thing required of YOU is to give up worrying about the details of HOW and WHEN your dreams will manifest.

Today’s topic is about how you can more easily manifest your dreams by asking specifically for what you want and then trusting in God/The Universe to deliver it at the perfect time because Divine Timing is never one second early or one minute late.

I am sure you have experienced “perfect timing” more than once in your own life.  You probably thought in amazement how “lucky” you were, and wondered how different your life would be today if you hadn’t just “happened” to be in the right place at exactly the right time to meet the love of your life or best friend, or make a connection that opened a new opportunity to you.

I assert that it’s not luck but Divine Timing that delivered your treasure. When you learn to trust it and truly expect it to work in your favor, it does.  But if you ignore the subtle signals that you must follow to align with it, you may miss some wonderful opportunities, both big and small.

Sometimes Divine Timing works outside of our human control, or even our knowledge that it’s working.  I had an experience of that recently, when several urgent needs cropped up at once that exceeded our normal monthly family budget by a lot.  I had no idea where I would get the extra money for these necessities. So, I simply ASKED God for them, expressing gratitude in advance, which demonstrated my faith that they would come at the perfect time, even though I didn’t know HOW.

That is a key tool I learned from The Gratitude Formula by May McCarthy.  Expressing gratitude in advance of actually receiving something you ask your Higher Power for helps you to truly BELIEVE it is going to happen.  EXPECTING the BEST outcome opens your eyes to new possibilities and attracts the right people and resources to you because the Law of Attraction says that “energy attracts like energy.” You must believe it before you are going to see it.

Two and a half years ago, I received a notice in the mail that I had been included in a class action suit against my former long-term care insurance carrier.  The company had raised the rates exorbitantly without notice several years before the lawsuit was brought. I thought it was a great idea to hold the company accountable for forcing me and many other policy holders who had been paying our premiums for years to abruptly drop our coverage when we could no longer afford it. But I was in the middle of moving when I got the notice and life was hectic, so I filed it away and pretty much forgot about it.

Occasionally, the lawyers representing the class action group would email me an update that there had been a delay in the lawsuit for one reason or another.  I was busy and it was out of my control anyway, so I just filed the updates away and didn’t think more about it.

Then, on January 18, just a couple of weeks after I had ASKED God for a way to pay for the items I needed that were beyond my normal sources of income, I went out to the mailbox and found a settlement check for $6,700. I had done NOTHING to make that money appear, but I recognized that it was the answer to my prayer and that the timing could not have been more perfect for my needs.  It had been in process a long time, but it was not one second late for what I needed when I needed it.  That’s Divine Timing in action.

Most of the time, though, I’ve found that Divine Timing works through you.  It starts as an inner “nudge” – like the whisper of a “still, small voice” that the Scriptures talk about.  I believe your Higher Power uses your intuition, or inner wisdom, to direct you to the solution you need.  This happens to me frequently.  Because I am human, sometimes I ignore the whisper and then regret it.  But because I regularly remind my coaching clients to listen to that divine whisper, I am more aware of it and I try to follow its directions myself.  I am always rewarded when I do.

One recent example of this is when I randomly came across an online article titled “How to Unclog a Drain in 3 Easy Steps.”  I didn’t have a clogged drain and wasn’t worried about having one, but an inexplicable inner urge told me to print it out and save it.

Exactly one month later, out of the blue, my husband told me my bathroom sink was clogged.  He had used a tool to dig out some gunk but water was still standing in it for a long time before it would drain.  He suggested we call a plumber because the pipe under the sink probably needed to be removed and cleaned out, which was beyond our home remedy capabilities. That’s when my subconscious mind (which never forgets anything we do or hear or see) suddenly reminded me of the article I filed away about how to unclog a drain and save a lot of money on professional plumbing.

The first step listed was “Start with a Plunger.” (They don’t call it a “Plumber’s Helper” for nothing!)  I got a plunger and followed the instructions (except I skipped “put on goggles.”) In about 10 seconds, the clog was cleared and the water was running freely down the drain. I had just saved us whatever large fee plumbers are charging these days to make a house call and undoubtedly do the exact same thing.

A far bigger, smarter Mind than mine knew what I was going to need before I needed it, and I am so glad I followed that inner nudge to do something that made no sense to me at the time.

Best practice: Avoid the Ego’s desire to force your own limited view of the right HOW and WHEN on a situation.  Instead, stop, get quiet and call on your Higher Power to show you the right actions to take at the right time. Demonstrate your trust by following the Divine Directions you receive (even when they don’t make sense to you). If you don’t get an immediate answer, be patient. Ask again each day until you do. Stay quiet and keep an open mind. The answer WILL come to you…. or from someone or something outside of you. If you follow this path consistently, I promise you will begin to experience being in the flow of life, manifesting everything you truly need and desire with greater ease and speed than you might now imagine is possible.

P.S. I HIGHLY recommend The Gratitude Formula by May McCarthy, which will teach you a simple, sure-fire method of connecting with your own personal source of Spiritual Guidance each morning that will provide you with actionable direction for every facet of your daily life. With just a few minutes a day of consistent practice, you will begin to see Divine Timing showing up in everything you do.


“Caroll, of all the coaching programs I’ve ever done, working with you was by far the most productive. First, you really took the time to get to know me and my life, so your approach was always targeted to my needs. You had me set specific, measurable goals, then helped me with clear suggestions and actions I could take in small bites that I could handle.  You taught me to make time for myself with a morning mindset practice that gave me daily focus and direction. It helped me gain clarity on what I really wanted and empowered the Divinity inside me to help me achieve my Big Goals.  Most of all, your coaching helped me to overcome my fears and limiting beliefs and step up to be a Servant Leader who helps others achieve their goals. You have a great ability to help people “steer their ship” with confidence and integrity and I am so grateful.” – Mary W., Entrepreneur 


If a qualified mechanic offered you a F.R.E.E., no-strings, tune up for your car, would you accept? How about a F.R.E.E. mindset tune-up from a certified Personal Success Coach?  I am offering to help you pursue your Big Goals for 2024 with greater ease, speed and success. No strings attached.  Slots are very limited. For a F.R.E.E. one-hour phone coaching session, contact me right away: caroll@practicalprosperitycoach.com

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